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How would you like to be cooked?
Started by chuck_roastt761343
12 Replies    14207 Views
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How would you like to be cooked?
Others have asked this question before but not quite in this way, I think.

In your fantasies, do you want to be cooked alive? Or would you rather be killed before you are cooked?

If the latter, by what method would you like to be executed?



Shot be a firing squad?

Choked by a garotte device?

Choked from the inside out in a gas chamber?



Suffocated by lethal injection?


Strangled manually? by a garotte rope?

Please feel free to offer other suggestions. I would enjoy hearing them, adding them to my list, fantasizing, and hoping.


« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 10:07:23 PM by chuck_roastt761343 »

  • Read 14207 times
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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
being cooked alive would be good if possible, with this i would prefer the luau method with a slight difference. light a fire in the pit and place the stones to warm through. wrap me in banana leaves and place me on the stones to slowly cook. the one difference is thati want my head to be outside the pit so i can breathe and survive as long as possible. this will also give my chef(s) to use my mouth
meatgirl for butcher/chef

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
Being slowly cooked alive in a luau pit with my head exposed also sounds good to me, I would only add having a bevy of lovely femcans hula dancing around the oven and smiling down at me, blowing me kisses as I am baked...   
Fated to be Femcan fodder...

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
being cooked alive would be good if possible, with this i would prefer the luau method with a slight difference. light a fire in the pit and place the stones to warm through. wrap me in banana leaves and place me on the stones to slowly cook. the one difference is thati want my head to be outside the pit so i can breathe and survive as long as possible. this will also give my chef(s) to use my mouth

How exciting! In my fantasies, I would love to be cooked that way, too! And your name indicates that you have already accepted your fate of being cooked and eaten! So have I! For both of us, I hope we cook well and taste good when we are eaten! A highly desirable fate!

« Last Edit: November 16, 2021, 06:19:30 PM by chuck_roastt761343 »

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
gutted alive hung by ankles and gutted slow and left to drain as they  gut me

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
I want to be alive but numbed-no pain- to watch as the Femcans remove my sexual organs, cook and consume them as I watch.  I then want them to cut out cook and consume other organs while I watch while I am still alive. After I am gone, I want them to remove my remaining organs, eyes and tongue to be cooked and eaten separately. The rest of me to be carved up into nice pieces of meat to be cooked on the grill and eaten over time with nothing remaining.

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
Roasting alive as a turkey in an oven for sure. maybe even still alive as my meat is carved and being swallowed by the femcans and i die as i'm eaten. then finished off in leftover sandwiches. Also being a tiny shrunken man and eaten in a sandwich piece by piece alive would be lovely too.
A turkey for the femcans feast and leftover sandwiches!

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
I’d like to be whacked over the head with a meat tenderizer. Then as my body twitches, hoisted up by my feet on meat hooks. Then stripped naked. All my chest hair and body hair removed so I can be processed like a proper long pig. Then bled out. My chest meat buttered up with oil butter and Italian seasoning. Then either ground into burger meat or steaks for the grill. My arms and legs turned into kebabs for a gas station to customers. As an athletic, young professional, my meat displays all my masculinity. Full of salty man meat to serve. Once I’m limbless, put my torso that’s been gutted on a meat hook for the smoke house.

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
I want to be caught by a femcan, tied up, slowly slaughtered, cooked, and eaten.

Before that, she torture me first. Smother by her ass, and want me cleaned up her asshole. Strangle me by her bare hand.

i like to be cooked in oven, whole body
« Last Edit: March 26, 2022, 09:34:31 PM by Arry »

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
All excellent ideas! Does anyone have more to share?

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
Well, there are only 3 ways for me to be cooked if I had a preference.   Two of them would be included being tied to a rotisserie and being roasted over a fire.  The other way would be put in a BBQ with the lid closed around me.  But my favourite method would be oven cooked and served like a turkey or a pig (longpig in this case).
Oink, oink.

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
Live spit roasted and as i am cooking they are cutting me up starting with my penis and testicles

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Re: How would you like to be cooked?
I never directly answered this question though I did post something similar in my introductory post. The following fantasy is based upon that older post. Enjoy!


In my fantasies, I want to be a slave dominated by a small group of women. I want them to command me, to demand that I do anything they want to them and for them, and I am very humbly honored and happy to do so, for I am nothing without them, without their commands, without their demands, without their domination, without their power of life and death over me. I fear them and I serve them, and I want them to serve me for dinner, that is, I want them to hang me, cook me, and eat me.

I will wear a white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down oxford cloth dress shirt when they indict me, try me, convict me, sentence me to death, hang me, cook me, and eat me. The dominatrix cannibal Hangwomen & Cooks will also wear white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down oxford cloth dress shirts throughout the entire fantasy. I want to hear the Chief Hangwoman & Cook, who is also the Chief Judge, speak the words as she wears a white shirt and a tie. "Chuck Roast, you have been found guilty as charged. The penalty is death. You will wear a white shirt and a tie when you are executed. You are sentenced to be hanged by the neck until you are dead while you are wearing a white shirt and a necktie cinched tightly around your neck like a noose. After you have been hanged, you will be cooked and eaten by the Hangwomen & Cooks while you are wearing the same delicious white shirt and tie that you were wearing when you were hanged!"

While I am in prison waiting to be hanged, I want the Hangwomen & Cooks to command me to work hard so that the demanding, difficult, and continual physical labor will keep me in great shape, not muscle-bound but trim and muscular in my arms, my legs, my chest, my abdomen, my ribs, my hips, and my gluteals.
The Hangwomen & Cooks will command some of their other male slaves to serve as Assistant Hangmen & Cooks to assist them in hanging me and cooking me, which they will eagerly and swiftly do. As slaves of the Hangwomen & Cooks, they wear white shirts and ties as they execute their orders on their way to executing me. As slaves of the Hangwomen & Cooks, they, too, might be hanged, prepared, cooked, and eaten, and thus, they fear the Hangwomen & Cooks.

Under the command and supervision of the Hangwomen & Cooks assisted by the Assistant Hangmen & Cooks, I will perform hard labor for them. I will work as a slave on their farm and help them grow, and tend, and harvest the fruits, the vegetables, and the grains that they will use to feed me so that I will grow healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger, more and more muscular, more and more attractive, more and more desirable, more and more edible, more and more delicious, more and more ready to be hanged, cooked, and eaten.

At each step along my progression from slave to gallows, to meat, to kitchen, to oven, to table, to main course, the Hangwomen & Cooks who own me and dominate me will become more cannibalistic, more ravenous, more frenzied, and more eager to hang me so that they can prepare me, and cook me, and eat me.

I want the Hangwomen & Cooks to dominate me and to command me to work out with weights 3 sessions/week * 2 hours/session to enhance my muscle-meat for their ultimate consumption as they become even more ravenous, more frenzied, and more eager to hang me so that they can prepare me, and cook me, and eat me.

I want them to dominate me and to command me to run 5-10 miles/day to improve my health and fitness, and to enhance my muscle-meat as they become even more cannibalistic, more ravenous, more frenzied, and more eager to hang me so that they can  cook me and eat me.

I want them to feed me a special diet that will cleanse, purify, and detoxify my body and especially my muscle-meat, a diet that will enhance my muscle-meat and its flavor, to make me tastier and more delicious as they become even more ravenous, more frenzied, and more eager to hang me so that they can cook me, and eat me.

The special diet that the Hangwomen & Cooks feed me will include fresh potatoes, fruits, and vegetables from their farms, the very farms that I worked on, produce that, having no additives or preservatives, will help purify and detoxify my body and especially my muscle-meat because they want to taste me, to taste my man-meat when they eat me, and not any additives and preservatives that I have eaten.

The special diet that the Hangwomen & Cooks feed me will also include roasted soybeans, which are full of protein, and textured vegetable protein made from soybeans that looks and tastes like meat, and that protein will enhance the protein that is my muscle-meat. However, the Hangwomen & Cooks will feed me no meat as they ready me to be hanged, cooked, and eaten because they want to taste me, to taste my man-meat when they eat me and not the meat of animals that I have eaten, for man-meat is highly desired as uniquely flavorful, much tastier than ordinary animal meat, and they do not want to taint the gourmet delight that is my man-meat.

The special diet that the Hangwomen & Cooks feed me will also include special caramels that will make my man-meat even sweeter and more delicious.

I want the Hangwomen & Cooks to dominate me and to command me to submit humbly, and without resistance or objection to being weighed and measured by them as they daily track my progress from slave to gallows, to drop, to meat, to kitchen, to oven, to table, to main course .

And when the Hangwomen & Cooks judge that I am ready, and as they become even more ravenous, more frenzied, and more eager to hang me so that they can cook me and eat me, I want them to dress me in special hanging clothes that they have chosen for me—a tasteful and tasty, white, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress hanging shirt; a tasteful and tasty, striped red, navy, or black, silk hanging necktie that darkly foreshadows the noose that will soon be around my neck and from which I will soon be hanging, soon be dangling, and soon be swinging like a pendulum after I have been hanged; tasteful and tasty navy dress hanging slacks; and  black socks; and black leather dress boots.

The Hangwomen & Cooks will be dressed similarly in white, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirts; striped red, navy, or black, silk necktie ties; and red, navy, or black skirts. The Assistant Hangmen & Cooks will be dressed as I am dressed in white, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirts; striped red, navy, or black, silk necktie ties; and navy or black slacks.

When the Hangwomen & Cooks have dressed me in my hanging clothes, and as they salivate with ravenous anticipation, I want them ultimately and finally to hang me and cook me in my hanging clothes.

When the Hangwomen & Cooks have hanged me, I want them to cook me eat me while I am still wearing the delicious white shirt and tie that I was wearing when I was hanged.

When the Hangwomen & Cooks eat me, they will ask the Assistant Hangmen & Cooks to share in eating me to reward them for their loyalty, their obedience, their service, and their hard work.

I forgive the Hangwomen & Cooks for hanging me, cooking me, and eating me because I know that they can do no other, that they must hang me, cook me, and eat me because that’s what Dominatrix Cannibal Hangwomen & Cooks do to the men that they own and dominate, that they hunger for, that they want to cook and eat, for I am their property and their slave, and I live and die to serve them as they will soon serve me for dinner.

I sincerely and fervently hope that I hang well and cook well; that my man-meat is nutritious, healthful, delicious, satisfying, and stomach-filling; and that all the work that they have done to hang me, cook me, and eat me is worth all their effort and my sacrifice, which I was humbly, honored, and happy to make because they own me, they command me, they dominate me, and because I lived, worked hard, strove, prepared, and died to serve them, as they soon will serve me for dinner.

And I am looking for a female cannibal or chef, or a male cannibal or chef for fantasy RP. Fantasy, and fantasy only.
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.