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The best boy there is
Started by Andrew J.
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Andrew J.
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The best boy there is
A little crazy and wildly perverted story but here it is anyway:

Chapter 1

Already ten days in July and until the end of August, John, a 16 years old boy was having vacations in his mother's country house in the forest. With him were his aunt Jessica, his uncle Derek and his cousin Laura. John's mother and father were too busy to accompany them and were working in the main city. His mother trusted his wellbeing in her brother Derek and his family. Anyway, he should be old enough to take care of himself by now. He had so far been too attached to his family and had essentially no friends. That's why his parents decided this year to stay away from his life for as long as they could, so they agreed with John not to have any contact until he returns to the main city.

For John, never having sex at his age and not having a girlfriend, his cousin Laura, 21, had become the main figure in his sexual thoughts. Her great looking body and blonde hair really assisted in that, although her face appeared decent and not superb for his taste. Her trained legs had become the main part of his attraction, since he was really into female legs and she was wearing shorts the whole time. John knew that it was inappropriate to be in love with his cousin and he was of course hiding it from everyone. What also nobody knew, was that John was into dominant women, having fantasized every sort of humiliation happening to him by a hot woman. The most secret of his fantasies being that he gets killed and eventually eaten by women. His main arousal in this fantasy was coming from the thought that, by being eaten, it would prove that his whole life was only as worthy as a meal for his eaters. Therefore his eaters, the women, must be so overwelmingly superior and him so utterly worthless. So, overall, John's sexuality had two faces, the normal one, desperately seeking to come in contact with a girl and be loved but also the weird one, which wanted to become a woman's ownership and be exploited in ways unimaginable, having zero value for her. His weird self was undoubtedly the strong one, but he was hiding it deeply within him so that he could cope with everyday's life and interact normally with other people.

Not having a chance to masturbate, since the forest house was small and they were all sleeping in the same big bedroom, he was waking up in the middle of the night with a fully erect cock and was trying to catch any views of Laura's legs and perfect cleavage while she was asleep. While he would of course love to cuddle with her and have sex if it was possible, his strongest sexual thoughts included him becoming a living ownership of Laura and her boyfriend and by proven completely unworthy for any use to them, they would decide to kill him for food. And that her legs are the last thing he sees before he gets killed. He secretly hated Laura's boyfriend because she was so in love with him and he appeared so stronger and more masculine than himself. The thought of being degraded and eaten by him as well in front of Laura made him feel so much more worthless, sexually arousing him to greater heights. He was imagining this fantasy while touching his cock but not masturbating as he was afraid not to be heard. John, being such a shy boy, was very careful not to reveal any of these thoughts.

Although Laura did't know exactly, she was aware that something was weird about her cousin. That's why she wasn't really fond of his company, but he was always so kind to her and she didn't want to make him feel bad by telling him something rude. Besides, the house she was having vacations belonged to his mother. Thus, most of the day she was completely ignoring him, chatting or texting with her boyfriend and other friends, sunbathing, jogging or listening to music.

John's aunt and Laura's mother, Jessica, was a somewhat chubby but not fat and short gray haired woman in her mid 50's. She was really the leader of her family. She wanted the best of the best for her family and especially for Laura. For example that's why she didn't hesitate to shout and argue with a grocery seller to get the exact ten peaches that she wanted a few days ago. As always, she got what she wanted. She was also generally rude towards her husband Derek, who always obeyed her will. Regarding her sister in law, John's mom, she was generally polite, but she couldn't even think that her nephew, John, could ever become more succesful than Laura. However, Laura didn't finish school with great marks and didn't really have any solid plans for her future. On the contrary, John, being a nerd was already very good at school and had much better marks than Laura did in the corresponding classes over the previous years. Jessica was jealous of that and everyone could see that, but of course she never openly admitted it. She had never treat John in a bad way, but whe was always making sure that her family had the priority in getting the best in everything. John, being such a good boy, never complained about coming second, accepting the situation.

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Andrew J.
  • Status:
Re: The best boy there is
Chapter 2

In the 10th of July, in the afternoon, John was supposedly using his laptop on his bed in the home's single bedroom. But his thoughts were actually with Laura who was sunbathing outside and he was constantly finding excuses to get to the back side of the house and take glimpses of her in her bikini. His uncle Derek was also outside reading a newspaper and aunt Jessica was sitting on the couch in the main room of the house watching tv. John again passed in front of his aunt to go outside and at the back of the house to get something from the storage house as an excuse to view Laura again. She was sunbathing on a long armchair lying face down and exposing her perfect asscheeks and back to the sun. Laura generally never appeared to care how sexy or not she would appear in front of her cousin, a fact hinting that she was not counting him as a real male. She was completely unaware of him being there as she was listening to her favourite music and she had her eyes covered.

He thought that he couldn't stand it anymore, he was going to go to the toilet and masturbate. Only his aunt was inside the house and she was watching tv so she normally wouldn't suspect anything. As he was entering the main room of the house to go to the toilet, he passed again in front of his aunt Jessica. "John, can I ask you something?" she told him, "how would it look to you the idea that we ate you?". "I'm sorry?" John replied. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sure he must have misheard. Had his aunt found out somehow about his secret fantasy? Is he in a dream and about to wake up? He wanted to play down his shock because he obviously didn't hear correctly. "What do you mean eat me?" he asked seemingly calm. "I mean roast you and eat you like we ate the lamb the last time, would you mind that?" said aunt Jessica. Once again he couldn't believe in his ears. It was most likely that she had find out about his fantasy but that was a well kept secret, how would this be possible? Also he wasn't used to her talking to him so straightforward. She can't truly mean that she wants to eat him and also who are "we" that she referred to? Herself? Laura? Uncle Derek? Just the thought of this happening made a part of him so horny. His first thought was to pretend completely unaffected. But a part of him wanted so much for this to become a reality. This part came out in the surface blocking his words for a few seconds. Just the slightest chance of these words becoming a reality would make his secret dream come true. On the other hand maybe she was just mocking him to see how he would react. He looked away from his aunt and downwards and with the risk of being completely humiliated he said in a low tone "I wouldn't mind it". Aunt Jessica also paused for a second not expecting this answer. "That's nice..." she said in a smiling tone. She then grabbed the remote control and switched the tv off. She continued "Now go to the bedroom and get naked and I will come in a while to prepare you". A burning and pleasant sensation rushed through his chest. What does she mean by that, does she really want to eat me? The thought of himself ending up in her stomach and also Laura's stomach as food made him exquisitely horny. He still couldn't believe that. "I must have misunderstood something" he thought. Anyway, what his aunt told him was clear, to get to the bedroom and get naked.

As he went to the bedroom and while he was closing the door behind him, out of shyness, he saw aunt Jessica getting up from the couch and heading to the outside of the house. After a while, the main room's big iron door closed behind her. John was so buffled but also so horny about what had just happened. "Aunt Jessica couldn't really want to eat me, she knows me since I was born and I have been known this family for years and I trust them and all. Either there is some kind of misunderstanding or she is playing a game with me. Most probably she is playing with me. She has found out about my secret fantasy and she wants to test how far I can go. But at this point I don't really care. I just want to be a part of it, even if she ends up making me look like a complete freak in front of my uncle and Laura. Also, what about them? Are they also a part of this?". His submissive self was so excited that he couldn't think crearly, but he also didn't care. Obviously, after this, he was willing to destroy years long family bonds and he was also willing to sacrifice his own life.

Just before getting undressed as his aunt asked, he thought "I can't just stand completely naked if front of my aunt. I would get so shy. Also, my pubic area is so bushy compared to the rest of my body and she may mock me. These are so personal stuff she would see". After some thought he decided to get naked but stay covered under his blanket. In this case if anything went wrong he would stay under the blanket to keep his dignity. He removed his t-shirt first and then his pants. He placed them carefully on the bed to be ready to wear them fast if needed. He then removed his underwear. At that moment John realised that his dick was rock hard. He thought "if my aunt sees me like this it would be so humiliating", but again the thought of him getting laughed by her and perhaps Laura made him even more horny and his dick even harder. At the same time, viewing his pale naked hairless body, he imagined it in front of his dressed aunt and cousin and uncle. "Oh shit, what am I going to do? I want so much to get killed and eaten by Laura and by my aunt. And even my uncle, I gratiously accept him to dine on my meat with them. The expectation of what his aunt was planning was making him so curious. What could she possibly be doing at this moment? She definitely had managed to drive him mad in excitement.

Several minutes had pass and John was waiting naked beneath his blanket subconsciously touching himself and fantasizing his cooked body parts being touched by the heavenly beautiful fingers of his cousin and eaten by her striking white teeth and also by the thicker fingers of his aunt Jessica and ending up in their bellies, where he gets digested and he finally ends up as simply their ordure in his house's toilet. "They can't possibly want to do this to me for real, but right now it's the most exciting thing I can think".

Some heavy metal noises were coming from the outside but he couldn't figure out what it was. All of the house's doors were closed not allowing him to hear. Suddenly, the heavy old iron door of the main room opened. It was obvious by the noise of the old heavy knob it had. This noise sounded so sexy to John but he was also so curious and afraid to find out what aunt jessica was planning. The iron door was closed again and his aunt's heavy footsteps were heard as she was crossing the main room towards the bedroom. John couldn't believe that, even under his blanket, he was completely naked and she was about to enter the room.

The bedroom's door opened. Aunt Jessica entered the room wearing the exact same clothes, a light bluish nightgown, but also holding a rope in her hands. She then closed the bedroom's door behind her as John was lying on his bed and under his blanket. "Oh, my little nephew... Why did you cover yourself with the blanket?" she asked while smiling. "I am a little shy right now" John replied while his feared eyes were wide open looking at her from below with his full attention. She said "You feel shy in front of your aunt? I have seen you naked many times when you were younger. No need to be shy with me". She then approached John and by slowly moving her hand to hold the blanket just below his head, she drew it, again slowly, revealing his naked body,  starting from his chest, to his erected cock and hairy pubic area and then completely revealing his legs. John's hands moved straight to cover his rock hard cock. While smiling, aunt Jessica slowly used her hands to remove his away and drove them to his chest completely revealing his erected cock in front of her. "No need to cover that, I've seen it many times" she said. She didn't comment at all the fact that it was fully erect. John, lying on his bed completely naked with an erected cock in front of his fully dressed aunt, felt so vulnerable and humiliated, but so excited at the same time. The burning pleasurable feeling in his chest felt like it was about to explode. He told his aunt "I am shy and afraid that uncle Derek or Laura might come in at any moment". While placing the blanket at the leg side of the bed, above John's clothes, she then moved closer to his upper body and sat on the bedside. She started to caress the one side of his head from his hair to his cheek saying "don't worry at all, I told to your uncle and Laura not to get in the room until I go out. No one else is going to see you naked, but me". Now that this anxiety was removed, John was eager to find out what his aunt was going to do to him.

Andrew J.
  • Status:
Re: The best boy there is
Chapter 3

While moving towards the back side of John's bed, the side close to the window, she said "Look, since you have agreed that you are going to be eaten, you realize that at some point in the future the "inevitable" must happen to you right? But don't worry, it's not going to happen any time soon and I will make sure that you won't expect it at all it when it happens and that you won't feel any pain". John still could't believe what he was hearing. If she is serious, it means that she wants him to kill and eat him for real. A part of him was so afraid about this, but another part, the strongest one, was really excited about becoming his aunt's meal and obviously Laura's too. "What did I earn by living normally all these years that I am alive? Just a few minutes of truly believing that I will be eaten have made me more excited than my entire previous life. If it happens for real then so be it, it's worth it" he thought. His aunt continued "what I want from you is to be a good boy and stay here the whole time, completely silent. Since you are going to become essentially our food I don't want you to have any interaction with your uncle or your cousin for some time, so that they can easier consume you without remorses when the time comes. To be sure that you will stay here I will tie you right here on your bed. When Laura or your uncle is in this room I will cover you with this blanket. Since you will be tied you won't be able to move, but you must also keep yourself silent and without making noises. If you speak I will have to tape your mouth. The only person you will speak to is me, when no one is around and the only reason is if you need to use the bathroom. I will untie you and allow you to use it. Do you agree with those terms?". John noded positively while clearly saying "yes", needing so much to take part in this scenario, but he honestly didn't believe that his aunt could really kill him, even if she was serious. He was mostly afraid that he would feel very uncomfortable being tied up the whole time. "But at least I will feel like a piece of meat in front of Laura. While she is around, I will be just a covered piece of meat and she will know that it is really me under the blanket" he thought. All these thoughts made his fully erected cock to jerk on its own a couple of times in front of his aunt.

Aunt Jessica, being at the right side of his bed said "allright, now lie on your left side and give me your arms at your back so that I can tie them". As she said, John turned on his left side, lying on the bed with his left abdomen and willingly moved his arms at his back towards his aunt. His legs were bent at a 45 degree angle one on top of the other and his fully erected cock was sandwitched between them, with the head of the cock looking downwards to the bed. He was so turned on that transparent prostatic juices started to drip on the bed. His aunt ignored them or didn't see them at all because she was occupied in tying his arms. She did the tying slowly and that's why it didn't hurt John at all or felt tight. Soon she finished with tying his arms. John made an effort to bring his arms at his front but they proved to be securely tied at his back. "Now I will tie your legs" said his aunt and she slowly held his two ankles with her hands drawing them towards her. His cock was now moved to drip prostate juices to another spot on the bed. After securing his ankles tied between them, she used her right hand to draw the rope between the ankles and thus both John's ankles even further at his back and towards his butt. She then used a third rope to tie the ropes of his arms and his ankles between them, causing his arms and ankles to almost touch each other near his butt. This position was uncomfortable for John and he started to moan but he soon stopped, in case his moans bothered his aunt. After securing him at the position she exactly wanted she said "that's my nephew" rewarding him for his patience.

John was now completely secured with his arms and feet tied towards his back and of course completely naked lying on his left side on the bed. He felt a soft weight pressing his back side where his arms were. It was aunt Jessica's belly, who now had her arms right above him. Probably to reward him for being such a good boy, she very gently touched his erected cock and started to slowly jerk it back and forth telling him "My nephew is the best boy there is". John had many days to masturbate and he felt this unexpected sensation as the best he ever had. He closed his eyes and moved his head towards his back moaning slightly. He slightly opened his legs by separating his knees so he could give a better handle of his cock to his aunt in order to feel a better sensation. However the way his legs were tied didn't allow him to keep this position for long and he had to close them again. Aunt Jessica continued jerking his cock slowly with her right hand while with her left hand she started to caress his hair, his chest and right shoulder. Her right palm became wet by his prostatic fluids and the bedsheet under his cock became so wet, that it was visibly darker than the rest of the area. He was going to cum soon in the hand of his aunt, but she stopped jerking him and instead she used her right hand to caress his abdomen, ass and thighs. All these were so heavenly for John but he wished she would return to his cock. On some occasions, her touches were becoming more violent putting more pressure to feel the meat and the connections of the bones. He really felt that his aunt was somehow testing his meat's tenderness, which meant that she may be thinking of him as meat now, something which made him scared but turned on too. In a while, she started jerking his cock again in a wider motion this time. John was in heaven. He closed his eyes and moved his head towards his back arching his torso and hoped that she would continue jerking him to the end. He was about to have an orgasm he so wished after such a long time. Her left arm was put in such a way so that her elbow kept his head towards his back by pushing his chin, while with her left palm she was caressing his chest. And with her right hand she was jerking his cock.

While being so close to orgasm, his aunt appeared to release his cock and he soon felt a light pressure on his throat which was followed by a burning sensation and then excruciating pain. His body flounced reflectively by the sudden pain. "What's happening?" he thought. It felt as if something sharp was hurting his throat. "Oh God I think she is cutting my throat! But this can't be true, my aunt wouldn't do this to me" he thought as he was completely trusting her. He tried to beg her to stop the pain but her elbow was keeping his chin unable to open and speak, so he tried to moan but he found out that no sound was coming from his vocal chords. At some point his chin was temporary released and he tried to scream, but still no voice was coming from his mouth. His aunt's left hand instantly grabbed his chin and forcefully returned his head as far back as it could go. At the same time, she used her right knee to press hard on his back, keeping him still with his belly on the bed and his arms and legs tied towards his left and under her right calf. John being tied up was already unable to move and his aunt was keeping him in a completely secured position using all her weight. After another round of deeper cutting at his throat and even more pain, a suckling noise was heard, as if air was bubbling through a water pipe, that coincided with the beats of his heart. "My neck's arteries must be sucking air" he thought. At the same time he felt a warm sensation under his face on the bed which felt and smelled like blood. It was actually his own blood which was absorbed through the sheets. It was more than clear that his aunt had completely severed his throat and that his death was imminent. He could already feel that his view was darkekning and a strong vertigo made him lose every sense of coordination. "Oh my god, she tricked me" he thought. "She said she wouldn't kill me anytime soon but she lied to me". John couldn't understand his aunt's motives behind killing him so soon and so cruelly and believed that she would regret it later, since he never did anything to wrong her and was always so obedient. He used his diminishing strength to try and move but he could only do small jerking motions which were cancelled by his ropes and his aunt's weight. While still using her left hand to keep his chin back, she used her right hand to caress his head telling him "calm down... it's over... it's over... it's over". She then yelled "Derek! Derek! Laura!" Both his uncle Derek and Laura entered the room, Laura for sure as her strong erotic perfume was detected by John. Aunt Jessica then said "lets grab him and get him outside to hang, it's a complete mess in here. I slaughtered him right on the bed to avoid stressing him". While almost unconscious, John heard clearly all this conversation and thought "not only she lied to me about not killing me, but she also lied that no one else was going to see me naked. Now both my uncle and Laura are watching me naked and getting slaughtered" a thought that made his dying brain to feel again an embarassing but pleasurable sensation. "On top of that, they will take me outside, which means that everyone just happening to be passing by will be seeing me". In his blurry semiconscious thoughts, John honestly embraced the fact that, his worthlessness compared to an average human being, wasn's just what he liked, but also what the reality was. Indeed, as a human, he was actually much less important than what he wanted to believe, in order to fake a life worthy of living. Never in his life he managed to attract a girl and never in his life he resisted to anyone who wanted to exploit him. Now that his life was coming to an end, he didn't have to lie to himself anymore viewing the good side of its ending. Accepting the reality made him feel free of any shyness and only appreciative to the fact that his deepest fantasy appeared to be getting fulfilled. "That's what I am" he thought. He was lying in front of Laura as a big piece of actually, meat, and she appeared ready to assist in his proccesing, obviously agreeing that his appropriate fate was exactly that, to be consumed.

While uncle Derek and Laura approached his body, aunt Jessica used her knife to cut much deeper into John's neck revealing the internal side of his spine. She then cut as deeply as she could between the bones. She then used her left arm to draw his neck even further back and her right hand as a support so that only the head and not the neck would move. A strong crackling sound was heard, which meant that John's neck was now broken. She didn't continue to completely remove the head which was now held to the body only by the neck's skin. She then released his arms and legs by cutting the ropes holding them. Laura held John's right arm from the wrist using both her hands, while uncle Derek held his left one and aunt Jessica was holding him by his ankles. When they lift him from the bed, chest looking up, his head was completely limp hanging downwards. His open eyes looked straight to wherever his head was turning. At this moment, his body started to shake involuntarily. Laura suddenly screamed and let his body fell on the ground while his left arm slipped by uncle Derek because of the blood it was covered. Thus his upper body fell violently on the floor while his legs kept being held high by his aunt. "why did you let him fell down?" aunt Jessica asked angrily. "a stain of blood on my bikini!" yelled Laura. Other drops of blood were also visible on her left thigh, caused by the movement of John's hanging head. When the body stoped jerking ,they lift it up again with Laura holding it as far away from her as possible, to avoid this happening again. While they were carrying John's body outside, aunt Jessica explained how satisfied she was and how easy the overall slaughter was carried out saying "he didn't make a sound when I slaughtered him, I've always said that my nephew was the best boy there is, he was so receptive. He had a hard on the whole time right until I slit his throat, he must have liked how I handled him or the humiliation I put him into. I was suspecting for a long time that he liked to be ordered and humiliated. He was always so obedient and accepted everything I asked. I still can't believe how easy it was to convince him to get killed, I just asked him to be eaten and he said yes! Anyway, what he liked or not have no significance anymore".

Andrew J.
  • Status:
Re: The best boy there is
Chapter 4

They carried John's body right at the house's porch, in a position with a view to the main road, where any vehicles crossing were actually very rare. Two large crooks were attached to a bar supported on the ceiling of the porch itself. As they reached the crooks, Jessica, in order to free her hand, let one of John's legs to fell down, making an impact sound. She then grabbed one of the crooks and forced it in the inside part of the achilles tendon of John's ankle she was holding. She then went to proceed with the other ankle.

Laura and her father were still holding John's arms. It was the first time Laura had seen John's penis. She never actually saw it erected but anyway it didn't appear to surprise her. In fact it was only by curiosity that she kept her eyes on it and on John's hairy balls. She was thinking that his pubic hair were very bushy compared to the rest of his body. "I doubt he even knew that he could shave this area. What a naive person" she thought. She appeared to be somewhat impatient holding John's torso and was in a rush to hang the body so that she could go back to her sunbathing, not wanting to miss today's sun which would set in a few hours. She had set an important goal to reach a specific amount of skin tanning in ten days, since she was going to the main city to visit her boyfriend and wanted him and her friends to admire her tanned skin.

When Jessica finished, John's body was hanging upside down from the two crooks piercing through his ankles, with his legs apart from one another and his hairy balls and penis hanging in front of his abdomen for everyone to see. A most disgraceful body posture in which John's body experienced for the first time, as a result of the family's actions. His whole body was making a very slow back and forth oscillating movement like a pendulum. His arms were hanging down nearly touching the ground, while his head was close to Laura's thighs, looking straight at her feet. Had he been alive he would really enjoy this view. "As I said don't expect any help by me in butchering him. And of course I won't be eating any parts, it's so disgusting. Just killing him and vanishing the body should be enough" Laura told her parents. Jessica replied "Why throw away such a nice young meat that is free of charge? Especially here where it's not the center of the world. Are you goint to drive for an hour or go hunting to get us meat? Just wait and you'll see that he will turn out delicious. He himself accepted to be eaten. Or do you think that the meats you normally eat don't come from living beings?". "Right, just don't call me while you are in jail" replied Laura while leaving to continue her sunbathing. "I might need your help later, miss, to clean the bedroom" said Jessica while Laura was leaving and she just made a nod, not clearing her intentions.

Then Derek told Jessica "she is partly right, my sister won't be pleased to hear what happened to her son" and Jessica replied: "we've discussed this so many times, with John dead, by the new law, this house and her house in the main city will be instantly owned by Laura. She is also her relative and she loves her. Your silly daughter should thank me. Now if his mother acts hurt I don't really care, i will explain to her that I myself slaughtered John because we were hungry and it's not easy to find any food nearby and that he agreed with it and even got himself naked for the slaughter". Derek appeared not to have any more objections. While talking to her husband, Jessica brought a large bowl and placed it right under John's head because blood was still draining from his throat. "We also need to see what we will do with the mattress, it is full of blood, we probably need a new one. We actually own this house now" said Jessica.

She then grabbed a sharp knife from a set of knives and sharp tools that she had brought from the storage house while John was undressing, that she had arranged on the table. She then grabbed John's hanging body from his right leg and turned it slightly so that she was exactly behind it with her face near his anus. She then bent her back and used her left hand to grab John's hanging head from the chin pulling it up and towards her. In order to have a better grip she put her two middle fingers inside John's open mouth and right behind his teeth, grabbing his whole jaw in her palm and turning his head almost 180 degrees towards her. Since John's neck was broken the head was easily turned and moved behind the rest of the body, which was drawn slightly back as well, while the arms
kept hanging downwards. Using the knife, Jessica cut the remaining soft tissue that was holding John's head attached to his body, releasing it free. The body returned to it's previous vertical position making an oscilating movement. John's head was heavier than Jessica initially thought. While still holding it from the jaw and upside down, she made a step to her right and released it on the ground making an impact sound and two rolls before landing on its left cheek, leaving bloodmarks. The big height from which she let John's head to fell down clearly indicated the way she was viewing John now: no longer a human but obviously an object. "That must have hurt" said Derek laughing, a joke that made also Jessica smiling. "How are you going to butcher him? asked Derek. "Just sit down and read your newspaper" Jessica responded and Derek did exactly that.

She then reached the table again to get a gas flamethrower which she had also brought from the storage house. After using a lighter to light it up the flamethrower was now operational. She then approached the hanging body and started to use it on every part of the skin, burning every little hair on it. While not easily visible, fluff did exist on the seemingly hairless body, except the pubic area and the scrotum which were obviously hairy and on which Jessica payed special attention to completely burn all hair, by holding the cock from its skin and moving it in every direction while the flame was burning. The initialy pale body's skin had now blackened in many areas. After Jessica removed the bowl where the blood was only occationally dripping by now, she used a garden hose to clean the body with pressure and remove most of the black burnt spots. She then used the hose to clean John's severed head from the dried blood while rubbing it with her hand.

Reaching the sharp knife again, she moved close to the body and turned it so that the genitals were conveniently right in front of her. She then used her left hand to grab all the genitals at once and pulled them away towards their left side, making a deep cut with the knife right at the base of the scrotum and continuing towards the base of the penis. She cut again at the same place as deeply as she could, pulling the genitals even further. She then did the same at the other side of the genitals cutting again and again until all genitals including the scrotum and the penis's skin were detached and hanging in her left palm. She then threw them in a clean bowl she had prepare on the table, next to which Derek was reading his newspaper. "Mmmm, delicacies!" he said laughing. "I don't have a problem to eat them, I am not disgusted by any part of my nephew" she said. Right after the act of his slaughter, it was obvious that the fate of every single part of John, would now be his aunt's decision.

Starting from the point where the penis previously was, she carefully begun to make a slow cut towards the abdomen, while keeping the skin stretched by pulling it with her left hand. When the knife was approaching the chest, she made two more cuts towards the left and right of the abdomen near the groin's area. These two cuts allowed the internal guts to move downwards and outwards towards her. She then turned John's body by 180 degrees with his anus in front of her. She used her hands to spread his butt and then she made a deep cut just around the anus. The anus tissue was now cut releasing the large intestine in the cavity. She then turned the body again with the open abdomen towards her and grabbed the large intestine with her hand pulling it downwards with force. Using the knife, she cut any tissue that was connected to the back of the cavity and pulled the intestines towards her, leaving them hanging to the outside of the thoracic cavity. She carefully used her fingers to palpate through the small intestine finding its end and cutting it carefully. She then started to squeeze it with one hand while pulling it through her hand with the other, all the way to the other end. When she was reaching the other end, liquid brown poop was released on the floor and poop smell filled the air. If John was now alive he would feel much more embarassed than during his slaughter, since, not only he was now hanging naked upside down with his bowels in public view, but through his aunt's actions he was forced to inform everyone around about the dirty contents of his deeper self, releasing his distinctive aroma. It was also evident how contradictory John's fear in being seen naked was with his acceptance to be eaten, since, being eaten by definition means that all his internal stuff would eventually be seen, touched and eaten by his eaters, making the naked part the least of his problems. Indeed, John was looking forward to this very personal connection with his eaters and especially Laura, but at the same time he was afraid of it. In releasing his internal contents, aunt Jessica commented "let's get his poop out". She then used the garden hose to clean the floor and divert the dirty fluid away towards the ground where the soil was. She put the intestines in the bowl with the genitals, while the rest of the enthrails were still hanging from the carcass's open cavity.

She then put both her arms deep within the cavity to forcefully grab the upper guts, heart and lungs, causing the body to stretch down and move towards her. At this moment a car happened to pass by the street right outside the house. It was the daughter of one of John's neighbours, a beautiful redhead woman that John liked but was much older than him, around her 30's. From far away, she thought that it was an animal that was being gutted, but as she appoached closer it became evident that it was a young male's body and in fact John's since she recognized his body type. John had help her to fix her tv last year, hopping that he would get to know her better, but she wasn't really interested in anything more than fixing her tv. While viewing Jessica having her arms up to her elbows within the headless body's chest and half his intestines hanging out, she drove very slow and thought "yes it really is him, it's his aunt gutting him like an animal. I suppose they plan to eat him? Poor little boy, he was so kind, this sort of ending is totally unfair for him, I suppose he was too weak to resist. But don't these bastards felt any pity for him? Don't they understand that they are humiliating him completely by doing this right here? I should not interfere, since I have nothing to earn and it's really not my bussiness. Besides, no one can help him now". So she continued on her way as if nothing noteworthy had happen.

Andrew J.
  • Status:
Re: The best boy there is
Chapter 5

After removing all his guts, Jessica put them in the same bowl. The now empty and headless carcass was still hanging upside down. Jessica then used her sharp knife to cut the right and left sides of the abdomen at the base of the legs and all around the pelvis until the knife reached the spine. SHe continued to cut at the right and left side of the spine until the ribcage. She then cut around the ribcage to completely remove the two parts of skin and fat that once were John's belly and put them on the table. The back of his cavity was exposed and at the back of his pelvis, his tenderloin was now visible. Using her sharp knife, Jessica cut around the left and right muscles of the tenderloin starting from the inside part of his butt and used her hands to completely remove them. She did the same for the muscles at the back of his spine, cutting as close to the spine as possible. After this, his spine was clearly seen as the only thing connecting his pelvis and his ribcage.

Jessica then took an axe and grabbed his right arm by the wrist picking it up. She then swang the axe to completely sever it from the shoulder and threw it on the table. She did the same with the other arm. In less than an hour, John was turned from a young boy to a hunging piece of meat consisting of two legs, a butt and an empty torso. At this point, Laura came to the front of the house wearing her bikini and after putting on her sexy shorts and shirt, she sat near her father to attend the rest of John's butchering. Jessica used her sharp knife to carefully clean as much of the ribcage meat as possible and she did the same to the shoulders and neck, carefully removing all glands to avoid contaminating the meat.

Only bones were now left on John's upper body and all parts of his upper body meat ended up on the table. Then, using a saw and with Laura's help who was holding John's ribcage, she completely severed the spine right next to the pelvis. The redish - white bony structure consisting of the spine, ribcage, shoulders and neck was now light and easy to move by Laura who was holding it from the lower spine and the left shoulder. Jessica asked her to just throw it on the floor. Using the axe to chop on the groin area and making strong and deep impact sounds, Jessica completely cut the pelvis in half. As the sun was setting, the two legs were hanging separately each on its own crook. Both legs were then got down and placed on the table with the rest of the meat. All of John's meat had now covered most of the table's surface reminding Jessica, Laura and Derek that they had taken everything from him. The red meat color made the skin on his parts look even more pale, showing a white - red pallete.

Jessica used the axe to chop off the hands and feet after placing them on a chopping block and put them in the same bag with the glands and some fat for disposal. His penis was also put in this bag since Jessica decided that its chewy texture was unedible. She then put the pieces of good meat in bags and with Laura's help she put them in the fridge to age for about a week. She was careful to put them in such a way so that the least of space was used, with legs and arms completely bent, so overall less than half the fridge was full. John's guts and balls were also put in the fridge, while his spine and rigcage bones along with the bag of bad meat were left outside to be buried in the next morning. His head was decided to be put in the fridge as well. It was almost dark by now. After cleaning with Laura's help all the porch area and the bedroom except the bed's matress from the blood, nothing reminded that a human was violently killed and dismembered there a few hours ago.

It was time for dinner, which normally wouldn't include any of John's parts, but Jessica wanted to eat his balls along with her meal for tonight out of curiosity of how they would taste. John's raw testicles had a whitish color and were pretty small like two chocolates, easily fitting in her palm. So, after using a knife to remove the external surface of the testicles and the spermatic cords, she put them in a small pan to be fried in olive oil. Laura asked her "are you really going to eat his balls? I wouldn't even touch them" and Jessica replied "it isn't really his choice but nature's how his balls and every part of him looks, smells and tastes, and there are no dirty parts in his body apart from the intestines and bladder". When John's testicles were ready, she put them in a small plate. With Laura watching curiously, she cut a testicle in half and ate the one part, which didn't taste bad, but had a specific texture in her mouth dissimilar to muscle meat. She then ate the other half and then the other testicle. In less than three minutes, both of John's testicles had been consumed by his aunt. In that night, Laura decided to search the internet about the benefits of eating animals' guts and testicles and the nutrients in human meat, finding positive results.   

Early in the next morning, when Jessica woke up, she found out that John's spine was missing from the porch and the bag where his hands and feet were placed was shattered on the floor with some of the meats thrown out. Obviously animals entered the fence last night. His spine was found several meters away with parts of his ribcage and shoulders missing, while one of the stray dogs on the road had a human hand in its mouth. When Derek woke up, he saw the dog himself commenting "maybe a friend of his needed a hand" with Jessica laughing loudly. She then asked him to bury John's spine and remains in the ground and he indeed took a shovel and dug a deep hole to bury them.

In the meantime, she took from the fridge the bowl with John's guts to process them further. With a knife, she chopped the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs in small pieces. She then found the end of John's small intestine and connected it with the kitchen faucet, allowing lots of water to flow through in order to clean the internal part. Initially, the water coming out was dirty, but clean water was coming out after a while. She then grabbed a pencil and patiently passed it from one end of the intestine to the other for further cleaning, a process she had learned from her Turkish grandmother. The rest of the guts, she threw into the garbage.

With Derek's help, she passed the chopped parts through a spit and then wrapped around the cleaned intestines. The whole spit was put on a charcoal spit roaster by Derek. He was already hand turning the spit when Laura woke up later in the morning, taking a close up breath and smiling on smelling the roasting parts. Several times during the roasting, Derek used a dried oregano twig to apply olive oil and lemon on the roast, for hydration. However Jessica noted that the way he was applying it was impatient and wrong and she showed him in a polite and assertive manner how to gently hydrate the intestines. They soon looked properly hydrated and started to give a more oregano oriented smell, proving once more that only she possesed the level of knowlegde required to get the maximum out of her nephew's body.

At lunch time, John's intestines were ready. Derek cut them from the spit and put them on a plate in the middle of the table. They were used as a side dish to the main course which was grilled chicken. Although Laura appeared hesitant to consume John's intestines, she eventually tasted some of the liver, which she liked, but most of the intestines were finally eaten by Derek and Jessica. After lunch, some of the intestines were put in the fridge and eaten at the same night. 

For the next days, the family's dishes didn't include John's meat since they were waiting for it to age in the fridge before cosuming it. However on the fifth day they ran out of meat, so Jessica decided to cook one of John's tenderloins. Laura was again initially reluctant to eat, but Jessica told her "I understand that you didn't want to eat the guts, but this is meat and it's as meat as any other regardless that it came from a human. It's essentially the same as if you consumed pork or beef. It is actually very similar to pork and it has turned really delicious. Just give it a try and if you don't like it you can eat potatoes since there is no other food for today". Laura decided to give it a try and it was indeed quite tasty and similar to pork. The main reason that she didn't want to eat it is because John was a human and she didn't want to think of herself as a cannibal. But she was so hungry and her mouth was inviting this meat as any other kind of meat, proving to her that it was equally correct to consume it. Besides, John himself agreed to this. She tried to forget where this meat came from and concentrated in the good taste and texture she felt in her mouth. Her perfect white teeth were finally ripping John's flesh, exactly as he wished, ending up in her stomach. Before she realized it, her plate was empty. She would love to have some more but she was also thinking about her silhouette and decided to stop. After eating, she found out that a fibre of meat was stuck between her teeth, which she used a toothpick to remove.

She later went to sunbathe while listening to her favourite music. During this relaxation time for her, she kept thinking about the morality of consuming a human being. In the case of John she thought "My family did't start eating humans now, it was his behaviour that resembled more a pathetic dog or a livestock animal rather than a human, agreeing even to be eaten by us. He was always looking for someone to do a favor to, challenging them to get anything they wanted from him". For her, John, being so weak, wasn't acting as a human at all and in his mind he really wasn't so he didn't deserve to be treated as a human and thus his consumption was very justified. She decided that from now on she would normally eat the meat of this little pig that agreed to be eaten and got slaughtered by her mom, named John, as she would do to any other pig. Pigs are to be eaten after all.

Andrew J.
  • Status:
Re: The best boy there is
Chapter 6

After the very tender meat they ate the previous day, it was proven that John's meat had aged well after only five days, so Jessica decided to put it in the freezer for conservation. Before that, she wanted to make some grinding meat from parts like his ribcage, his ass and his neck. So she brought a manual meat grinder from the storage house and started to put in the parts of meat one by one after cutting them in smaller pieces with a knife and turning the handle. Grinded meat was exiting from the other part of the grinder, the most teared apart type of things John had turn in so far, completely unregognizable to his original self.  Jessica separated it with care in smaller packs.

The problem with the freezer was that it was somewhat small and didn't fit all of the meat. For this reason, Jessica decided to keep in the fridge some of his parts, like his head, one of his thighs and some grinded meat. These parts needed to be eaten first since meat in the freezer could be stored for a very long time, but not so in the fridge. So she decided that John's thigh would be cooked the next day along with his head, although she wasn't very certain about which parts of his head were edible.

In the next morning, she used an axe to cut John's thigh in several pieces, as flat and thin as she could. After removing John's tongue from the underside of his jaw, she patiently skined all of his head, leaving only a white and red skull, which Laura commented that his visible teeth made it appear as afraid. She then put the head to rest on its back on the chopping block and used her hands to completely open the mouth. She then used the axe to strike in the open mouth with force, spliting the jaw from the rest of the head. She then put the upper skull to sit on its teeth and forcefully split it in two halves after striking it several times, even after the skull was stuck on the axe and moved with it. Jessica had hear bad rumors about eating an animals brain, so she decided to throw John's brain away, into the garbage bin. She then put all the parts to cook into the oven mixed with potatoes, olive oil and several spices.

After a few hours, a strong pleasant aroma filled the space. It was so pleasant that Laura couldn't wait to eat it and she was constantly looking through the oven's glass to check if it was ready. When the time arrived, she specifically chose the part she wanted to eat, it was a well cooked cut of the thigh. It was so delicious that Laura was ecstatic, she didn't expect John's meat to be that good. She ate more than usual and she found the red wine which accompanied the meat to be a perfect match.

Jessica, not wanting John's head to go to waste, since she knew that there wouldn't be many candidates for it, decided to concentrate on that. By holding the one half of the skull with her two hands, she buried her teeth deep into John's cooked skinless cheeks, cleaning them of meat with her teeth. She kept doing this to nearly clean the skull of meat completely. When her mouth reached the eyeball, she used her tongue and lips to suck it as deeply in her mouth as she could, pressuring the half skull towards her mouth and using her front teeth to pull the eyeball. Her front teeth then cut any tissue holding it in place and John's eyeball entered her mouth, moving towards wherever her tongue was guiding it. She then chew the eyeball several times with her back teeth and then spit it on her plate, leaving only a chewed white mass with a wrinkled dark center. She did the same to the other half of his skull and she also consumed his tongue.

In the previous meals the family didn't discuss a lot about the taste of the meat, because the memory of John being alive and amongst them was still fresh. However while eating today's lunch, his memory had faded and they also couldn't but ackowledge how tender and delicious the meat was. As Jessica stated "it must have been its youthness that made the meat so tender". It was nearly impossible for them to believe that the thing eaten was not specifically bred for food. Still, it was a lot of meat for the three of them to consume in one meal, so they kept the leftovers in the fridge for dinner. The bones and parts of the skull were thrown to the stray dogs nearby. One of the halves of his skull was carried by a dog in the middle of the road and was eventually stepped on later by the car of his redhead neighbour girl, who only noticed a bump on the road. Incidentally, the half skull didn't break but was thrown a feet away.

Two days later, Jessica decided to make meatballs using John's grinded meat. His meat was mixed with several ingredients and spices by the hands of Laura, who decided to help her mother despite the possibility of damaging her nails. Generally, in the next days, several parts of John's body were consumed, with Jessica anouncing in the previous day which parts she would defreeze and how she would cook them.

Andrew J.
  • Status:
Re: The best boy there is
Chapter 7

After some days, the day that Laura was going to leave to visit her boyfriend in the main city had arrive. She explained to her parents that she was going to stay in the main city for some days to see her boyfriend and that they had invite some friends for dinner at his house. That's why her mother proposed that she gets some of the meat in the freezer with her, picking the parts that she liked the most for her friends. Besides there was more than enough meat in the refrigerator for her and Derek. Laura, having accepted the idea that the human meat in their freezer was still just meat, remembered the tender flesh and the taste of John's thigh she had eaten, asking from her mom to prepare his other thigh to take it with her.

In order to help her daughter avoid carrying useless weight, Jessica had the unedible knee separated from the rest of the thigh with an axe. Since she calculated that John's thigh may not be enough for six people, she also added his calf after having the main calf bone, called tibia, removed. She then used paper to wrap the parts, which she put in a plastic bag. Laura put the plastic bag with the meat in her suitcase and her father drove her to the nearest bus station where she took the bus to the main city.

Bob, Laura's boyfriend was waiting for her at the bus station. Laura went to the side of the bus to pick her suitcase that was waiting amongs many others. She then saw Bob from far away looking for her and she started moving that way pulling her suitcase on its wheels. Moving towards him and as she was watching him, she recalled in her mind all the sexually pleasurable moments he had given her so far and all of the positive attributes he obtained, attributes that she had been looking for in a perfect partner. In her mind, his figure was strongly attached to these feelings and she was eager to find out the positive moments she would live by him in the next few days, further strenghtening the foundations of their relationship.

To attract Bob's feelings was a matter very serious for Laura since, in her mind, Bob was a man who could attract the interest of many women, being intelligent and devoted but also having such an untamed spirit and muscular appearance. She would for sure have a hard time to find such a boyfriend again, had she lost him.

"Oh baby, here you are!" said Bob as he saw her approaching. She gave him a shining smile and fell straight into his arms, mouthkissing him passionately for minutes. Bob then took her suitcase and put it in his car's trunk. While they were driving towards Bob's home they started kissing and touching each other as a sign of what's to come when they arrive. They both knew thay had to go shopping and prepare for their guests dinner tonight, but that could wait.

As soon as they arrived at his home, Bob carried her suitcase upstairs. "it's kind of heavy, what are you carrying in here?" he asked. Laura had completely forgotten that John's leg meat was in the suitcase. Being always completely honest to Bob, she wanted to tell him where this meat came from, but she did't want their guests to know that they would consume a human, out of fear they would misscharacterize her. She said "I need to tell you something, my mom sent us some meat for our dinner tonight. This meat doesn't come from an animal but from the leg of a human. I accepted this because we have guests and we already have to pay for several other expenses". "You mean your mother killed a human?" Bob asked. "Yes, unfortunately she had to kill my cousin because she wanted me to inherit his home. So from now on I will own that house in the forest and several other assets. It's a serious reason she had to kill him for" explained Laura. "You had a cousin? Oh yes that nerdy boy who spent his whole time alone, right?" asked Bob. Laura noded positively in a sad manner as if she was feeling pity for John, because she didn't want Bob to think of her as heartless.

Bob appeared reluctant in consuming human meat but Laura tried to convince him by explaining that "meat is just meat, wherever it comes from. The reason of killing him may be right or wrong, but as of his meat, there is actually no difference in eating any kind of animal. Human meat actually tastes identical to pork, I've already tasted it and it's delicious". Indeed, when she unpacked the meat and put it on the kitchen counter, it looked as edible as any kind of pork meat waiting to be cooked. Also, cooking this meat would be very convenient for them, saving the money needed to buy another piece from the butcher shop and the trouble of going there.

Bob finally agreed to eat it and not to tell their guests about its origin, completely trusting Laura's view on the matter. He obviously knew John so little and didn't care about him anyway. Laura was very happy that Bob had changed his mind for her. She then turned towards the counter to prepare John's meat for tonight's dinner. At that moment, Bob approached her from behind caressing her arms with his hands and kissing her cheek first, then her neck. That was the spark needed for the fire to start. Laura turned towards Bob touching his cheek with her hand and kissing him passionately. After a while Laura removed Bob's shirt and started kissing his muscular chest, she then moved downwards and unzipped his pants. Putting her hand slowly in his underwear she released his already erected and enormous dick. She hadn't seen Mr. Big for a long time and was eager to try him again, determined to allow Bob to put him wherever he wanted in her, as a prize for staying loyal while she was away. She very eagerly started to suck Mr. Big, putting him deep within her mouth without using her hands, that's what Bob had teach her to do to achieve an unmatched sensation in oral sex. After a while, Bob, driven nuts by her blowjob lifted her up and got her completely naked in a couple of seconds. He knew by experience how to undress a woman fast. He then turned her body to face the kitchen counter again. Her perfectly shaped body called him to enter it right now. While she was eagerly waiting for Bob to enter her extremely wet vagina from behind, she stretched her arms on the counter for support on the surface very near John's meat.

When she felt Mr. Big inside her, she started moving back and forth slowly to feel her vagina completely stretched by him, enjoying the sensation. Soon, Bob started to assist her back and forth motion, keeping a specific pace he knew Laura loved. When Laura started to moan louder and louder Bob started moving faster, making her scream in pleasure. She subconciously grabbed John's thigh with both her hands and started squeezing it more and more forcefully, enjoying its soft fleshy feeling as Bob was fucking her more intensively. After a few minutes, Bob temporarily removed Mr. Big from her vagina and he then grabbed her from her waist, turned her towards him and then lifted her body on the kitchen counter with her ass and wet vagina sitting exactly on John's thigh meat. "Do you want to fuck on your cousin?" he asked her and she started to laugh watching him straight in his eyes. He then lifted her legs making her lay on the counter with her ass still over John's thigh and calf. Her vagina was dripping towards her anus and then right onto the meat, making it wet as well. Bob, Having Laura's legs above his shoulders and his arms squeezing her boobs, entered her again pounding fast while she was moaning. He knew that Laura really liked her boobs to be squeezed during sex. Her moan emmited into a specific frequency which, through her body, was travelling to John's thigh and calf. So, even after death, a part of John managed to experience Laura's intense moans and screams during sex and also the feeling of her perfect ass and the fluids coming out of her wet vagina, things John could only dream of when alive.

After a few poundings Bob was annoyed by the extra height that John's meat was adding to Laura's body because his dick wasn't perfectly aligned with her vagina. He lifted Laura's body by hugging her with his left arm and by making a sweeping motion with his right arm over the counter, he threw John's thigh and calf on the floor to make a squashy sound. He then continued fucking with Laura on the wet counter where her pussy's juices were combined with the squeezed meat's fluids emiting a weird aroma.  After not so long, Laura started to screamed extremely loudly having a monumental orgasm. They then paused sex for a minute while hugging and kissing while John's meat was always laying on the kitchen floor. Laura then asked Bob to cum inside her. She explained that she was convinced he was the man of her dreams and that she would love to have a child with him, if he agreed. Bob indeed finished inside Laura releasing his huge and warm load after many days without sex. John could have never imagined that he, or at least parts of him, would be so interactively present in Laura's most intimate moments, witnessing Bob's manhood first-hand.

Andrew J.
  • Status:
Re: The best boy there is
Chapter 8

After the passionate sex Laura just had, it was time to move on with the processing of John's thigh and calf. She was anxious about the dinner's preparations because she wanted to be perceived as a succesful hostess by her guests, her two female friends and their boyfriends. She picked up the pieces of meat from the kitchen floor and rinsed them under cold water to make sure they were now perfectly clean from her sexual juices and then pat them dry with paper towels. She then grabbed a sharp knife out of a set of knives on the counter and made shallow cuts on the skin to help render the fat and achieve crispy crackling. She then rubbed all over the meat with a mixture of herbs, spices, and her favorite marinade that her mother had prepare, ensuring it was evenly coated. She finally placed the seasoned parts of John's leg in a slow cooker to be cooked on low heat for eight hours, after she cut them in half with a small saw to make them fit into the cooker.

Just before the guests arrive, the cooked meat of John's leg was tender and fell off the bone without much effort by Laura's hands. She then chopped the meat in small pieces and threw the bones in the rubish bin. She did this because she wanted to eliminate the possibility of her guests recognizing any human shape on their plates. Later in the afternoon, just before the guests arrive, Laura tasted the almost ready to eat meat. Its taste filled her with optimism that the dinner would be a great success.

At some point, the door bell and the guests had arrive. The two pretty girls were Laura's friends from school but had never meet with John in person. They were accompanied by their boyfriends. Laura received many compliments about the tanned colour of her skin she had obtain by sunbathing. She was wearing a tight white dress which was leaving uncovered her left arm and almost all of her right leg, making her an objectively sexy woman, that Bob and even her friends boyfriends were forced to look in a lusty way.
After a while Laura served the appetizer, consisted of pasta and cheese. When the time for the main course arrived, she served John's leg meat with vegetables and mashed potatoes, ingredients she had ask from Bob when he went shopping earlier.

John's meat eventually turned out truly delicious, exceeding all expectations and melting in everyone's mouth. They all had a great time, discussing about several matters and generally socializing. John became indeed the fuel in this socialization, common in human companies between couples. This sort of human socialization was clearly something he could never be a part of when he was alive, since he was always excluded by such groups. Now, in a sense, was his time to participate. Of course, none of the guests suspected that the meat they consumed came from him and they all admired Laura's cooking abilities. Laura was so proud of herself as a cook and a hostess and very thankful for John's sacrifice and her mother's decision to use him as food. John had finally served his purpose in making
Laura and her friends full and happy for at least this afternoon.

Indeed Laura and especially Bob were full, but the overall quantity of the meat was such, that a good part of its remains were still on the platter. After the guests left, Laura and Bob decided to put John's leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow. After some leisure time later that night, they started to have sex again, on Bob's double bed this time. Moans and screams broke the silence of the night. At some point Laura had to burp and a quick reminder of John's delicious meat crossed her mind. John would perhaps never have believed that his fantasy would become a reality, ending up digesting inside Laura and also Bob, the very time they were having wild sex. The rest of his meat was in the fridge, patiently waiting for its owners decision about its fate.

After hours of sex, Laura and Bob were hungry again. Laura visited the fridge and returned with John's leftovers to be consumed by both of them in their bedroom. Indeed, John's meat was finished this time. Bob had proven the unambiguous winner over Laura's heart and obtained a place in her life, things John could never even dare to dream. But on the other hand, John, through his pathetic behaviour, had in fact achieve something he would find important too, becoming a part of Laura herself.

Any impact John may had on Laura's life ended when the last bites of his meat were consumed, leaving only white bones in her rubish bin. His importance to her was obviously insignificant even when he was alive, the same as all the meat animals she had consume, otherwise he wouldn't have end up like them. After eating so much, Laura had remorses and thought that she would have to be on a strict diet for at least a week to maintain her perfect body.

In the morning, Laura visited the toilet and by spreading her ass she expelled poop which was obviously mostly consisted by John. After taking a shallow breath of her excressions, she found out that the odour of her pee and poop smelled a little different today. It is a fact that every food consumed alters somewhat the body odours of the eater and her odours were now mixed with John's. That was what he would probably think of as his life's greatest achievement. She then flushed the toilet, washed her hands and moved on for the beggining of a hopeful new day.

It is known that five percent of the food mammals consume turn into themselves while 95 percent is excreted by them as ordure. This five percent of what Laura consumed from John finally became part of her perfect legs. Her ass, boobs and pussy that he never deserved to see when he was alive. Her blood, muscles, skin, hair and nails. He became Laura's very own sweat when exercising and the smell of her armpits, no matter how much deodorant Laura was using. And of course he became Laura's wetness when she was aroused, to drip from her divine vagina. Specifically four percent of John was turned into Laura's shit and pee. About a year and a half after his slaughter, the last molecules in Laura's body coming from John, were being expelled towards her bladder to be released later through her urine. At that specific moment, Laura was in Bob's new car enjoying the cool wind that was hitting her face and messying her blond hair. They were driving to a party they had organize at the forest house and discussing what the name of their newborn girl would be. John had genuinely given everything he had to promote Laura's life, from his belongings to his very own self. But he was such a distant memory for her by that time, that if asked, she would hardly remember who he was.