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Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 19
« on: June 02, 2024, 07:52:04 PM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 19

“Let’s skewer the sinner! Skewer the sinner!”

“No--let’s bake his buns! Bake his buns!”

Such was the full-throated debate conducted by the theological throng of voracious vixens as they paraded Plumpkins around the dining hall upon their comely shoulders. All that remained of him now  was his head and torso helplessly riding upon an ornate silver platter. And thanks to the kitchen crew’s previous palate pleasing preparations, he was also tenderly trussed up inside a cozy netting of butcher’s twine.

Prioress Painette soon saw that her famished flock would never agree upon a single method of preparation for the evening's flavorful fare…so she declared with the wisdom of Solomon “He shall be both BBQ’d and baked!” She pointed ominously toward a fireplace at the center of the hall “Slide him onto the roaster spit!” 

Awaiting Plumpkins was a horrifying combination brick baking oven and barbecue pit with a cruel pile of burning oak roaring within, heating the blistering brickwork red hot! As each brand of fiercely snapping and popping firewood crumbled into embers, attentive young novitiates raked the gleaming coals into a trough that paralleled a long wicked steel skewering spit extending through the center.

And along the glowing gutter’s satanic sides were seated the entire gang of bully girls--each of them vigorously pumping upon her very own huffing and puffing bellows, aiming directly into searing cinders! They giggled at each other boisterously and made a riotous game of who could get her section of the tray the most torrid. The youngest bully girl smiled mischievously at Plumpkins as she  vigorously contested with the others to get her section of his coal-bed the hottest…   

Then the sturdily buxom Sister Burndicka stepped up to the hellish contrivance and grasped the glowing hot skewer within thick leather mitt clad hands and removed it from the bearing fixtures. Holding her prize with flourish, she displayed it before Plumpkins with pitiless disdain and said with a sneer “THIS will teach you to defile a sacred temple of the Saintress--you disgusting, degenerate, licentiousness little PERVERT!”

The no-nonsense nun then stridently strode to a position directly behind him and commenced to forcefully slide the scorching spit up his helpless rectum. All the while, the cooking crew held Plumpkins firmly in position by tightly clinging to the butcher twine truss.

A raucous roar of rowdy delight arose from all the ravenous raving beauties as Plumpkins screeched out “YEEEEEHEEEEHEEEEOOOOOOOWWWCHOOOWWCHOOOWWCH!!!!” His limbless torso violently thrashed and twisted about like a writhing worm as the mercilessly determined Sister Burndicka relentlessly shoved her sputtering spear ever further--searing through him like a blast of erupting lava! She crossly muttered to herself with each pitiless push “This is just exactly what I’ve been waiting for…” and each spiteful shove    “…its about time you got your just desserts!”                                 

Plumpkins’ outcries instantly ceased as the searing spit suddenly sprang out from his mouth to sizzle energetically atop the tongue and upon the lips tightly wrapped around it’s girth. The only noises he could manage now were pathetic whimpers and moans as gushing tears cascaded over his cheeks.

Sister Burndicka removed her mitts with satisfaction and placed her hands on her ample hips. “NOW THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!” She permitted herself a gratified smile as she gazed upon his sufferings. “Your days of depraved decadence are done!” She then continued to cluck quietly to herself with the contented conviction of a job well done!         

The bully girls gleefully left from pumping their bellows to gather around close to Plumpkins’ agony contorted face. They eagerly offered ironically exaggerated expressions of mock sympathy like “Awwww…does poor Plumpo-wumpo hurty-wurty?” and “Does you have an owwwie?”

Then the youngest bully girl suggested helpfully “Maybe we should kiss hims on the forehead and make hims feel all better…”                     
The entire gorgeous gathering burst out with raucous laughter at that. When the merriment finally died down Prioress Painette declared “What say we get dinner cooking--those coals aren’t getting any hotter…”

The cooking crew stepped up to slide a two pronged spit-fork onto the shaft from the rear and buried the points deep into Plumpkins’ rump cheeks to hold him from slipping. They then hefted the entire entree up and set it back upon the rotisserie bearings inside the baking oven/barbecue pit combo. As the final item a manual crank handle was fastened upon the front end, providing the victim an excellent view of the spit-turner.

The youngest bully girl immediately volunteered for that happy task! She comfortably settled onto the well-cushioned leather stool provided and leaned in for a good look at the implacably torrid heat of the oven/barbecue beginning to hungrily caress the helpless Plumpkins.

A whimsical notion came to her and she began to blow kisses to Plumpkins and make ridiculous mugs at him as she turned the crank, to all the watchers amusement. Several pretty young novitiates, no longer needed for coal-raking duty, eagerly joined the fun. Soon a boisterous bevy of roisterously rowdy beauties were putting on a silly show before him--providing Plumpkins a most pleasant diversion while his sizzling flesh progressed steadily into cooked meat…                   

To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 18
« on: January 08, 2024, 12:06:16 AM »

Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 18

Oh sinful flesh, Oh sinful flesh,

How savory art thou wafting scent.

Oh sinful flesh, Oh sinful flesh,

How savory art thou wafting scent.

A toothsome treat have you become,

Soon to digest within my tum

Oh sinful flesh, Oh sinful flesh,

How savory art thou wafting scent.

The entire kitchen brigade joyfully sang with exquisitely angelic voices as they formed a palate pleasing procession carrying the batter becrispened Plumpkins upon their comely shoulders into the crowded Dining Hall. He was still secured inside the Cookery Truss, looking as if he were royalty riding a litter.

All the boisterous conversation among the young loveys seated within instantly halted. Their mesmerizing mouths watered, luscious lips smacked and alluring eyes avariciously watched every action as Plumpkins was removed from the imprisoning truss and gently set upon an ornate banquet table’s enormous silver serving platter. Every occupant’s avid appetite became ardently aroused with evermore eager anticipation.

A sturdy trolley cart richly draped with thick red velvet then rolled up. It was heavily laden with an astonishing selection of carving, slicing and chef knives of the finest make and accompanied by an extensive collection of the most wicked looking meat cleavers and bone saws ever assembled.

Everything was proudly presented in the most elegant looking display case--an assortment of butcher implements, accumulated from around the world and over the countless centuries, that could put even the best equipped abattoir to shame.

All were fondly cared for and ceaselessly sharpened by the current owner--a renown butchery aficionado and blade obsessed aichmomaniac--none other than The Grand Inquisitrix herself! She contentedly maneuvered her beloved collection of slicery up alongside Plumpkins, to provide him a close view as she expertly selected her choice of utensils for the happy task ahead. She smiled with quite satisfaction at the look of shear terror on Plumpkins’ face as he observed her preparations.

Dominique’s earliest duty as a Daughters of Devourment novice was apprenticing in her convent’s kitchen and helping with the culinary carving. As it turned out, she happened to have quite an aptitude for carvery and a postive passion for cutting up a penitent’s still living flesh. To this day, in addition to her official duties as Grand Inquisitrix, she always enjoys keeping a hand in the salvational slicement of the sinners who cross her table.

The Grand Inquisitrix was to be assisted by Confessional Coven members Sister Sadistina and Sister Burndicka, who each selected a slicer for herself and began industriously honing the edge with a sharpening steel. The willowy Sister Sadistina gave a broad beaming smile of unmitigated cruelty as she caught Plumpkins’ eye, while  the buxom Sister Burndicka glared at him with all the harsh man hating hatred of an entire army of amazons.

All three butcheresses were resplendent in flowing black leather culinary gowns, replete with large puffed sleeves and topped by frilled and ruffled black leather cooking aprons. Tall pleated black leather chef toques adorned their heads. Sharp metal spikes projected out from all the seams of their garments and from the backs of their elegant black kid gloves.

Meanwhile, all the banqueters rose from their seats armed with fine china plates and formed into lines at each of Plumpkins’ limbs. Sisters Sadistina and Burndicka each took position at a leg, while Dominique placed herself between his arms.

Using an elegant butcher knife as a pointer, the Grand Inquisitrix instructed the novices present regarding the proper apportioning of Plumpkins. “Always begin slicing off pieces from the very end first, and work your way up.” She poked the sharp tip into one of his hands. “That way the sinner can feel each cut as you go.”

She whacked off his left hand and placed it on the youngest bully girl’s plate with an indulgent smile. Her fellow butcherettes each likewise carved off a foot and then proceeded up Plumpkins’ legs one thin slice at a time as they served the hungry throng.

Dominique deftly doled out divvies from both arms as Plumpkins watched with whimpering horror. He was being relentlessly whittled down from both ends, until soon he was turned into just a writhing torso and a chorus of munching, crunching and occasional yummy noises from his voracious devouresses.       
The Grand Inquisitrix then produced a meat branding ink marker and proceeded to outline and label the various cuts of meat on the remainder of Plumpkins’ body. Once again using her knife as a pointer, she gave an after meal lecture for the novices regarding the merits and preparation of each.

Finally the dissertation drew to a close “...and as you can see, our sinner not only has a plump and luscious round well suited for a rump roast…”she gave his backside a sharp poke, producing a yelp “…he also provides ample chuck, sirloin and brisket for the keen diner’s plate.”

Prioress Painette took over the assembly at that point “Now then ladies, we have an important decision--would we prefer our sinner to be baked alive in the oven like ham, or roasted alive on a spit like BBQ?”

A great hubbub arose as the comely crowd conferred on the topic… 

To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 17
« on: November 14, 2023, 09:35:03 AM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.
Episode 17

Plumpkins’ arms and legs were just about to be deep fried into fleshy fritters when Sister Ravenousetta and Prioress Painette 
suddenly burst into the scene and called out "Wait, wait, wait--stop immediately!" frantically waving their hands.

Plumpkins craned his neck upward to try and see what all the commotion was, hardy daring to hope that perhaps his limbs 
were to be spared from being turned into tempura.

Sister Ravenousetta confronted the Head Sister Chef and declared "How could you break your promise?"

There was a puzzled silence until the Head Sister Chef’s eyebrows rose in recollection and she acknowledged
 "Ah yes--of course. You’re quite right, how forgetful of me…"

 Prioress Painette then spoke up "And what about proper decorum--have you also forgotten about etiquette and tradition?"

The Head Sister Chef bowed with contrition "Forgive me sisters, this sinner’s exceptional succulence drove me to lose sight
 of my manners." She then handed the hoist’s pull chain to Sister Ravenousetta. "I did promise that you would have the next 
turn at being the Fry Cook of Faith."

Prioress Painette promptly produced a book of hymns from the folds of her habit. "And the Saintress would certainly be 
wanting us to follow proper rites and sanctify this blessed blistering and salvational sizzling of sinfull skin with a song. 
Please sing with me sisters..."

There was a rustle as the gathering pulled out their own copies.

Sister Ravenousetta leaned in close to Plumpkins' face and gave an affectionate pinch to his cheek. "A sinner being boiled 
alive in oil has always been my very favoritemost of rites!" She tugged on the chain to lower him in.

A bubbling roar arose from the two deep fry tubs as Plumpkins' batter beglopped extremities settled into their blistering 
oil baths. His naked torso, suspended in the space between them, received an overspray of searing spatters upon his 
bare skin.

Then a hellacious heat penetrated the rapidly crisping paste on his limbs, transforming the soft tender flesh within
into crunchy cracklings!

Plumpkins howled out a prolonged horrified scream of excruciation! Unbearable agony and utter anguish overcame 
him as he helplessly experienced his living tissue being relentlessly transformed into cooking meat.

Hopelessly, he was even denied the mercy of death by virtue of having his vital organs, contained safe within the 
uncooked trunk of his body, being spared from the cruel heat.

His piteous outcry was eagerly joined by the joyous voices of the gathered sisterhood as they cheerfully burst into song:

Dunk dunk dunk this sinner into deep fry oil...

Sizzle him, sizzle him, sizzle him--hear it sputter and boil!

They sang it over and over in the form of a round, like "Row row Your Boat."

The bully girls and younger novitiates became absolutely ecstatic, dancing and whirling about hand in hand, giggling and tittering gleefully as they sang in accompaniment to the caterwauling Plumpkins.

When the Head Sister Chef was at last satisfied that Plumpkins' flesh had become sufficiently crispened, she signaled  for Sister Ravenousetta to raise him out from the cooking oil tubs.

The previous screaming settled down to just blubbering and sobbing bawls from Plumpkins as he gave into utter 
despair at becoming a banquet of living tempura.

Prioress Painette smacked her lips and declared "Inform the entire sisterhood that the appetizer will shortly be 
being served in the Dining Hall."

An awed silence instantly fell upon the kitchenry as they surveyed the scrumptious sight before them. They  breathed in deeply to savor the mouthwatering scent wafting from the cooked portions of Plumpkins...

To be continued...

Other / Re: Hungry Hell's Angel-azons
« on: November 14, 2023, 09:05:19 AM »
Youtube has it.

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 16
« on: August 31, 2023, 11:11:14 PM »

Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.
Episode 16

Trapped securely within the embrace of the Cookery Truss, Plumpkins’ arms and legs were implacably held by it’s unyielding metal framework. The gastronomic gear’s rigid exoskeleton held his torso level  while clamping all four limbs in the downward position with joints bent to the horizontal.

His taunting tormentresses were dangling him directly above two torrid tubs precisely positioned  under each side’s extremities, and separated by a wide gap in between for his torso. The snapping, popping flames beneath each were being expertly sustained to keep the agitated aqua within them at the perfect scalding simmer.

The Head Sister Chef addressed her tittering students. “You’ll notice that only his limbs will be being cooked at this point--we’re saving the rest of him for later. That helps prolong the sinner's life (and suffering) during the cooking and consumption processes.”

The youngest bully girl enthusiastically raised a hand and eagerly asked “Can I be the one to lower Plumpo in?”               
“Of course!” the Head Sister Chef nodded approvingly “In fact, each of you shall have a turn--a proper parboiling always takes several dire dunks!”

The hand chain of the hoist suspending Plumpkins was avidly grasped by the youngest bully girl. She gleefully began pulling on the clanking contraption’s control to lower the load chain hooked to the Cookery Truss.

Downward Plumpkins descended until she halted him just barely above the pair of Parboiling Tubs--so close that the searing steam billowing off them caused him to bellow with distress as the flesh of his arms and legs, helplessly imprisoned within the Cookery Truss, blenched reflexively.

“Come now Plumpo--that’s no way for a proper Penitent to act!” the youngest bully girl chided derisively “What would the Saintress think?” She suddenly plunged Plumpkins in to just above the knees and elbows, then ever so slowly lowered him the rest of the way until the limbs were completely submerged.                     

“WOWOWOW--OWOWOWOWO--HOWOWCHYO!WCH--OWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!” was Plumpkins’ only reply.

After a minute or so of such carryings on, the Head Sister Chef signaled for him to be raised out of the tubs of torment and the youngest bully girl reluctantly obliged.

“Very nice coloring…” the Head Sister Chef remarked as she attentively inspected the redness of Plumpkins’ scalded flesh. Reaching over to his thigh, she gave a vigorous pinch and declared “You are going to make a most excellent meal, Mr. Plumpkins! I am certain the Saintress will be very much pleased!”

She then turned to the gathered cooking academy students and asked “Alright then, who is next on the chain hoist?” The young ladies all raised up hands.

After an order for proceeding was determined, a line was formed and each got a turn at dunking poor Plumpkins. It soon became a raucous game to see who could make the best sport out of his predicament. They each vied for timing his submersions the most teasingly, and who’s bantering wordplay and taunts at him were the wittiest. Soon the entire kitchen crew were partaking in the rowdy fun.

All the while, the Head Sister Chef remained ever diligent in her duties. She was quite punctilious regarding the proper preparation of this sinner's meat. It wouldn’t do at all to have flesh as scrumptiously succulent and teethsinkingly tender as Plumpkins’ be toughened from overcooking!

After each partial parboilment , she meticulously monitored his progress toward mouthwatering meathood with an assiduous inspection of any and all appetizing aspects. At last, after his flesh achieved a bright red florid flush, she declared to be Plumpkins ready for the next phase. “Move him to the Battering Tubs…”

Two tubs arranged similarly to the Parboiling Tubs, but filled with a cool viscous white liquid of blended flour and eggs, were located at the next station of the torture kitchen. Plumpkins was rolled along the overhead track into position above them.

“A proper battering requires an expert’s touch…” Head Sister Chef opined sagely “So, it's best that I handle this step myself.” She signaled to her kitchen staff members, who poured several large pitchers of beer into both tubs. They stirred vigorously with large paddles until the amber effervescent liquid was thoroughly mixed in.

“The beer always should be added to the batter at just the very last moment--to ensure a deep-fry that’s light, fluffy and has a palate pleasing crunch!” She blithely advised her disciples.

Grasping the hoist's hand chain, the Head Sister Chef lowered Plumpkins into the tubs to immerse his arms and legs completely just as before. In contrast to the blisterous boiling contents of the previous pair of tubs, the fizzy concoction contained within these actually felt soothing to him as it adhered to his afflicted flesh. But this brief sojourn of soaking was not done for succor…     

All too soon Plumpkins was raised out from the batter, which clung to his limbs like gloppy glue. He was then quickly trollied along to one of the torture kitchen’s most popular positions of pain--the deep fryer! Once again there were two parallel tubs, each heated by carefully tended crackling flames. Within them boiling olive oil sizzled--spattering and sputtering eagerly as he helplessly hung suspended above.
Plumpkins whimpered with terror when the chain hoist began lowering him down with clanks and clinks as the Head Sister Chef cheerfully tugged on the hand chain… 
To be continued…


Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 15
« on: June 21, 2023, 03:11:59 AM »

Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.
Episode 15

Plumpkins’ plaintive blubbering and futile begging for mercy was interrupted only by his frantically screaming each time the satanic slicer swung down it’s singeing serrations--sawing sliver by sizzling sliver from his diminishing dong.

In contrast to his anguish , the convent’s entire sisterhood was ecstatic--swept up by religious rapture! They were transformed into a bevy of beatific beauties, all fervently reciting the refrain “Ave Saintress Severina…Ave Saintress Severina…Ave Saintress Severina…” an endlessly chanting queue of charmers, each awaiting her sacramental slice of Plumpkins.

But even for the devoted Daughters of Devourment, the profound pleasure produced by inflicting the Pendulectulum’s punishing penance upon Plumpkins couldn’t last forever… 

Finally, each congregation member had received her share of the sacrament, and Plumpkins no longer had any of his manhood left. The time had come when the pendulum blade must cease.

Per the most Holy Revelations of Saintress Severena, the penultimate Penectotine punishment of Plumpkins had been achieved--the time had now arrived at last for his succulent flesh to be devoured as final penance and earn him consummate salvation and his soul everlasting eternity within her Divine Dungeon!

“The Confessional Ceremony is completed!” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique declared with finality. She turned to The Head Sister Chef and said with satisfaction “Make all preparations for the Salvation Feast…”

All the alluring assemblage smacked their lips with epicurean anticipation and gave each other knowing smiles regarding the upcoming sumptuous repast as they filed out from the Inquisition Arena.
The Confessional Coven disentangled the disconsolate Plumpkins from the merciless clutches of the Penectotine and promptly remanded him into the kindly custody of the convent’s cook staff.

“Place Mr. Plumpkins into the Cookery Truss.” the Head Sister Chef happily instructed her minions.

They merrily peeled Plumpkins out of the punishment suit and zealously clamped the quivering naked meat of his body into the metal framework of the truss. It’s rigid bars held his limbs firmly in the position of being as if he were bent over crawling upon all fours.

The sturdier members of the culinary gang hefted the structure of the cooking contrivance onto their shoulders and ebulliently bustled him off to the awaiting Kitchenary. Plumpkins was ceaselessly pinched, poked and squeezed mercilessly as all of them marveled mouthwateringly at his tender juiciness…   

It took an special sort of sadist to be a member of the Daughters of Devourment kitchen crew. Not only did they possess all the ruthless cruelty of the Confessional Coven, but they also had a keen enthusiasm for transforming man flesh into tasty, fulsome, hearty meals and a gourmand’s exuberant passion for the consumption of same!

Upon arrival at the convent kitchen, the Cookery Truss imprisoning Plumpkins was hung at the center from a chain hoist trolley crane rolling along an extensive overhead track. It was complete with spurs leading to the separate cooking stations at each of the kitchen's extensive assortment of cruel culinary contraptions.

Meawhile, a cooking academy of novitiates, including all the bully girls, had eagerly filed in to closely observe the proceedings.

They were addressed by the Head Sister Chef. “It has long been a Daughters of Devourment tradition that every effort be made to keep a sinner alive during the entire cooking process and for as long as possible while he’s being devoured.” She gave the attendees a knowing smile. “This isn’t just for the entertainment value…”

A guffaw arose as the audience gave each other amused looks.

She continued “Saintress Severena, in her infinite wisdom, long ago determined that the more severe a sinner’s suffering, the more perfect his penance and sacred his salvation!”

The experienced nuns of the kitchen staff all sagely nodded their concurrence.

“And in fact…” the Head Sister Chef continued “our order of nuns has spent the past several centuries perfecting our procedures and techniques, until we can now claim with great pride--no sinner’s suffering has ever ended from his death occurring even one second before we permitted it!”

A great cheer arose from the gathering as Plumpkins dangled defenselessly above the savagely carnivorous congregation.

Plumpkins was then rolled by the gregarious galley gang over to hang above each cooking position, for a bird's eye view and a cheerfully provided complete description of it’s function. This was continued until the attending novitiates received a complete explanation of the entire cooking chamber of horrors. (As an added benefit, this also gave Plumpkins a sort of “refresher” course for his previous tour of the torture kitchen.) 

“And this is always the starting point for a successfully succulent salvation…” the Head Sister Chef had her minions halt Plumpkins over two narrow metal tubs of water at a roiling bubbling boil. “our Parboiling Trays.”                                                     

To be continued…


Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.
Episode 14

Intermission was over and the eyes of the returning throng were greeted by the most thrilling of spectacles in all of torturedom--the Pendulectulum! Far more cruel than any mere pendulum blade swinging within a pit, such as the one that Poe imagined--this was a devilishly destructive device that excelled even the most feverish man’s nightmares!

Only the most man-hatingest of female minds could ever conceive this most harrowing of hell-spawned horrors--namely, none other than Saintress Severina! And of course her countless cohorts of cruelty, the Daughters of Devourment, who then applied their iniquitous ingenuity to further refine and perfect it over the centuries…

This punishing pendulum’s wicked weapon swung on a short arm from a low wooden framework fastened to the Penectotine’s front. The serrated blade edge of this spine-chilling slicer was topped by a metal tray brimming with glowing charcoal--functioning as a firebox to heat the steel of the entire carving contraption to a cherry red.

The Coven’s two young apprentices broadly grinned at the helpless Plumpkins and each vigorously pumped upon bellows aimed into the live coals--having a mischievous game of which could make them hotter. Finally, after the pendulum blade had been brought to a luminous orange, the Grand Inquisitrix Dominique nodded with satisfaction. “Conduct the test.” she said tersely.

A fresh cucumber was placed upon the Pendulectulum’s cutting board by The High Torturess and she commenced the pendulum to swinging. Each whistling stroke brought the blade lower and lower until it carved off a sizzling sliver of instantly cooked wafer thin vegetable flesh.

Despite being snugly bound, Plumpkins’ entire body shuddered with a toe curling wince at the sight. 

“Mr. Plumpkins gets the idea!” Sister Ravenousetta said with a chuckle, much to the amusement of all within earshot--even Grand Inquisitrix Dominique couldn’t help smiling quietly.

The Grand Inquisitrix then nodded toward Prioress Painette and instructed “Commence the Sacrament of Saintress Severina.”

The Prioress declared “Proceed with the Sacrament!”

The entire gathering rose from their seats and proceeded to form into a long line, while the Confessional Coven and entourage made the final adjustments to the Pendulectulum. The High Torturess removed the cucumber with her bespiked leather gloved hand and secured Plumpkins’ penis in it's place on the cutting board, giving him a knowing smile.

The Head Sister Chef then reintroduced herself “It’s very good to see you again, Mr. Plumpkins--I am very much looking forward to serving you in the near future!” She gently guffawed at her own play on words, and then produced a section of horseradish carved into a rod, carefully sized to fit inside the urethra. She lubricated it liberally with Ghost Pepper oil and proceeded to slide the torrid tuber up inside Plumpkins’ piteous penis.

“YEEEEEEEIIIIIII-HIIIIIIIII-HIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!” Plumpkins shrieked as his member swelled up with inflammation, until it was bulging an agonized throbbing purple. All the nuns present, including the entire Inquisitrix Counsel, nodded to each other with pleased approval. Although a penis aroused by desire was most certainly an outrageously hideous abomination to their minds, in contrast--a penis swollen from suffering an unendurably excruciating affliction was considered to be a perfectly satisfactory outcome!

The Coven’s apprentices stood by vigilantly with their bellows at the ready, keeping the coals well tended with frequent gusts.

The Nunnery’s entire cloister had by now queued up before the helplessly waiting Plumpkins, as if to receive a calamitous form of Communion. And who was at the very head of the line to receive the Sacrament of Saintress Severina, first of all? The youngest bully girl, of course--beaming with pride!

Prioress Painette signaled to the Confessional Coven and The High Torturess set the pendulum blade and it’s brimming cargo of radiant coals into motion.

The first swing swished by a mere fraction of an inch above it’s turgid target--completely harmless but for the copious heatwaves roiling the surrounding air, that briefly broiled Plumpkins’ flesh in passing.

It then dropped to the next position with a loud clunk and sailed back downward, to hiss and sputter as it sawed effortlessly through the glans of his penis at the very tip--producing a high pitched scream from him as the resultant thin crispy chip was apportioned to the youngest bully girl, placed upon her tongue by Prioress Painette. She devoured it with delighted ecstasy!

The mechanism was then reset as the next bully girl stepped forward for her share, and so forth for the remainder of the convent’s congregation, eagerly waiting in line…                     
To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 13
« on: March 14, 2023, 11:09:24 PM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 13

When they had their fill of singing, the cruelty crazed congregation commenced clamoring exuberantly for evermore wild whirlwinds of whip strokes upon Plumpkins by the savagely sadistic Whip Mistress and her enthusiastically evil disciple.

By contrast, the goddessesquely gorgeous Grand Inquisitrix Dominique observed the helpless Plumpkins’ sufferings with aloof silence. She was all business, cold and unemotional as a marble statue. Her unwavering goal regarding Plumpkins was first and foremost to ensure that the Infinite Justice of Saintress Severina was infallibly achieved…

True to her purpose--when the final second of Plumpkins’ prescribed hour of punishment was precisely reached, Dominique called the proceedings abruptly to a halt. (She pointedly ignored the sighs and moans of disappointment from the younger members of the audience.)     

She then addressed the bully girls as a group. “It is the understanding of The Inquisitrix Counsel that the next charge against this transgressor is of exceptional sinfulness. Therefore, the Counsel needs congruence from all of you regarding his committing such loathsome and contemptible acts…”

The bully girls solemnly assembled before The Counsel and stood by as the youngest bully girl made  ready to state the final item on their list of licentious lies.     

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique nodded for her to proceed.

The youngest bully girl glared brazenly at Plumpkins and duplicitously declared “Plumpo used to come up from behind us with both hands and grope our breasts!” Her fellow bully girls all nodded vigorously and sounded their assent.

An astonished gasp of utter horror arose from the crowd, followed by a foment of ferocious rage!
For her part, Grand Inquisitrix Dominique’s beautiful angelic face became contorted into a demonic mask of utter fury! No one had ever seen her this angry--blood vessels bulging from a bright red forehead, bared teeth clenched into a feral grimace, and her eyes practically shooting out flames!

Sister Ravenousetta positioned herself within Plumpkins’ hearing and said to the youngest bully girl “I wonder if our sinner has learned his lesson about giving an early confession? The sooner he admits his guilt, the lighter his punishment will be…”

At this point, Plumpkins’ was, of course, desperate enough to try just about anything--his poor beaten and busted crotch was black, blue and bleeding! If humoring these harping harridans from Hell helped hold them off from handing out another ball busting batch of abuse, he was onboard for it…       
“I confess!” Plumpkins frantically admitted, despite his qualms.

Astonished silence fell upon the gathering as all looked toward the Grand Inquisitrix with dire presentiment…

A tempestuous maelstrom of utterly unchecked, unreasoning rampage gathered within Dominique…

The Confessional Coven exchanged knowing glances and triumphantly high-fived one another. This had been their grand strategy all along, with Sister Ravenousetta as a co-conspirator.

They had manipulated the circumstances in order to trigger one of the Grand Inquisitrix’s infamously  explosive tantrums--a choleric conniption , a tirade of temper, a rankling of irrational wrath! All now about to fall directly upon the hapless sinner within their clutches...         

There would be no amelioration of Plumpkins’ predicament now--this confession was to a sin  Dominique considered totally Beyond the Pale! She would unfailingly insist upon the outright maximum punishment in her power with absolutely no heed or moderation whatsoever!
Virtually speechless with anger, Dominique struggled to form words until finally exploding thunderously with “BRING OUT THE PENDULECTULUM!!!!”

This was absolute music to the Confessional Coven’s ears--the Pendulectulum was their very favorite most of all the Penectotine’s accessories. They gleefully bustled off to the equipment repository to gather up all the requisite components.

The audience filed out for a timely intermission as the Coven jubilantly returned and proceeded to industriously assemble the horrifying complexities of their current most implement of infliction.

All the while, the Grand Inquisitrix irately oversaw the proceedings with her lovely arms crossed and a delicate toe impatiently tapping--her exquisite eyes fiercely boring directly into the trepidation filled Plumpkins as he helplessly watched…             

To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 12
« on: December 24, 2022, 05:55:00 AM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.
Episode 12

“It’s time for the final carol…” Prioress Painette cheerfully thumbed the pages of Saintress Severina’s Book of Confessional Carols and Hymns of Harassment then stopped with a nod of satisfaction.
“And here we are--‘The Young Whipstress Girl.’ ”

The attending sisters agreeably commenced:

Come young Whipstress
Thwap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Thwap!!!

A despicable sinner to distress
Thwap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Thwap!!!

Your harshest strokes to strike
Thwap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Thwap!!!

Welts, scars and bright red stripes
Thwap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Thwap!!!
Thwap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Thwap!!!
Thwap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Thwap!!!

So to punish him
Thwap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Thwap!!!
Lay waste to his skin…       

At that point Grand Inquisitrix Dominique signaled the Confessional Coven to cease the punishment session. The High Torturess and her young apprentice released Plumpkins from the Wringer of Truth.

Once more the youngest bully girl approached The Inquisitrix Pulpit, giddily wielding her list of lies with an impish chuckle. 
Plumpkins watched miserably as Grand Inquisitrix Dominique austerely instructed her to read yet another inaccurate accusation from her page of prevarications.

“Plumpo used to wolf whistle at us and pinch our rumps as we walked past him!” came her callous canard.

A ferocious foment of fury arose from the female flock.

“NOOO! NO-NO-NOOO!!!” Plumpkins cried out without thinking. Sister Ravenousetta rolled her eyes and gave the youngest bully girl a knowing look.

“So you deny it?” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique fumed contemptuously. “Subject him to The Fearsome Flails!”     

The Whip Mistress exuberantly stepped forward. Her young apprentice eagerly followed with ardent delight. The High Torturess graciously conceded them the floor.

Both whipwomen equipped themselves with identical accouterments of agony from the Penectotine’s smorgasbord of suffering--a pair apiece of small flails fashioned completely from gold. Their golden handles dangled nine fine gold chains, all sporting sharp edged diamonds set in ringlets interspersed along each strand’s links like bead-work.

The Teutonic twosome of terror each took opposite positions beside the Penectotine, adjacent to Plumpkins’ exposed groin. With flails in both hands, they skillfully whirled their weapons like baton wielding majorettes as they casually awaited instructions from their superioress.

At the Grand Inquisitrix’s signal these wicked whipstresses gave an astonishing demonstration of both  the outstanding skill and outrageous cruelty of their ruthless application of the flail upon male genitals!

With unerring aims, the pitiless pair relentlessly rained down ruinous revenge upon Plumpkins’ poor privates like viscous Valkyries of vengeance railing against the vanity of all men!

These athletic avenging angels wielded their weighty whirling weaponry without becoming the least bit winded or tired. They seemed possessed by energetic demonesses, endlessly powered by the volcanic magma of deepest Hell itself!         

Plumpkins’ swinging penis tip and dangling testes were being batted like hapless ping-pong balls between paddles as the furious flogging picked up speed. The golden gantlet of stinging strands struck ever faster from all directions until they transformed into a glittering blur.

“YEEEEEIIIIIIII--HIIIIII--HIIIIII--HIIIIII--IIIII--CONFFFFESSSSS--HESSSSS--HESSSSS!!!” he screamed out in an explosion of utter agony.
“Excellent.” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique declared. She gave the Prioress a glance and opined “I think the Saintress will understand if we forbear reading from her Revelations in the interest of providing this sinner a more efficient salvation…”

Prioress Painette nodded agreeably “Ave Severina.”

“Continue the flailing without pause for the next hour.” The Grand Inquisitrix instructed the Whip Mistress.

The whipstresses smiled broadly and redoubled their efforts with fresh determination.

“This calls for another song, Sisters…” Prioress Painette said blithely “How about ‘Flog his balls…’ ”

The throng heartily concurred:

Flog his balls, Flog his balls, Flog them till he bleeds
Infinite justice waits inside Severina’s Penectotine

Flog his balls, Flog his balls, Flog them till he bleeds
Infinite justice waits inside Severina’s Penectotine

Thrashing a sinner's nuts
In Severina’s Penectotine
Pain and torment he’ll know
Just listen to his screams

Fearsome Flails shall fly
Making him repent
What fun it is to scourge boy bits
Until his breath is spent

Flog his balls, Flog his balls, Flog them till he bleeds
Infinite justice waits inside Severina’s Penectotine

Flog his balls, Flog his balls, Flog them till he bleeds
Infinite justice waits inside Severina’s Penectotine

To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 11
« on: November 25, 2022, 09:07:37 AM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 11

“Whaaaaahooooohoooo--ooooh--ooohooofff--aaugh--oofff--ooh--ooh--ooh…” Plumpkins mewled under the crushing weight of the Shriving Brick at one-half compression.

“Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished…” the gathered sisters’ insistent chants rang within his ears.

“Must the Shriving Brick’s compression be increased yet again?” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique asked impatiently.

Plumpkins could endure no more and at last surrendered. “I confess--I confess! Please-please stop it now--please-hease-hease-stooooppppp!”

The chanting ceased immediately and a satisfied smile crossed Grand Inquisitrix Dominique’s heavenly lips. “Excellent!” she exclaimed and turned toward the Inquisitrix Counsel. “Declare the sinner's sentence of punishment.”

Prioress Painette arose and approached an ornate lectern upon which the convent’s treasured copy of The Revelations of Saintress Severina rested in the most highly honored veneration. She reverentially opened the pages of the reposing tome and selected the appropriate passage. Clearing her throat she said “Per the teachings of Sister Severina, the most blessed…”

All the sisters in attendance clasped their hands together and voiced enthusiast agreement “Sister Severina, the most blessed…”

After a brief pause, the Prioress intoned:

“There is only one punishment sufficient for a righteous repentance--the sinner must endure an hour prolongation of the exact same torture that produced his confession.”

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique nodded confirmation “Ave Severina and her infinite wisdom, the Saintress speaks the most holiest of truth. An hour of the Shriving Brick at one-half compression it shall be!”
“Whaaaaat???Nooooooooohhh!!! NOOOOOOOOOHOOOHOOO!!!!!!” erupted Plumpkins with  frenzied squeals of panicked alarm!

Prioress Painette serenely purred “The Penectotine is making such sweet music with Mr. Plumpkins--let us further inspire his salvation by singing accompaniment from Saintress Severina’s Book of Confessional Carols and Hymns of Harassment.”

There was a vigorous rustling of leather habits as the captivating congregation members each rummaged to find their personal copy.

She pronounced her selection as “O Penectotine” and there was a pleased murmur of approval from the group. They all chimed together with lovely angelic voices:

O Penectotine, O Penectotine
How merciless are thy implements         
O Penectotine, O Penectotine
How merciless are thy implements         

Your cutting blade, so wicked sharp
Cleaves sinning flesh without least of heart
O Penectotine, O Penectotine
How merciless are thy implements         

As you deal salvation’s slice
With no pity or mercy slight
Let sinful skin feel cold steel’s bite   
How merciless are thy implements         

(And so forth…)   

Then after an hour and several songs later, Prioress Painette selected the final carol:

Deck the walls with roasted piggie heads
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
Sinful flesh toasted ‘til cooked bright red
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum

Impale yon sinner with rough-hewn roast spit   
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
Turn him slow o’er blazing cook pit
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
Sinful piggies so savorily sizzle
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
As their juices drip and drizzle
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum

Devour we now our repentant repast
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
His flavor savored right to the very last
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
Grand Inquisitrix Dominique finally raised her elegantly leather gloved hand to call a halt to the dire discipline. The Confessional Coven reluctantly raised the Shriving Brick from off Plumpkins’ badly brutalized balls.     
A torrent of tears gushed from Plumpkins as pitiful shuddering whimpers of relief rolled from his lips. He could hardly believe that the unendurable suffering had at last come to an end…       

But then Grand Inquisitrix Dominique turned her attention once again toward the youngest bully girl and said grimly “Read the second charge.”

A cold chill of terror pierced Plumpkins as the bully girl glanced at him, gave a cruel snigger, then brandished her inventory of indictments and gleefully proclaimed “Plumpo used to secretly sneak peeks at all of us girls when we were undressed!”

Gasping indignation erupted from the astonished crowd, followed by a boiling brouhaha of outraged revulsion. Such leering voyeurism was a loathsome offence toward the targeted young ladies! And it would far exceed the harm done by his previous childish pantie raiding…

This too, was a blatant baldfaced lie on the part of the bully girls. Poor Plumpkins was the victim of a shameless smear campaign, calculated and conceived to dish him out a double helping of deep trouble!                     

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique gave Plumpkins a glare that could blister concrete--this sort of misdeed was far beyond mere mischief and demanded heavy handed consequences. “IS THIS TRUE???!!!” she seethed through cletched teeth.           

But before Plumpkins was able to stumble out a single word of desperate denial, she cut him off with a brisk order to the Confessional Coven “SUBJECT HIM TO THE WRINGER OF TRUTH!!!”

The High Torturess beamed a broad pleased smile. Her young apprentice gave a wicked prolonged  cackle and then enthusiastically scampered over to the Penectotine’s accessory storage rack. She eagerly began unclamping a cumbersome looking contraption of torment from it, almost before her mistress could even arrive to help with hefting it.

It appeared like old style laundry wringer with rollers fashioned from solid gold and encrusted completely by diamonds. The Torturesses lugged it over to the Penectotine’s mounting fixture and secured it in place of the Shriving Brick. With a careful series of adjustments it was precisely located so that the glans of Plumpkins’ penis rested perilously between the rollers with the sharp diamond points just beginning to poke in like the tips of nibbling teeth…

“Set the adjustment stop to one-quarter compression.” the Grand Inquisitrix once again instructed.

The High Torturess skillfully set the roller gap to just begin squeezing down on Plumpkins’ tender tip as the piercing gemstones began to bite.

Her young apprentice perkily grasped the crank handle and keenly awaited the command to turn it. She gave Plumpkins a cheeky smile as she peered closely into his terror stricken eyes.         
“Commence” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique uttered without the slightest lenity.

With a giggle of glee, the young apprentice began grinding away on the handle--with a rocking motion that sent Plumpkins’ cockhead continuously back and forth within the weeny wringer’s diamond studded rollers, producing the sensation of having powerful jaws vigorously gnawing upon it with needle sharp teeth!

The most utterly heartrendingly bloodcurdling scream ever produced by humankind spontaneously erupted out of Plumpkins--only stopping briefly for his occasional frantic gasping intakes of breath. He didn't cease the outburst until the hysterically cackling young apprentice had finally stopped her cranking, when the Grand Inquisitrix at last called the proceedings to a halt.

A thundering standing ovation broke out from all the attending ladies--this was top notch entertainment and they were enjoying it to the absolute hilt!

“Do you confess?” The Grand Inquisitrix demanded.

“Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished…” the gathered sisters’ insistent chants once again rang out.

“Nooooo--of course nooooo!” Plumpkins whined pathetically. 
Sister Ravenousetta stepped up close to the youngest bully girl and spoke just loud enough to be within earshot of Plumpkins. “Your friend isn’t very smart is he?” She shook her head “A real slow learner…”

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique scowled at Plumpkins and commanded “Adjust the Wringer of Truth to one-half compression…”

“See what I mean?” Sister Ravenousetta quietly continued. “You’d think this sinner would wise up that the quicker his confession the lesser the punishment…”

The High Torturess began to reset the roller gap to squeeze down even harder as her young apprentice enthusiastically rubbed her hands together in ecstatic anticipation.

“Whoa-hoa-hoa!” Plumpkins suddenly woke up to Sister Ravenousetta’s point and desperately declared “Wait--WAIT,WAIT,WAIT! I CONFESS-- I CONFESS!!!”

“Very well...” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique’s said, and turning once more to the Inquisitrix Counsel she instructed “Declare the sinner's sentence of punishment.”

“Per the teachings of Sister Severina, the most blessed…” Prioress Painette once again intoned
“There is only one punishment sufficient for a righteous repentance--the sinner must endure an hour prolongation of the exact same torture that produced his confession.”

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique nodded agreeably “Ave Severina and her infinite wisdom, the Saintress speaks the most holiest of truth. An hour of the Wringer of Truth at one-half compression it shall be!”
“WHAT???!!!” Plumpkins cried out and sputtered “But…but…I confessed before that torture level was even started!”

“You had your chance to confess at the lower level and declined…” Prioress Painette explained. “That ship has sailed.”

The Confessional Coven continued adjustments to the rollers as Plumpkins frantically begged and wailed for mercy. The apprentice torturess happily cooed and murmured sarcastic words of sympathy to him as she diligently helped make preparations for inflicting this even more ultimate of agonies upon him.   
Smiling indulgently at this charming scene, Prioress Painette directed her flock to Saintress Severina’s Book of Confessional Carols and Hymns of Harassment and said “As accompaniment for Mr. Plumpkins’ further punishment I select ‘The Salvation Song’…”

The sisters all merrily agreed and joined their lovely voices together:

A Sinner's nut’s roasting above a crackling fire
His buttocks harshly beaten with a rubber hose
Arms and legs pulled apart upon a stretching rack
Then skewered on spits and turned o’er glowing coals

Everybody knows the merciless Penectotine device
Helps to fill sinful hearts with fright
An imprisoned sinner with terrified eyes
Will find sleeping hard tonight

He knows that torments await him the next day   
The Confessional Coven is on the way
The air will fill with his wails and cries
As he begs for them to just let him die…

To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent Episode 10
« on: October 08, 2022, 10:44:09 PM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 10

Plumpkins’ tremulous muscles were absolute jello, incapable of the slightest resistance. The Confessional Coven cruelly kept him within the prickly punishment suit as they inexorably forced him down onto the “Bascule”--the seating platform of the convent’s Penectotine.

Sister Burndicka detached the “The teeth of Kali” from Plumpkins’ much afflicted groin and he whimpered a grateful sigh of alleviation. But the contraption of torment was not withdrawn out of mercy--for with bewildering speed he was slid forward upon the Bascule platform until his exposed genitalia thrust through the Lunette opening located directly below the wickedly sharp slicing blade.     

The cruel-hearted congregation then expeditiously fastened Plumpkins to the mechanical monstrosity until every inch of him was secured by a multitude of sturdy leather straps, equipped with heavy duty forged steel hardware and buckles. When they’d finished he was harnessed down so tightly he couldn’t twitch a finger or even wiggle a toe.

All this was exactly per The Daughters of Devourment doctrine. To quote Saintress Severina:

“The sinner must be totally bound--unrelentingly gripped within the Penectotine’s righteous embrace as if prey caught within implacable talons of a ravenous raptor. Only then he understands the utter helplessness, and hopelessness of the predicament his turpitude has ensued. He not only must have no possibility of escape, he must not be able to manage even the slightest wince as the sacred blade slices down upon his offending organ with infinite justice.”

Sister Sadistina then removed his smelling salt gas mask, to facilitate speech during the upcoming shriving interrogation. Plumpkins gasped with dazed relief and began full groaning breaths, frantically sucking up air as if rescued from drowning.

But before he could so much as flex a single kink out of his neck, the unsympathetic sisters securely strapped his head into the Penectotine’s upright framework, until it was completely immobilized. Only Plumpkins’ jaw was left unbound--so as for him to better confess with…

Plumpkins’ was still free to blink and shift his eyes, but forced firmly into viewing the Inquisitrix Counsel. The Inquisitrix Pulpit was, of course, front and center stage of his attention.

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique glowered down at him and promulgated “The witness may now present the list of charges toward this transgressor against the most Holy Revelations of Saintress Severena.”

To Plumpkins’ horror, the youngest bully girl stepped between the Penectotine and the Inquisitrix Pulpit. She carried a written sheet of paper. After giving him a mischievous glance, she became all business and solemnly faced the Grand Inquisitrix.

Holding up the page, she gravely addressed the The Inquisitrix Counsel. “I hold here a list that I and my fellow sister orphans will attest are the sinful acts that Plumpo committed against us while residing at the Sisters of Sympathy Orphanage.”       

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique nodded grimly “Read the first charge.”

The bully girl turned toward Plumpkins and said with a gleeful smirk “Plumpo used to steal our underwear from the dirty laundry hamper and take them into his bed at night!”

An amused murmur arose from the entire crowd, with the youngest members bursting out in astonished laughter. The members of the The Inquisitrix Counsel gave each other sideways glances with eye brows raised and looked at Plumpkins in amazed askance.

This was of course pure fabrication--Plumpkins had done no such thing, nor had he any such tendency. He was in reality a rather decent sort, and not given to sexual peccadilloes of any sort. But that meant nothing to the bully girls--they had him on the spot and were determined to have their fun!

For her part, Grand Inquisitrix Dominique wasn’t even the least bit sightly surprised to hear it. She already had Plumpkins pegged as just exactly suchlike a shameless little pathetic pervert, from her very first sight of him. This pitiful kind of contemptibly disgusting appetite was just all too typical of his wretchedly vulgar sort, as far as she was concerned.
“And how does the defendant plea?” she wryly asked with richly sardonic condescension.

“IT’S A LIE! THEY TELL LIES TO GET ME IN TROUBLE ALL THE TIME!” Plumpkins bawled out in indignant outrage, chagrined by such an outlandish accusation.

The Grand Inquisitrix rolled her eyes and turned to the awaiting Confessional Coven. “Subject him to the Shriving Brick”

The High Torturess and her apprentice reverently made a selection from an alarming assortment of torture apparatus that accessorized the Penectotine. It was a full sized brick of solid gold completely encrusted upon one side with priceless diamonds.

This was part of an extravagantly luxuriant collection of opulent and most holy torture relics brought all the way from Europe especially just for Plumpkins’ Inquisition, at the insistence of Grand Inquisitrix Dominique.

The Confessional Coven proceeded to install the high-toned tool of torment upon the Penectotine’s business end. An arrangement resembling a playground swing suspended the bejeweled brick in position to forcefully strike down into Plumpkins’ testicles with its diamond encrusted face and rest there atop them. Only an adjustable stop mechanism at the end of it’s travel prevented the brutal bauble’s full weight from instantly crushing his gonads into goo.           

“Set the adjustment stop to one-quarter compression.” the Grand Inquisitrix instructed, then nodded for the torture to commence.

The young apprentice torturess complied and lifted the brick to the upper limit of travel. Pausing playfully to savor the panic in Plumpkins’ eyes, with an impish wink she released it.
The ostentatious ornament swung down and struck Plumpkins’ privates with a loud THWACK!!!

“OOOOOHHHH-HOOOOHHHH-HOOOOHHHH-HOOOHHH-OOOOHHH-OOOOHHHH!!!!” Plumpkins groaned out as the shock of impact was followed by the crushing pressure of the gold brick’s weight and the sharp diamonds jabbing into his tender scrotum skin like countless biting teeth.

The High Torturess and her young apprentice allowed it to remain firmly in position as they stood at each side of him, their hands set proudly upon hips in triumph. They gleefully grinned toward each other, nodded with satisfaction at the torrent of tears gushing out from the whimpering Plumpkins, and then looked toward The Inquisitrix Counsel members expectantly.

“Now do you understand how futile it is for defiant sinners to resist Salvation?” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique scolded at him like an impatient schoolmarm.       

All the nuns and novitiates in attendance rose from their seats and chanted together “Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished…”

“Nooohoho--it’s a lie! I never…I never…I never did…” came Plumpkins’ groaning response. But telling the truth was to no avail…

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique shook her head and a stern look came over her beautiful features. She nodded to the High Torturess and instructed crossly “Set the adjustment stop to one-half compression.”

The young apprentice torturess couldn’t help herself from softly chuckling as she helped the High Torturess reposition the Shriving Brick to the new setting. Once again she lifted the costly contrivance to the upper limit of it’s travel and paused playfully…”   

To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 9
« on: August 25, 2022, 11:30:04 PM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 9

The Convent’s cohort was all abustle with preparations for Plumpkins’ upcoming trial, punishment and salvation feast. For her part, the youngest bully girl was busy with her companions putting the final touches on the list of Plumpkins’ sins for presentation before The Inquisitrix Counsel. Sister Ravenousetta approached and expressed interest in their progress.

“Yes, this all seems quite typical…” Sister Ravenousetta nodded as she read the list. “Teasing the younger girls and annoying the older ones. Sneaking snacks and stealing desserts. Tormenting the cat, etc.” She gave the bully girls an arch look. “This might be sufficient trouble for Mr. Plumpkins with the sisters back at the orphanage--but you really should up your game for today’s proceedings!”

She reached into her satchel and pulled out a notebook page. “I’ve had a discussion with a few of the Confessional Coven--they say this is the best sin list for getting Grand Inquisitrix Dominique’s attention…”   

The bully girls read the page of peccancy, giving out astonished squeals of delight. They then burst into gales of boisterous laughter as they discussed each of the cataloged crimes. Sister Ravenousetta looked on with a satisfied smirk.   

Also in the vein of preparation, the Inquisition Arena no longer featured a “Salvation Horse” upon it’s center stage. Instead, there now was the most demoniacal device for the inhuman infliction of intolerable torment and dreadful destruction upon male genitalia ever constructed--the Penectotine!

Having supervised its adjustment and tuning to perfection, Grand Inquisitrix Dominique gazed upon the mechanical monstrosity with the same admiration and affection that a sports car enthusiast might show regarding a classic Ferrari Monza. How she loved it’s intricate outrages and complex calamities! She was quite a connoisseur of Penectotines, and a keen student of their history and application.

If every devastating drop of horrific man-hating malice were distilled down to depraved female cruelty at it’s most ferocious, the result could not have been a more perfect ultimate weapon against a hapless sinner's manhood!

In truth, the Penectotine and Grand Inquisitrix Dominique were a match made in Heaven--since both were very much creations of the Daughters of Devourment, and results of very careful crafting…

Even when extremely young, angelic little Dominique’s exquisite beauty was exceptional and truly stood out. As an orphanage ward, she soon came to the attention of the Daughters of Devourment sisters--who quickly identified her as someone well suited for purposes of the Saintress.

Inspired by the legendary gorgeousness of Saintress Severena, the Daughters of Devourment long ago determined that a Grand Inquisitrix should be unobtainably beautiful and devastatingly desirable--her breathtaking loveliness serving superbly as a final dagger thrust into the sinful heart of men.

And so it was, that the beauteous young orphan girl Dominique was swiftly spirited away and shepherded into the Daughters of Devourment flock--to be shielded vigilantly from the lascivious looks and lust of men while she was properly prepared and fully groomed for her future calling as a Grand Inquisitrix!

Under their care little Dominique was thoroughly taught about all the horrid sinfulness in which pathetically weak willed menfolk indulge--their degenerate and debased desirings, their lewd licentious lechery and libidinously libertine loucheness. She studied the salaciousness, inquired about the iniquity, puzzled over the profligate promiscuity, and was trained about the wanton turpitude and corrupt concupiscence of men.

And she was absolutely horrified by what she learned: Men were a dangerous pack of disgusting perverts that were absolutely irredeemable!

All this severe indoctrination convinced the highly impressionable young Dominique that males were hideous monsters best kept far far away from her--she couldn’t even bear the thought of looking upon one, much less being anywhere near one. The very idea made her skin crawl!

In due time she was ripe for receiving the Revelations of Saintress Severena, and Dominique took to it like a duck to water--becoming a star pupil and highly enthusiastic practitioner. Here she found answers to all her questions regarding the sinfulness of men and most importantly, all the solutions to the problem of their salvation.

By the time Dominique had grown to become a novitiate, her devotion to the Saintress and expertise at the methods and techniques of salvation were exceptional. She was fast tracked for the Inquisitrix Academy, and for specialization on the Penectotine…             
And now, any unrighteous wretch getting the opportunity to admire Grand Inquisitrix Dominique in the flesh paid a steep price for the “privilege” of being within her presence--he was destined to suffer all the unimaginable tortures at her heartless command, and an inevitable destruction when devoured with dispatch as she supervised his salvation.

Thence was Plumpkins brought--frog marched before the throng within the Inquisition Arena by the sturdy Sister Burndicka, his testicles squeezed firmly within her menacing grasp impatiently compelling him inexorably doomward. The upward projecting spikes from his leather punishment suit’s footpads were digging into the souls of his feet with every excruciating step.

The crowd eagerly watched for a reaction as his gaze first caught sight of the awaiting Penectotine…

“NOOOOOOOO--NO-NO-NO!!!” Came the muffled cry from Plumpkins’ smelling salt gas mask. “PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-NOOOOO!!!”

The futility of his pathetic pleading was so preposterous that the attending sisters and novitiates hooted and howled wildly with derision (and even the grimly stern Grand Inquisitrix Dominique broke into the very slightest of smiles.)

Plumpkins’ legs collapsed beneath him as every fiber of his being shuddered in utter uncontrollable terror. His quivering form was then caught under the shoulders by accompanying Confessional Coven members and hauled unceremoniously before the Inquisitrix Counsel.

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique was garbed in her most magnificent Victorian style Inquisitrix habit, made of lustrous pitch-black leather with enormous Leg o’ Mutton style sleeves, wasp waist and broad bell shaped hoop skirt. Her severe porcelain skinned visage was encompassed by a broad upturned collar and expansive black leather cornette resembling a tall chef’s toque.     

She loomed ominously from the Inquisitrix Pulpit like a lowering black leather storm cloud and pointed her kidskin gloved finger toward the Penectotine and declared obdurately “Prepare the sinner for confession and punishment!”

To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 8
« on: June 25, 2022, 06:46:23 AM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 8

Needle sharp spikes dug deeper and deeper into Plumpkins as Sister Sadistina lovingly tugged tighter and tighter upon the laces of one of her proudest creations--a heavy leather full-body corset punishment suit. How she savored this sinner’s miserable moans and gasping groans as he lay on the cell floor--and how she relished his desperate squirms and struggling for breath against the suit’s relentlessly restricting embrace!

She also savored a delicious irony--the very same type of fiercely sharp rivet spikes projecting outward from her and her fellow sisters’ prickly leather garments to serve as stylish decorations, also served as the punishment suit’s torture implements--poking inward to prick pitilessly into Plumpkins’ tormented flesh.

Finally, after Sister Sadistina was at last satisfied that the highest possible degree of unendurable suffering and unbearable discomfort was being inflicted by her handiwork, she turned Plumpkins over to the “tender care” of Sister Burndicka.     
Buxomly big-boned and strong-jawed, Sister Burndicka would be an intimidating and imposing woman even under normal circumstances--such as the domineering wife of a puny and supine husband, who she hatefully henpecked and kept tightly wrapped around her little finger. But here, as a member of the Confessional Coven, she was an absolute holy terror! There was no moderating her man-hating meanness whatsoever--even the merest of civilized society’s little mercies were disdained by these heartless harpies! Sister Burndicka’s resentful rage against manhood was allowed free range to be totally unrestrained and absolutely unrestricted…     

The punishment suit had an open crotch that completely exposed Plumpkins’ hapless genitals to Sister Burndicka’s wicked designs. She immediately employed her cruelest contrivance, “The Teeth of Kali”--a cock-cage of heavy-duty steel construction. It consisted of a cylinder split lengthwise into halves armed with inward projecting needle sharp spikes like a miniature Iron Maiden, held open by a strong spring-loaded trigger like a bear trap, and primed to abruptly gnash together instantly with a sharp eager snap like a hungry shark! A sturdy, wide leather belt held it securely in position upon the victim.

Sister Burndicka strapped her fiendish creation onto Plumpkins and carefully nestled his quivering penis within it’s baleful embrace like a hotdog softly cradled within a fresh baked bun. She then stood over him, holding a strand of leather that attached to the trigger mechanism and glowered down threateningly.

“Just what were you thinking? How could you dare insult the Grand Inquisitrix by showing carnal desire?!!!” she crossly demanded.

Plumpkins’ frantic pleadings and apologies were muffled by the smelling salt gas mask and completely unintelligible. Not that Sister Burndicka cared to hear them, in any case. Her questions were purely rhetorical--she was quite sure she knew the answers!


A resounding CLANG rang out as her callous contraption clamped crushingly closed!

Plumpkins’ simultaneously experienced duel unendurable pains--as if his penis skin became snagged within a thousand tugging zipper teeth and at the very same time became caught within a car door that was forcibly slammed shut! His screams and howls echoed off the walls of his cell, despite his muffling gas mask!

Plumpkins spasmodically squirmed and frantically flopped as if he were a stranded fish, despite the bindingly tight lacing and poking spikes of his punishment suit! But nothing he did relieved or lessened the unendurable agony of having his oh-so-tender penis being so securely and inescapably caught within the grisly grasp of Sister Burndicka’s most cruelest brainchild…

And there was certainly not going to be any rescue from the sisters and novitiates gathered to observe the spectacle--they were perfectly content to let Sister Burndicka carry on. When the broadly grinning Sister Sadistina reached down with her hand to Plumpkins’ pain contorted face, it wasn’t to offer him comfort--she just twisted the knob on the mask to increase the smelling salt mixture until his howling was replaced by hacks and coughs.

When exhaustion finally began to slow Plumpkins’ gyrations, Sister Burndicka stepped heavily upon his chest with her boot and dug the spike heel in deep, and bearing down hard, brought him to a panting halt.

She held a spiked nut swatter menacingly close to his still exposed testicles. “STOP CRINGING, OPEN YOUR EYES AND PAY ATTENTION!” she demanded.



And Sister Burndicka was just getting warmed up! She lit into Plumpkins with a vengeance--a scathing diatribe of scorn followed, accompanied by the ever steady ball blistering beat of her swatter!

Meanwhile, speaking of the Penectotine, Grand Inquisitrix Dominique and her henchwomen were busy providing the convent’s model with all the latest upgrades and enhancements, fresh from Europe.

As originally conceived by Saintress Severina, the Penectotine was a simple device--a modest sized Guillotine with it’s lunette opening appropriately sized for a sinner’s genitals. The victim was securely mounted upon it in the seated position by the attendant nuns, with his penis and testicles projecting through to helplessly await the swish of the downward slicing blade.

Saintress Severina’s earliest method of employment was to subject the sinner’s projecting genitalia to all manner of endlessly excruciating tortures until he could endure absolutely no more, and would finally beg for the mercy of having her swiftly chop them off to stop his further suffering.           

But over time Saintress Severina improved and refined her techniques, and discovered the most effective ways to use the threat of de-genitalzation for extracting confessions and inflicting punishments. Ever more horrific genital torture implements were incorporated into and mounted onto the structure, until the Penectotine was transformed into the most monstrous of mechanisms ever made by human hands--so terrifying that just the sight of it drove even the most masochistic sinner mad with fear, reducing him to incoherent babbling pleas for mercy!

And the Penectotine’s evolution continued down the centuries as experience was gained and new methods of torture were learned from other cultures. It was modular in design and easily reconfigured to meet the needs of the moment.

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique was bound and determined that Mr. Plumpkins’ salvation would have all the benefits from the latest and most up to date iteration of the Penectotine…     

To be continued…

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 7
« on: May 05, 2022, 10:25:01 PM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 7

The Whip Mistress’s battle flail “butt beater” featured fish hook style barbs at the end of each iron ball’s spikes. Every savage stroke administered by her and her apprentice embedded firmly into the flesh and required a stout tug to rend it free, horribly lacerating Plumpkins’ bedeviled buttocks.

This sort of vicious inventiveness was just matter of course for such “gifted sadists” as the Confessional Coven. They constantly dreamed up new twists on the tools of their trade, and the sisters on the Coven’s team of assistant nuns were all skilled artisans well capable of fashioning even the most novel of their ideas.

The Coven were always eager to try out a new “inspiration” and employ it upon a fresh sinner. It warmed the cockles of every Coven member’s heart to see the stunned disbelief of a victim first laying eyes upon her terrible new creation--and nothing matched the thrill of watching his sudden terrified comprehension of her outrageous over-the-top sadistic cruelty that makes her capable of conceiving such a horror!

Two of the Coven’s most talented assistant nuns had constructed an invention of their own to avoid the inconvenience of sinners having fainting spells--a smelling salt gas mask! And Plumpkins’ previous swoon qualified him as a customer…

It’s snug fitting leather “mascaras” hood was tightly laced upon Plumpkins’ head by Sister Sadistina, a slender raven-haired beauty from Spain and an expert at all forms of leather craft. (The demonic leather catsuits and corsets adorning the Coven were her skillful handiwork.) An absolutely obsessed leather fetishist, her forte was fashioning extreme leather bondage garments to inflict prolonged unendurable discomfort upon the hapless sinner encased within.     

The hood incorporated a fiendish forced smelling salt inhalation mechanism that was crafted by Sister Burndicka, a highly skilled metalsmith. She had learned her trade by making traditional Celtic silver jewelry, but upon joining the Devourment Order, she discovered a talent for fashioning fiendish torture implements. (The barb-spiked iron balls pummeling Plumpkins’ posterior were from her.)

She was a green eyed Gaelic ginger, ample bodied and full bosomed, and a hard-hearted, sharp-tongued, absolutely ferocious shrew toward any and all men. Her passionate hatred of manhood drove her to contrive and “improve” genital torture devices. Any sinner’s boy-bits falling into the clutches of her CBT creations were due for a very, very rough time.

The proficient pair placed a comfy leather upholstered bench up close to Plumpkins’ face, so as to best enable them to cozily operate their callous contraption. Sister Burndicka twisted the valve controlling the inhaler’s smelling salt concentration wide open, causing Plumpkins to cough violently. She casually tinkered with it for a full minute as he convulsively choked and wheezed, until she finally found the sweet spot--mixing in just enough air to reduce his harsh hacking to a moaning agonized rasp. She gave Sister Sadistina a broad smile and nodded with satisfaction.

The sisters then settled in to carefully monitor Plumpkins, ever threatening to adjust the mask’s smelling salt throttle full open at even the slightest sign of fainting.         

Meanwhile, the Whip Mistress was aptly demonstrating the well-practiced skill with which she and her apprentice wielded the weapons of their trade. A whirlwind of iron spiked woe whaled down upon the wailing Plumpkins. However, the havoc they were hailing upon his hapless hindquarters was hardly haphazard. To the contrary, they were carefully crafting the cuts carved into his corpulent contours--bruised and bleeding borders were being beaten around both branding burns, sure-handedly surrounding each of them with a sweet valentine shaped heart! This produced a chorus of appreciative murmuring and adoring “ahhs” from the crowd… 

At long last, the whipstresses finally finished. Plumpkins’ beleaguered backside was now a case of complete crimson carnage--caned, branded and flailed. But Grand Inquisitrix Dominique was not yet appeased. With an effortless finger snap of her elegantly leather gloved left hand, two assistant nuns emerged from the stage door--each carrying a bucket of coarse grained salt!       

They displayed their cruel cargo to Plumpkins, bringing the pain filled pails before the eye openings of his mask and trickling handfuls of the salt through their gloved fingers. The nuns then proceeded to each side of his pulverized posterior and held their buckets up at the ready position for spilling upon it.

Sisters Burndicka and Sadistina grinned to each other and leaned closer to Plumpkins. They intently observed for any reduction of consciousness, and prepared to crank the mask valve wide open as a remedy.

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique gestured for the salting to begin and permitted herself a small self-satisfied smile for a job well done, as she watched Plumpkins writhe spasmodically and heard his mask-muffled screeching.

The watching crowd of nuns rose into a standing ovation! The bully girls and younger novitiates rushed the stage and besieged the Confessional Coven as if they were rock-stars or famous athletes!

The youngest bully girl was absolutely elated--her mind totally blown wide open by such undreamed of possibilities! She was walking on air, dancing and skipping about like a whirling dervish, totally euphoric--never in her wildest imaginings could she ever have conceived of such an exultant ecstasy! This must now be her calling--she wanted nothing more than spending her life serving the Saintress and becoming a member of the Confessional Coven--and perhaps one day, even becoming a Grand Inquisitrix!

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique took the Prioress aside and had a deep discussion with her. The Prioress nodded her agreement and raised her hands to calm the throng.

“Everyone, I have an announcement…” she stated. “Grand Inquisitrix Dominique has informed me that Mr. Plumpkins’ prior accommodations were far too lenient and comfortable. This was because we had erroneously assumed that his principle sin was mere Gluttony--little did we know that he was also guilty of Lust!”

The attendant nuns all nodded their understanding and became grave with condemnation.

The Prioress continued “I therefore remand Mr. Plumpkins into the custody of Grand Inquisitrix Dominique and her Confessional Coven as he awaits the preparations for his trial.”

Sisters Burndicka and Sadistina and their fellow assistant nuns all gave exclamations of pleasure at this development and scurried off to make the cruel arrangements.
Sister Ravenousetta and her two assisting nuns proceeded to release poor Plumpkins from The Salvation Horse and placed him face down upon a leather upholstered gurney, his whimperings still muffled by the fully encasing smelling salt gas mask. He was then wheeled back to his cell.

Greeting him there in place of the previous attendant novitiates, were Sisters Burndicka and Sadistina with a handful of their smirking colleagues.

Sister Sadistina reached into a rolling Wardrobe Closet and pulled out one of her handmade creations. “Yes, this should do quite nicely…” she said with a heavy accent and held a leather punishment suit before Plumpkins’ aghast gaze. It was in the form of a spike-studded catsuit, large enough to fit him--but with the spikes projecting inward! There was also an accompanying full-body leather heavy-corset that laced down tightly like a mummy bag--to embed the same said spikes even more deeply!

A loud clunk drew Plumpkins’ attention when Sister Burndicka threw open the lid of a large chest. “I’ve brought along my toy chest. And it’s chock-full of toys personally handcrafted by yours truly that are just perfect for punishing a pathetic little pervert such as yourself!” she said in a scolding tone.

Reaching in, she noisily rummaged about with metallic clunks and rattles, muttering crossly until she exclaimed “Here it is--The Teeth of Kali!” She pulled out a small cylindrical cock-cage with needle sharp spikes projecting deep into it’s center, then gave Plumpkins a contemptuous sneer and scornfully chided “This will teach you to not offend nuns with your unnatural nonsense…”

To be continued…   

Fiction / Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 6
« on: March 25, 2022, 04:32:25 AM »
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 6

The next order of business in the Daughters of Devourment’s plans for Plumpkins’ salvation was, of course, his Welcoming Ceremony. He soon found himself draped over “The Salvation Horse”--a wooden fixture resembling a large saddle stand, constructed like an oak barrel cut in half and mounted on four sturdy legs.

This spectacle was set upon a sunken stage centered within the Inquisition Arena and surrounded by opulent leather stadium seating, providing excellent viewing and sumptuous comfort for all observers. At the head of the stage was the Inquisitrix Pulpit, an imposing leather upholstered podium from which an ardent Inquisitrix could comfortably conduct ruthless interrogations and pronounce merciless sentences in complete luxury.

Sister Ravenousetta, assisted by the two nuns who had first met Plumpkins at the train station, secured him snugly upon the wooden fixture facing belly downward across the staves. They cinched with all their strength several broad, heavy-duty leather straps over his lard laden torso--blubbery lobes of fat bulging out between them--so suffocatingly tight as to deny him even the slightest of squirms.

By contrast, the chains shackling his wrists and ankles to each wooden leg were provided with enough slack to permit his pudgy limbs plenty of flailing room--so as to allow for some comically futile struggling to entertain the crowd. The enormous globular cheeks of his rotund buttocks were positioned up high, completely exposed and quivering defenselessly.

Sister Ravenousetta and her assisting nuns left the stage just as the audience began to file in. A chorus of enthusiastic oohs and aahs met Plumpkins’ ears as the spectators caught sight of his predicament. The various sisters, novitiates and guests all found their seats and eagerly tittered with anticipation. The bully girls were grouped right down in front and had an outstanding view.   

The Inquisitrix Counsel then arrived and took their positions within a luxuriant viewing box behind and above the Inquisitrix Pulpit. Prioress Painette was accompanied by her fellow counsel members Mother Superior Sufferella and Abbess Aggonee. Grand Inquisitrix Dominique sat sternly amongst the Inquisitrix Counsel members, patiently waiting her turn. Plumpkins would soon be falling firmly into her and the Confessional Coven’s clutches--after the Welcoming Ceremony had run it’s course…             

Applause rang out as Sister Ravenousetta and her assistants returned upon the stage, ready to administer Plumpkins’ welcome. They had traded their nun habits for torturess togs, resembling those of the mannequins in the Hall of Salivation--thigh high spiked heel boots topped by classic style widely flared black leather jodhpurs, and waist clinching leather bustiers with exposed cleavages spilling out to join bare shoulders and upper arms.

Their outfits were accessorized with leather gloves reaching high above the elbows and sinister spike bejeweled leather executionatrix cowls tightly covering the top half of their heads. Each had braided ponytails trailing behind, reaching far down their backs. It turns out that Sister Ravenousetta was a dark brunette, while her colleagues were strawberry blonde and dishwater blonde respectively.

One of the nuns carefully positioned a mirror on a small stand in front of Plumpkins’ direct line of sight, to provide him an excellent rearward view of the merciless assault about to rain down upon his hind quarters. Each nun then armed herself with a brine soaked rattan cane, which she conspicuously flexed and swung about to limber up for the impending festivity.     

Sister Ravenousetta stood directly behind Plumpkins in direct alignment with his butt-crack, while her two companions took positions beside each buttock cheek. They all raised their canes high and held them poised overhead. At a signal from the Prioress, the cruel instruments were wielded down upon Plumpkins’ tender flesh with endless rapid fire full strength strokes!

A profuse crop of brilliant crimson welts erupted from his rump sides, while Sister Ravenousetta’s unerring aim landed wicked two handed blows exactly upon Plumpkins’ anus and taint--each time producing a high pitched scream from him that was a real crowd-pleaser!

Plumpkins’ arms and legs jangled his shackle chains with wild spasmodic gyrations, sounding like jingle-bells on a horse--much to the delight of the audience! The raucous cheers and rowdy hoots of the bully girls could be heard well above the voices of everyone else--they were having the absolute time of their young lives!         
The torrent of torment didn't relent until Plumpkins’ entire backside had become one enormous blazing blister--only then did the Prioress nod with satisfaction that the sinner had been sufficiently welcomed. She turned to Grand Inquisitrix Dominique “The penitent is now at your disposal.”

The Grand Inquisitrix took her place at the pulpit. She stood in all her magnificent goddess like glory and glowered down at the sobbing Plumpkins without a trace of pity. “You have dared to defile a shrine of our most holy Saintress with your libidinous lascivious lechery! The traditions of our Order provide a fitting punishment for just such lustful lewdness as yours--The Kisses of Saintress Severina!” A slight nod of her beautifully formed chin was all it took to set the wheels of calamity into motion for poor Plumpkins .

The Confessional Coven emerged onto the stage clad in spectacularly fierce dungeon garb that looked absolutely demonic! Superbly tailored red leather catsuits that hugged every curve and tall red spiked heel boots--and everything sprouting sharp spiked studs from every possible square inch. Their full hood-masks, also red leather and stud bespiked, featured two very large spikes placed just like devil horns. It was as if the Grand Inquisitrix were a malevolent sorceress summoning up a squad of diabolic demonesses straight from the depths of Hell itself--all they lacked were bat-like wings and pointed tails!

A large wheeled cart loaded with various equipment and articles for torture--including an enormous iron cauldron brimming with glowing coals--was rolled on stage by their crew of assistant nuns, who then began pumping the embers with enormous bellows until they were bright orange.

The High Torturess pulled out a large cherry red branding iron shaped into two interlocking S’s standing for “Saintress Severena.” It was embellished with a dozen three inch long spikes projecting out from the face of the letters. She displayed it right up close to Plumpkins’ sobbing eyes, making him wince with a start from the sudden incandescent heat source. The iron lingered there before him, close enough to shrivel his eyelashes.

Plumpkins reflexively jerked away, then caught sight of the High Torturess smirking down at him. He suddenly stopped whimpering as cold terror gripped him--her eyes possessed a soulless inhumanity and  cruel evilness exceeding anything ever possible even in his wildest nightmares!

He bellowed out a heart-rending “NOOOOO--PLEASE NOOOOO!!!” and struggled against his shackles with the frantic panic of a drowning swimmer. Satisfied by Plumpkins’ reaction, the High Torturess raised her heat wave shimmering toy and spat upon it--the glob instantly vaporized with a loud pop! She gave a soft chuckle and casually strolled next to his trembling left butt-cheek.

She carefully positioned herself so as to be able to watch Plumpkins’ face in the conveniently placed mirror and brought the torture utensil to bear--slowly. This was not going to be the quick singe of a cowpoke efficiently branding a steer--but a long lingering affair administered by someone who very much loved her job…               

The smokey scent of  roasting, delectably well marbled meat erupted as the branding iron’s spikes sizzled deeper, ever deeper, into Plumpkins’ vigorously spasming flesh--his melting fat formed streaming drips. Every fiber of his being emitted as loud and distressing a chorus of piercing screams as any creature suffering unendurable pain has ever managed to cry out in agony!

Only after the branding iron’s face had pressed against his skin long enough to ensure the S letter prints were well burnt-in, did the High Torturess relent and finally withdraw the still glowing implement. Plumpkins’ sobbing groans were drowned out by the audience rising from their seats to give a standing ovation as they admired the fresh, still smoking brand mark on him.

As everyone reseated themselves, a gasp of delight arose when they noticed the High Torturess’ apprentice removing an additional branding iron from the coals. It was fashioned similarly to the first, but in the shape of two interlocking D’s for “Daughters of Devourment.”

Plumpkins’ craned his neck to see what was happening and gave out a howl of horror when he saw! “NOOOOOOOO--NOOOOOOOO--NOOOOOOOO!!!” His arms and legs wildly gyrated in utter futility as the apprentice--grinning ear to ear--implacably approached with her awful appurtenance at the ready.               
Sister Ravenousetta was standing on the stage’s sideline, next to where the bully girls were seated, casually resting her elbow atop the low surrounding wall as she watched. “Excellent application of torture theory!” She nodded her head approvingly and leaned closer to the youngest bully girl. “See how much more the sinner is terrified when he has already experienced a dose of an upcoming torture?”

This time, Plumpkins’ right buttock was the target as the young apprentice happily applied her tool of torment with the same loving care and artful skill as her mistress.

The combined pain of the previous branding and this new assault completely overwhelmed Plumpkins. Instead of screaming and struggling, he stretched his arms and legs out stiff like a squashed toad and gave  the most pitiful, heartrending bawl of despair that ever resounded within the callous walls of a torture chamber.

The audience was both startled and delighted, erupting into boisterous cheering! The bully girls were rolling in the aisles, laughing till their sides hurt--but everyone’s joy suddenly turned to disappointment when Plumpkins wilted into a faint.

A stone-faced Grand Inquisitrix Dominique, who was still all business as she looked on unsmilingly during the proceedings, signaled one of the assistant nuns to place smelling salts under Plumpkins’ nose. He awoke with a sputtering gasp, regained full consciousness and wailed with renewed distress.

At this point, the Whip Mistress and her apprentice sauntered up to Plumpkins. Each held a heavy mace-and-chain flail, hefted with both hands. She proudly dangled her weapon before his bewildered eyes. It was a handcrafted affair of her own design, based on the Teutonic Kettenmorgenstern or “chain morning star.” Attached to the thick wooded handle were a half dozen thin chains with small spiked iron balls at the ends.

Plumpkins was utterly astonished--first that his punishment session wasn’t over, and second that such an outlandish implement was going to be employed to continue it! The two whipstresses strolled back next to his smoldering rump and took positions on each side to await the signal from the Grand Inquisitrix.

Stretching his head up as far as possible, Plumpkins managed to catch the eyes of Grand Inquisitrix Dominique. She looked like an avenging angel--glaring down at him in all her terrible beauty with hands firmly on her hips. He gave her a beseeching look--but she was in a punitive mood and completely unmoved. She then nodded for her minions to proceed…

To be continued…

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