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A thank you and a request
Started by chuck_roastt761343
3 Replies    14334 Views
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A thank you and a request
Thank you, Mistress Lana, for this fantasy universe. I love it.

And thank you, participants of all kinds: femcans, chefs of all genders, and meat volken of all genders. I love you, too, and I love reading what you have posted.

I also have a request: would all participants please continue to post, to post more, and to post more often so that we all have more fantasies to enjoy and to comment on? I would love that, too. So fantasize away!  :)

Thanks.  :)

« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 07:17:51 PM by chuck_roastt761343 »

  • Read 14334 times
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Re: A thank you and a request
Your post struck a chord with me, think we could all benefit from having a strong FC community and have decided to help.

Will be posting some of my favourite stories and art over the coming days to begin with.

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Re: A thank you and a request
Your post struck a chord with me, think we could all benefit from having a strong FC community and have decided to help.

Will be posting some of my favourite stories and art over the coming days to begin with.

Thank you! If there is any way that I can help, including working on fantasies together, please feel free to ask! I would love to help! :)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 07:20:36 PM by chuck_roastt761343 »

Re: A thank you and a request
Your post struck a chord with me, think we could all benefit from having a strong FC community and have decided to help.

Will be posting some of my favourite stories and art over the coming days to begin with.

Thank you! If there is any way that I can help, including working on fantasies together, please feel free to ask! I would love to help! :)

Actually there is something you can help me with, I'll send a pm.