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Huanimals in the A.N.W.O.
Started by Longpig72
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Huanimals in the A.N.W.O.
You are wondering what A.N.W.O. stands for, well it's Alpha New World Order and is based on stories, pictures and ideas I have seen and collected over the years on the internet and also has some of my ideas mixed in as well and is part of a larger document I have written.

   There were nations/societies that allowed submissive humans to become pets and/or dairy/food livestock  These were called huanimals and were looked on as animals more than human and were treated as such.
   These were split into categories. These were classed as pets, who were called hudogs and huponies. The other types are milk and food livestock, who were called hucows and hubulls.
   The pets were called hudogs.  In the beginning, they had to be trained as dogs and had to wear collars with their new pet names and were sold at hupet shops. The hudogs could be walked either on two legs or on all fours depending on their owners preference and had to be leashed outside. They could be bred and/or sold on the Hupet Exchange if the owners had a licence to do so. This became big business both legal and illegal. There were even hudog shows both at national and international levels.
   The huponies were also bred, sold, and kept at stables if Alpha owners or stable businesses had licences to do so.  They were mostly used to pull small 1 or 2 person carriages and inside a show hall they could be ridden on their backs. Like the hudogs, there were national and international level competitions.
   The hucows and hubulls would be split into either milking or food herds and lived and bred on farms. The meat herd would be bred exclusively to be sent to meat factories or butchers to be turned into food products like meat pies, sausages, etc, while the skins could be used as leather products.  Meanwhile, the milking hucows provided fresh milk, while the hubulls were “milked” for IVF treatments.  When any of the milking herd gets too old or unable to be milked then they would be sent to the butcher or meat factory and used as meat products and the skin could be used as leather products as well.
   The other kind of food livestock were the female and male longpigs who were fattened up and sent to the butchers when and if they were needed. The milking and food livestock were given numbers like HC072 (hucow) hb072, (hubull), FLP72 (female longpig) or MLP072 (male longpig) to indicate what they were.
Oink, oink.

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