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Chuck Roastt at The Cook School--Part 2
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Chuck Roastt at The Cook School--Part 2
Because they had called ahead to inform the staff about their arrival time, the school’s van was at the depot to pick them up and take them to The Cook School. There were a few other students from the school on their train, boys and girls looking good in their white shirts and ties. They all boarded the van, and the driver took them to The Cook School.

When they arrived, they disembarked and headed to their dorm. There was only one co-ed dorm at The Cook School, but it was more than large enough to house the 300 students at The Cook School. Each dorm room could accommodate 2 students, and each room had its own bathroom so there was no mixing of the sexes, at least not intentionally.

Soon after they had moved in, Kara Cook—still wearing the school uniform, a white shirt and tie—met with her roommate, Julie Cook, who was Kara Cook’s cousin, and she was also 16. Julie was also wearing the school uniform, a white shirt and tie, too. Together they walked up and down the halls greeting their friends. All were wearing white shirts and ties. They had much to talk about. They, too, had developed over the summer. They were curvy in all the right places, and they knew it. They also knew that the boys had noticed, too. The boys experienced noticeable spontaneous erections that signaled their approval, and the girls noticed that, too.

They were at the age where they noticed the boys and their erections more and more. They were past the age of puppy love and were now young adults with adult needs, expectations, … and hungers. They especially noticed how most of the boys had changed and developed over the summer, how muscular the boys had become, how attractive those boys were, and how much the girls wanted them. Yes, they really wanted them.

Chuck Roastt—still wearing the school uniform, a white shirt and tie—met with his roommate, Lance, who was also wearing a white shirt and tie. Together they walked up and down the halls greeting their friends, all of them wearing white shirts and ties, too. They had all changed over the summer. They were larger, stronger, more muscular, and much cuter, especially in their white shirts and ties. They all noticed that the girls were looking at them in a different way, and they liked it. They noticed the girls paying more attention to them, and they liked that, too. They were also past the age of puppy love and were now young adults with adult needs, expectations, hungers, … and desire to be hungered for.

The next day was the first day of classes at The Cook School. Of course, they were co-ed, and Kara Cook, Julie Cook, Lance, and Chuck Roastt were in the same classes. In history class that day, they heard a lecture on the French Revolution of 1789. The lecture included a discussion of the Reign of Terror, including the use of the guillotine to execute people. The teacher, who was also wearing a white shirt and tie, showed them pictures. She also showed a video from the 1930s of a man in France being executed by guillotine. The students coughed nervously and wiggled in their seats.

Kara Cook leaned over to Chuck Roastt and in a stage whisper loud enough for everyone to hear, “How would you like to be beheaded by guillotine?”

Julie Cook reiterated the question. “Yes, how would you like to be beheaded by guillotine? That would be quite an experience for you ... and for the executioner you guillotined you!” The girls all tittered, the boys all winced. Chuck Roastt said, “I don’t want to die, that’s for sure. but if I were to die by guillotine, that wouldn’t be too bad. My head would be sliced off, and I wouldn’t feel a thing. However, if I got to choose how I was executed, I'd prefer to be hanged."

Kara Cook continued, “Ooh! Hanged! I think we can do something about that. But think about being guillotined! You would look so handsome wearing a white shirt and tie as you would nobly mount the scaffold! You would be strapped to the bascule! The executioner would lean the bascule forward and put your head in the lunette! And then the executioner would release the blade! You would look so good! In fact, as the saying goes, you would look good enough to eat while you were wearing a white shirt and tie! You could be cooked and eaten while you are still wearing the same white shirt and tie that you were wearing when you were executed!”

Julie Cook hit Chuck Roastt with a killer question, “What if cannibals guillotine you so that they could cook you and eat you?” Chuck Roastt replied, “Oh, that would never happen!” And the girls—all wearing white shirts ties—tittered again, and the boys—all wearing white shirts and ties—all winced again at the thought of being executed, cooked, and eaten.

Then the teacher put a 2-foot-tall working model of a guillotine on the table in front of the class. She said, “I’m very proud of this! I built it myself for demonstrations like this!” She tied an old GI Joe to the bascule. Joe’s khaki olive drab battle dress had been removed, and he was dressed in a white shirt and a tie. He looked just like all the boys in the class. The teacher said, “I made his clothes myself, and I’m very proud of that, too!” She moved the bascule forward, put Joe’s head in the lunette, and released the blade. The head dropped on the table. The girls—all wearing white shirts and ties—tittered again, and the boys—also wearing white shirts and ties, moaned and shuddered uncomfortably even as they all experienced rock hard spontaneous erections.

The next class was English, Chuck Roastt’s favorite class. Today, the teacher—wearing a white shirt and tie—gave a lecture on A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Then he went into detail about the causes of the French Revolution, the Reign of Terror, and the use of the guillotine. Chuck Roastt identified with Dickens, the story, and the sacrifice by Sidney Carton to save Charles Darnay from the guillotine. Chuck Roastt thought to himself that the teacher must have coordinated with the history teacher. Chuck Roastt was a little disappointed that the English teacher didn’t have a model guillotine.

As the class wound down, the teacher gave a reading assignment for the next day. He also told the students to stream and watch the 1938 MGM film adaptation of the novel starring Ronald Colman by the end of the week. Then he dismissed the class. The students wearing their white shirts and ties filed out the classroom.

Kara Cook said to Chuck Roastt, “Maybe someday you will be guillotined, cooked, and eaten!” Chuck Roastt replied, “Well, if I ever get guillotined, cooked, and eaten, then you can guillotine me, cook me, and eat me!” Kara Cook once more clapped her hands with delight and said brightly, “Oh, I’m glad you said that! I am so very glad you said that!”

Chuck Roastt thought uneasily about being guillotined while he was wearing a white shirt and tie, and then cooked and eaten by cannibals while he was wearing the same delicious white shirt and tie that he was wearing when he was executed. Julie Cook and Kara Cook also thought about Chuck Roastt being guillotined, cooked, and eaten, but not from the victim’s point of view. No, Kara Cook and Julie Cook thought from a femdom cannibal perspective, and they licked their lips as if they knew that they were soon—very soon—going to eat something very special and very delicious.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 08:56:43 AM by chuckroastt »
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.

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