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It's Too Quiet! :)
Started by chuckroastt
3 Replies    3043 Views
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It's Too Quiet! :)
 Does anyone have anything new to share? New chef fantasies? New chef role-playing? New victim fantasies? New victim role-playing? I'd love to hear about them!  :)

As for me, I am a prime, young, muscular, well-dressed, meaty victim looking for a chef for role-playing online fantasies!  I am already on the menu, the dinner bell will soon ring, and then you will be able to eat me! :)

Moreover, I have recently added some fictional stories in which I am hanged, cooked, turned into a delicious entree, and eaten by femcans--whom I also call Hangwomen & Cooks--who are assisted in hanging me and cooking me by Assistant Hangmen & Cooks.

I deeply, wetly, and with an imaginary noose around my neck enjoyed writing my fantasy stories. I hope you enjoy them as much as the Hangwomen & Cooks have enjoyed hanging me, cooking me, and eating me after they have turned me into a delicious entree! Perhaps I will leave you with your mouth watering and your lips smacking as you imagine hanging me, cooking me, and eating me! I certainly hope so! ;)
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.

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Re: It's Too Quiet! :)
Still working on couple of stories.
Oink, oink.

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Re: It's Too Quiet! :)
Very good! I can hardly wait to read them and to get excited when I do! Thanks!  :)

I hope that they involve femcans--whom I also refer to as Hangwomen & Cooks helped by Assistant Hangmen & Cooks--hanging or executing by other means, cooking, and eating delicious men! If those men are wearing white shirts and ties when they are hanged or executed by another means, cooked, and eaten, so much the better!  ;)
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.

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Re: It's Too Quiet! :)
I'm not interested in hanging and yes it will involve femcams.
Oink, oink.