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Chuck Roastt at The Cook School--Part 1
Started by chuckroastt
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Chuck Roastt at The Cook School--Part 1
Please note that this is only a stub for the first chapter of what will be an adventure fantasy of several chapters. If you enjoy it, you might want to check back from time, for I will revise and expand it and all other chapters as I continue writing to keep details consistent as the story leads to its eventual, inevitable, satisfying, hot, yummy conclusion. The hero will also march almost willingly to his eventual, inevitable, satisfying, hot, yummy conclusion.

Chuck Roastt was a lucky boy. Yes, he was a very lucky boy, indeed. When he was 11, he had received a scholarship to attend a prestigious prep school, The Cook School, one of the best in the nation. Now, at age 16, he was entering the 11th grade and having the time of his life. He was doing well as a student. His favorite subject was English, and he planned to become a writer. He wrote for the school newspaper, and his articles and stories were well-received. He was very cute and very popular. All the girls wanted him. They really wanted him, but he did yet know how, why, or how much they wanted him.

Some of the boys wanted him, too. They really wanted him, but again, he did yet know how, why, or how much they wanted him.

Even better, Chuck Roast’s best friend from childhood, Kara Cook, was at the school, too. That was expected, of course, because Kara was the great-granddaughter of the founder, Theodore Cook, who stylized his name as The Cook, hence the name of the school. And The Cook, as one might conjecture on the basis of his name, had been an excellent cook. He was famed for the dinners he cooked, especially for the delicious meat dishes that he prepared, and cooked, and served to his guests. Though he was headmaster at The Cook School, he sometimes cooked for the students, cooked them special meals with special ingredients. Though he kept his recipes secret from outsiders, he passed them down through his children. Now Kara, his only surviving descendant, was the only Cook who knew The Cook’s secret recipes and their special ingredients. Indeed, some of the ingredients were very special indeed.

Chuck Roast had fallen in love with Kara Cook in the first grade when they were seven, at least, he had fallen in love with her as much as a seven-year-old boy could fall in love with a seven-year-old girl. And Kara Cook had fallen in love with Chuck Roast, too, at least as much as a seven-year-old girl can fall in love with a seven-year-old boy. In fact, it had been Kara Cook who had recommended that he be awarded a scholarship to The Cook School.

Her future had never been in doubt. She always knew that she would attend The Cook School, and she had always told him that, as her special boyfriend, she had always wanted him to be with her at The Cook School, that she would make sure that he was treated very well at The Cook School, and that he would have a very special future there, a very special future indeed. Chuck Roastt innocently looked forward to his special future at The Cook School and with Kara Cook. He trusted Kara Cook. He knew that she would look out for him and make sure that his unique features would be put to good use.

They both wore school uniforms when they left their hometown together to travel by train to The Cook School. The boys were required to wear white cotton, long-sleeved, button down, oxford cloth dress shirts; the school necktie; white cotton oxford cloth boxer shorts; navy dress pants; navy socks; and black dress boots polished to a high shine. The girls were required to wear white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford dress shirts; the school necktie; red skirts; red socks; and black shoes polished to a high shine.

In fact, they both had several white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford dress shirts, at least 3 school ties, and several pairs of pants and incidentals, too, so they would always be able to change into fresh clothes in the morning and when otherwise necessary.

At The Cook School they had learned to launder and iron their shirts, their slacks and skirts, and other clothes too. The Cook School highly valued good students in their school uniforms. Both boys and girls could face demerits and punishment if they didn’t take good care of their school uniforms and if they were found out of their uniforms during the school day except when they were doing physical training. They all did physical training to make sure that they were in great shape. The boys had special physical training to ensure that they developed large, strong, desirable muscles. Their muscles were one of the main reasons that the girls wanted them.

In their compartment on the train taking them to The Cook School, they spoke about the upcoming school year, their plans, and their futures. Kara Cook said to Chuck Roastt, “Your necktie is a bit crooked and loose. Here, let me straighten and tighten it for your!” She reached over, and she lovingly straightened and tightened his necktie. Chuck Roastt said with mock alarm, “Ow! That’s too tight! I feel like I’m being hanged!”

He loosened his necktie and relaxed. They both laughed, and Kara Cook said, “Maybe someday you will be hanged!” Chuck Roastt replied, “Well, if I ever get hanged, then you can hang me!” Kara Cook clapped her hands with delight and said brightly, “Oh, I’m glad you said that!”

Kara Cook sweetly asked, “Do you feel better now?”

Chuck Roastt said, “Yes, I feel better now. Except that it’s too hot in here! I feel like I’m being cooked!

Kara Cook chuckled and said, “Maybe someday you will be cooked!” Chuck Roastt replied, “Well, if I ever get cooked, then you can cook me!” Kara Cook clapped her hands with delight again and said even more brightly, “Oh, I’m glad you said that, too! Yes, I am very glad!

As they both laughed again, Chuck Roastt thought that he detected something a little odd in her voice. They rode on and talked about other things, about less grim topics than him being hanged and cooked.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2024, 02:48:58 AM by chuckroastt »
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.

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Re: Chuck Roastt at The Cook School--Part 1
Please note that this is only a stub for the first chapter of what will be an adventure fantasy of several chapters. If you enjoy it, you might want to check back from time, for I will revise and expand it and all other chapters as I continue writing to keep details consistent as the story leads to its eventual, inevitable, satisfying, hot, yummy conclusion. The hero will also march almost willingly to his eventual, inevitable, satisfying, hot, yummy conclusion.

Chuck Roastt was a lucky boy. Yes, he was a very lucky boy, indeed. When he was 11, he had received a scholarship to attend a prestigious prep school, The Cook School, one of the best in the nation. Now, at age 16, he was entering the 11th grade and having the time of his life. He was doing well as a student. His favorite subject was English, and he planned to become a writer. He wrote for the school newspaper, and his articles and stories were well-received. He was very cute and very popular. All the girls wanted him. They really wanted him, but he did yet know how, why, or how much they wanted him.

Some of the boys wanted him, too. They really wanted him, but again, he did yet know how, why, or how much they wanted him.

Even better, Chuck Roast’s best friend from childhood, Kara Cook, was at the school, too. That was expected, of course, because Kara was the great-granddaughter of the founder, Theodore Cook, who stylized his name as The Cook, hence the name of the school. And The Cook, as one might conjecture on the basis of his name, had been an excellent cook. He was famed for the dinners he cooked, especially for the delicious meat dishes that he prepared, and cooked, and served to his guests. Though he was headmaster at The Cook School, he sometimes cooked for the students, cooked them special meals with special ingredients. Though he kept his recipes secret from outsiders, he passed them down through his children. Now Kara, his only surviving descendant, was the only Cook who knew The Cook’s secret recipes and their special ingredients. Indeed, some of the ingredients were very special indeed.

Chuck Roast had fallen in love with Kara Cook in the first grade when they were seven, at least, he had fallen in love with her as much as a seven-year-old boy could fall in love with a seven-year-old girl. And Kara Cook had fallen in love with Chuck Roast, too, at least as much as a seven-year-old girl can fall in love with a seven-year-old boy. In fact, it had been Kara Cook who had recommended that he be awarded a scholarship to The Cook School.

Her future had never been in doubt. She always knew that she would attend The Cook School, and she had always told him that, as her special boyfriend, she had always wanted him to be with her at The Cook School, that she would make sure that he was treated very well at The Cook School, and that he would have a very special future there, a very special future indeed. Chuck Roastt innocently looked forward to his special future at The Cook School and with Kara Cook. He trusted Kara Cook. He knew that she would look out for him and make sure that his unique features would be put to good use.

They both wore school uniforms when they left their hometown together to travel by train to The Cook School. The boys were required to wear white cotton, long-sleeved, button down, oxford cloth dress shirts; the school necktie; white cotton oxford cloth boxer shorts; navy dress pants; navy socks; and black dress boots polished to a high shine. The girls were required to wear white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford dress shirts; the school necktie; red skirts; red socks; and black shoes polished to a high shine.

In fact, they both had several white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford dress shirts, at least 3 school ties, and several pairs of pants and incidentals, too, so they would always be able to change into fresh clothes in the morning and when otherwise necessary.

At The Cook School they had learned to launder and iron their shirts, their slacks and skirts, and other clothes too. The Cook School highly valued good students in their school uniforms. Both boys and girls could face demerits and punishment if they didn’t take good care of their school uniforms and if they were found out of their uniforms during the school day except when they were doing physical training. They all did physical training to make sure that they were in great shape. The boys had special physical training to ensure that they developed large, strong, desirable muscles. Their muscles were one of the main reasons that the girls wanted them.

In their compartment on the train taking them to The Cook School, they spoke about the upcoming school year, their plans, and their futures. Kara Cook said to Chuck Roastt, “Your necktie is a bit crooked and loose. Here, let me straighten and tighten it for your!” She reached over, and she lovingly straightened and tightened his necktie. Chuck Roastt said with mock alarm, “Ow! That’s too tight! I feel like I’m being hanged!”

He loosened his necktie and relaxed. They both laughed, and Kara Cook said, “Maybe someday you wil be hanged!” Chuck Roastt replied, “Well, if I ever get hanged, then you can hang me!” Kara Cook clapped her hands with delight and said brightly, “Oh, I’m glad you said that!”

Kara Cook sweetly asked, “Do you feel better now?” Chuck Roastt said, “Yes, I feel better now. Except that it’s too hot in here! I feel like I’m being cooked!”

Kara Cook chuckled and said, “Maybe someday you will be cooked!” Chuck Roastt replied, “Well, if I ever get cooked, then you can cook me!” Kara Cook clapped her hands with delight again and said even more brightly, “Oh, I’m glad you said that, too! Yes, I am very glad!

As they both laughed again, Chuck Roastt thought that he detected something a little odd in her voice. They rode on and talked about other things, about less grim topics.
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.