Hello Guest

Started by chuck_roastt761343
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Dear Lana,

Dominatrix, executioner, and chef of and cannibal of men, I am having difficulty with my avatar. I humbly and at your pleasure, beg for your help. I do not want to burden or inconvenience you. I realize that you can execute me, cook me, and eat me any time you like, so I do not want to incite your wrath. Rather, I merely seek your help in fulfilling my fantasies, perhaps the fantasies of other chefs and cannibals, perhaps your fantasies. I would love that.  :)

When I try to upload my avatar to my profile, I receive an error message that reads:

"An Error Has Occurred! The attachments upload directory is not writable. You attachment or avatar cannot be saved."

I see 3 possible reasons for this error message and 3 corresponding possible solutions.

1) I have done something wrong in trying to upload my avatar. If that is the case, then I humbly, and always in and at your service beg for your instructions for or your help in doing so successfully.

2) If that is not feasible, then I humbly, and always in and at your service beg you to let me send to you my avatar so that you can add it to my profile for me.

3) Something else that I do not understand or foresee that induces me to beg for your assistance.

As always, I am yours, and you may do anything with me and to me that you want.

Thank you!  :)


Meaty and delicious
chuckroastt761343 aka
Chuck Roast

« Last Edit: November 20, 2021, 11:17:11 PM by chuck_roastt761343 »

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Re: Avatar
I was finally able to successfully upload my avatar. Thanks!