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Would You Back Out of Being Eaten by FemCans
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Would You Back Out of Being Eaten by FemCans
I would not as long as I could disappear without causing a problem. I have family and friends that would look for me making it hard to do. I am so turned on by the thought of being eaten by females that I would go otherwise. My other request would be to make sure that my death would be relatively painless and that my sexual organs would be eaten and enjoyed by women. Hard to do though in reality because of too many family and friends. So remains a fantasy.

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Re: Would You Back Out of Being Eaten by FemCans
I am interested only in being hanged, cooked, and eaten in my fantasies, so in my fantasies, no, I would not back out.

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Re: Would You Back Out of Being Eaten by FemCans
I am interested only in being hanged, cooked, and eaten in my fantasies, so in my fantasies, no, I would not back out.

I have been re-thinking the question of whether I would back out if I were really going to be cooked and eaten by female or male cannibals. My original response, which I quote above, is wise. Being hanged, cooked, and eaten only in fantasy would, of course, leave me alive after I have enjoyed my fantasy. I can re-live that fantasy over, and over, and over, and over, and so on forever. I'll never actually be hanged, cooked, and eaten; rather, I'll just imagine, just fantasize about being hanged, cooked, and eaten, much as I would play out a scenario in my mind if I were fantasizing about a novel or a film, and I put myself into the role of the protagonist or hero in those novels and films.

I enact that kind of mental make-believe frequently. Many folks do. Changing the narrative from something mundane if exciting to something kinkier, something more adventurous, more fantastic, more intimate, more seductive, more personal, more fun, more explosively orgasmic and satisfying if ultimately fatal is a natural progression. But I would likely keep my goals imaginary, keep them fantasy rather than making them real because, again, I would remain a happy, healthy young man free to enjoy his very personal, very satisfying fantasies again, and again, and again, and again.

However, as I grow older, I might change my mind. Ater all, I have had this fantasy since I was 6, and I am now nearly 30. I have played out this fantasy in my mind at least once each day for a quarter of a century. I have, perhaps, lived the imaginary for so long that it no longer satisfies me enough. I might seek greater and greater kicks even if satisfying that urgent need would mean that I might kick off. I suspect that I would explode with existential delight in my final seconds if I were actually hanged in reality knowing that I was also going to be cooked and eaten by female and male cannibals who want me to have what I ultimately want because they would then also get what they ultimately want--to cook me and eat me. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd.

Maybe, just maybe, at my age or later, if I were to find a group of adventurous, ravenous, insatiable, gourmet, killer cannibal hangwomen & cooks and hangmen & cooks; if they were willing to help me act out my fantasy in role-play first, role-play many, many, many, many times so that I have experienced being hanged, cooked, and eaten over, and over, and over, and over in non-fatal role-play; if I were over-saturated with the orgasmic delight that I derived from such role-play; if I were finally satisfied more than enough with that long-term and non-fatal experience; if I wanted more; if I were driven into an irresistible frenzy that could not be satisfied unless and until I were hanged knowing that I would then be cooked and eaten; if my killer cannibal hangwomen & cooks and hangmen & cooks were also driven into an irresistible frenzy that could not be satisfied until they hanged me, cooked, me, and ate me; if they did an excellent job of seducing me and convincing me that I should let them hang me, cook me, and eat me, and that I should sign a legal contract with them that legally obligated them and allowed them to hang me, cook me, and eat me; if we could find a location somewhere in the world where we could act out our mutual complementary fantasies to our mutual satisfaction without legal consequence to them for hanging me, cooking me, and eating me, that is, for murdering me, which is, of course, a crime, and for cooking and eating me, which may or not be a crime; then and only then I might consider submitting. Might. Not for sure. Might. I can think of no greater turn-on.

There would have to be in our contract a mechanism for me to change my mind even at the last second built into the process that we use to transform me from a fit, handsome, muscular, well-dressed, tempting and tasty-looking young man into their forbidden, unique, hot, juicy, delicious dinner; and if we could guarantee that there would be no negative repercussions or consequences for anyone; then I might. Might.

I am not looking to hook up with anyone to make my fantasies live in 3-dimensions, but I must answer the question honestly and completely. I might not back out of being hanged, cooked, and eaten for real. I might submit. Eagerly. It would be the ultimate existential and orgasmic thrill. Not today, not anytime in the near future, but maybe someday. Maybe.






Ideas? Reactions? Discussion?

Again, I submit this just as a thought, a reflection, not a confirmation that I want to do this for real, not as a solicitation for someone to execute me and my fantasy with me. Being consumed! :) 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. * :)


* To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;

Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1
« Last Edit: August 25, 2022, 01:37:59 AM by chuck_roastt761343 »

Stupid Pig
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Re: Would You Back Out of Being Eaten by FemCans
I sure would. I have a pacemaker and before I got it I know how it feels to have no blood flow for up to 15 seconds. So an efficient cut throat and it's "Here we go again." This time I might be feeding some poor down on their luck Femcans. I think I'll be easy to catch.
My name fits all criteria. "Good morning Stupid Pig." "Read the rules Stupid Pig." "WTF you doing Stupid Pig." Have fun with me I love it.

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Re: Would You Back Out of Being Eaten by FemCans
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this topic? I would be very interested to hear more, to learn what other meat dinners-to-be think, what you feel, what you want, what you are willing to do, what you do to satisfy yourselves. Do you fantasize? Do you read stories? Do you write stories? Do you have partners for role-play?

I would also like to help generate more discussion. Talking about our shared interest in being cooked and eaten is exhilarating, satisfying, and liberating. 

Thanks!  :)

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Re: Would You Back Out of Being Eaten by FemCans
It would be a matter of thinking about it, but I would like to have a good teacher to prepare my body, for example, do physical exercise, to increase my meat and have good cuts of meat, Go through a purification process, so that the flavor of my meat is not affected For poor nutrition and quick death, so that stress and chemical processes do not affect my taste

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Re: Would You Back Out of Being Eaten by FemCans
I have always fantasize, read stories and write them myself, like or download pics, gifs and videos of such things.  As for the question, would I back out, I think it depends on the femcan/femcans.  They may want to do this properly by preparing my body through exercise and such and if they didn't want me to suffer by letting me expire peacefully and then butchered me properly then I would say I wouldn't back out.

I most certainly wouldn't back out of such roleplaying the various scenerios.
Oink, oink.