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(Revised version of) How Would You Like to Prepare Me to Be Your Meal?
Started by chuck_roastt761343
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Hello, chefs and cannibals! Hello, fellow willing meat! Please enjoy my fantasy! I have rewritten to make it more interesting, to make it more satisfying, to make me more satisfying, to flesh it out for me, to flesh me out for you, to make it tastier for me and you, and to make me tastier for you! Enjoy! :)

I want to be your meat. Please. However, before you cook me and eat me, something that I look forward to, I must ask: How would you like me to prepare myself to become your ideal main ingredient, your ideal meat, your ideal meal? Do you have any requirements for me? Any specifications as to diet and exercise? As to muscle size and composition? How much fat do you want me to have? How lean do you want me to be? Do you want my muscles to be solid, something that you can sink your teeth into, which is what I desperately want you to do? Or do you want my muscles to be flabby and easier to chew after you have cooked me, which I would accept if that is what you want? I eagerly await your pre-cooking instructions for me. I want to be just as you want me to be. After all, you are the chef and the cannibal, you are my hero for helping me with my fantasy. I am only the meat for you to cook and eat, only the humble, willing, and waiting main course for your special meat meal. You are in command and control of me, and I will obey your orders.

You are also in command and control of the process that you require me to follow before I am worthy of becoming your meat. You get to dictate how I must prepare myself for you, for your kitchen, for your oven, for your plate, for your table, for your knife and fork, and for your eagerly waiting mouth, teeth, and stomach aching for their special meal of my meat, for your special meat meal. :) 

After I have prepared myself according to your strict, demanding instructions to become what you want me to be before you cook me and eat me, I must ask: what recipe you will use when you cook me? You can cook me any way you want, of course, but I'd like to know in advance. Will you cook me whole? Will you butcher me and cook me in pieces? If you butcher me, will you save some of my meat to cook and eat later, or will you cook me all at one time? Will you execute me before you cook me or butcher me?  Will you add vegetables, potatoes, rice, other grains, salt, spices, herbs to the pot or the pan that you cook me in? Will I smell good while you are cooking me? Will I smell good when you have finished cooking me? Will your mouth water in anticipation of eating me? Please describe the sights, the sounds, the smells, the feelings that you have when you cook me and eat me? Please describe what you want me to see, hear, smell, and feel when you cook me and eat me.



Or will you cook me first and then add such things to the plate when you serve me after you have cooked me?


Or do you have other plans for me? ;D

After you have cooked me, you can eat me however you want, of course, but I'd like to know in advance. Is there a special manner in which you want to eat me, to eat my meat? I have no say in the matter. I am your humble servant willing and aching to be your meat before you cook me, and I am your willing and aching to be your honorable serving of meat after you have cooked me, and you eat me. I am your obedient servant, slave and victim. I am your willing meat and meal.

I am not fearful even though I know that you are going to cook me and eat me. I belong to you, not to me. I am yours, not mine. I want only to serve you, just as I want only for you to serve me for dinner. I want only to be as tempting, tasty, delicious, and satisfying for you as possible when you eat me, when you eat my meat. ;D

Once you have me under your command and control, and once you have me in your kitchen, I must ask: How would you like to prepare me to be your meat, to be your meal? How would you work your culinary magic on me to transform me from a living, breathing, happy, healthy, fit, muscular, sexy, young man into a piece of meat for you to cook and eat at your special meal? How would you transform me into your perfect meat dinner? Would you cook me whole? If so, would you stick an apple in my mouth? I would enjoy that. Or would you butcher me first and then cook me in pieces?  :-\


I am your meat, and I am your meal. I have no say in the matter. I want only for you to cook me and eat me as you desire. I am your meat, and I am your meal. I want only to satisfy you. And in satisfying you, you will also satisfy me, you will fulfill my desire, for I want only to be your meat, your meal. As you insatiably yearn to cook and eat me, I insatiably yearn to be cooked and eaten by you. ;D


Please tell me how you will cook me and eat me. I need to know. I am unafraid, neither a coward nor a weakling. I can take anything you dish out even if you ultimately intend to dish me out. Do you want to cook me alive? Or do you want to execute me before you cook me? If you want to execute me before you cook me, how do you want to execute me? Please tell me how. I must know. I am not afraid of being executed. Indeed, I would enjoy it, but I would like to prepare myself physically, emotionally, and mentally before you execute me. Please tell me! ;)

When you have decided that my time has come and that you are ready to eat me, you can pinion my arms behind my back and tie my wrists together.


I shall offer no resistance. I shall bravely and willingly mount the stairs.


To the platform of your gallows.


I shall not shrink, hesitate, resist, complain, break down, beg, cry, scream, and shout when I see the noose before me.



I shall approach the rough rope noose that waits impatiently for me, waits to bite into my neck, to break it, and to snap my spinal cord.



I shall stand calmly beneath the noose, stand calmly on the trap doors beside the lever that you will very soon pull to release the trapdoors and hang me.




I shall allow you to secure me with rope so that you can be sure that I do not resist you as you prepare to hang me and to noose me without fear, without struggle, without complaint. 


As I stand there waiting for you to hang me, I shall hope that you hang me well. :)




When you ultimately and inevitably hang me.



It will take about 0.7 seconds for me to drop 6” and for the noose to bite into my delicious neck, break it, and snap my spinal cord. You will have fulfilled your goal of hanging me by the neck until I am dead, thus making me ready for you to cook me and eat me.





I shall hope that I die honorably and well. :)







I shall hope that I cook well for you after you have hanged me. And I shall hope that you find me tempting, tasty, delicious, and satisfying when you ultimately and inevitably eat me. I am your meat. I am your meal. ;D


Oh, how I would love that! Oh, how I yearn for that! I can feel it now! I cum with sweet, eager, quivering, anticipatory delight as I imagine you hanging me, cooking me, and eating me! ;D

Or when my time comes and you are ready to eat me, you can pinion my arms behind my back and tie my wrists together. I shall offer no resistance. I shall bravely and willingly mount the stairs to the scaffold of your guillotine. I shall approach it and the singing blade that waits impatiently for me. :)


I shall allow you to strap me to the bascule of the guillotine and to put my neck in the lunette without fear, without struggle, without complaint. In the few seconds between the time that you strap me in, tilt me forward, and lunette me, and the time that you release the sharp blade that will ultimately and inevitably slice through my waiting, willing, and delicious neck, and chop my head off, I shall hope that you behead me well, and that I die honorably and well when you behead me. ;D



I shall hope that you find me tempting, tasty, delicious, and satisfying when you ultimately and inevitably eat me. I am your meat. I am your meal. ;D



Oh, how I would love that! Oh, how I yearn for that! I can feel it now! I cum with sweet, eager, quivering, anticipatory delight as I imagine you beheading me, cooking me, and eating me! And I shall hope that I am tempting, tasty, delicious, and satisfying when you ultimately and inevitably eat me. ;D

Or I shall willingly kneel before your chopping block, lay my head and neck on it, and wait silently, honorably, and patiently so you can behead me with a proper executioner's axe. :)


Beheading me with a proper executioner's axe will have much the same effect as beheading me by means of a guillotine. The blade will chop my head off leaving my delicious neck and the rest of my body for you to cook and eat. ;D


Or when my time comes, I shall bravely and willingly sit in your fatal electric chair that waits impatiently to sizzle and heat up just for me. :)


I shall allow you to strap me securely into it and attach the electrodes to me without fear, without struggle, without complaint. I shall hope that I die honorably and well as I await my execution in the few seconds that I have to live between the time you strap me into the chair and the time you throw the switch when you ultimately and inevitably electrocute me.

I shall hope that you electrocute me well and that I leave a handsome, muscular body for you to cook. I shall hope that I cook well for you after you have electrocuted me. And I shall hope that you find me tempting, tasty, delicious, and satisfying when you ultimately and inevitably eat me. Oh, how I would love that, too! Oh, how I yearn for that! Again, I can feel it now! Again, I cum with sweet, eager, quivering, anticipatory delight as I scream while the high voltage current courses swiftly and surely through my body as it executes me just for you! ;D



If you decide to electrocute me, you will have a unique alternative option for cooking me. You can, if you choose, lower the voltage so it will not be so great as to execute me quickly, which is usually the goal in electrocution, but rather to cook me slowly as you execute me. What a great idea! I would become the resistor in the circuit, the resistor that heats up as the current courses through me. I shall heat up and cook internally. I shall scream for as long as it takes until I am dead and cooked, until I am done and ready to eat. You can enjoy my screams as I die and cook! Once more, I cum with sweet, eager, quivering delight anticipating being executed and cooked that way! ;D

But the choice, of course, is yours. I am your victim, I am your meat, I am your meal. The decision is yours, not mine. Execute me or not as you choose, but whatever you do, please cook me and eat me. Please. Please, please, please. Just as you can do nothing other than cooking me and eating me to satisfy yourself, I can do nothing other than being cooked and eaten by you.

And as always, please make me as tasty, tempting, delicious, and satisfying as possible! I do not want to disappoint you! I would be deeply saddened if I were to disappoint you as victim, as meat, or as meal. Indeed, I want to fill you and fulfill you as best I can! I am the meat that seeks to please! ;D

And once you have cooked me, what would be your special plans for eating me? I hunger to hear your hungry plans for eating me! ;)

You can, if you wish and I hope you do, invite fellow cannibals and other friends--women, men, or both--to assist you in executing me and cooking me. I would especially like that! Maybe 10 women, 10 ravenous, elite, gourmet killer cannibal executioners & cooks. And maybe 10 cute, handsome, young, muscular male assistant executioners & cooks, who, being slaves to the women executioners & cooks, follow orders precisely because they know that the women might choose to execute them, cook them, and eat them, too. Wanting very much to avoid the noose, the guillotine, the axe, the electric chair, and any other form of execution, and also wanting very much to avoid the oven that would be perfectly willing, wanting, and waiting to cook them just as it is perfectly willing, wanting, and waiting to cook me, they will enthusiastically assist the executioners & cooks in executing me and cooking me

And then after you have cooked me, you can share my hot, tasty, delicious meat with the assistant executioners & cooks at your special dinner, for I know that you have not intended to make dinner for me as your guest but rather to make me for dinner for you and your guests! And I look forward to it! Truly! ;D

Please execute me or not as you wish before you cook me, but please cook me. Please, please, please, please cook me! And after you have cooked me, please eat me. Please, please, please, please eat me! ;D

I eagerly await your instructions, your gallows, your kitchen, your roasting pan, your oven, your plate, your knife and fork, and your ravenous, waiting, wanting, hungry lips, mouth, and stomach. Eagerly. I am your meal ticket. Redeem your ticket and make me your meal. Redeem your ticket and cook me! Please, please, please, please cook me! And after you have cooked me, please eat me. Please, please, please, please eat me! ;D

I hope that you enjoy my fantasy. As always, your comments and questions are welcome! I look forward to meeting you, just as I hope that you look forward to meating me! Please meat me! Here! Today! Now! ;D
« Last Edit: June 28, 2022, 04:15:56 PM by chuck_roastt761343 »

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