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Chuck Roastt at The Cook School--Part 8
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Chuck Roastt at The Cook School--Part 8
Part 8

Chuck Roastt asked, “Are you … serious? Or are you just playing right now?”

Kara Cook laughed and responded, “Right now? Oh, I am just playing … right now. Of course, I am just playing … right now.” Then she laughed again.

Chuck Roastt breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Whew! That’s a relief! I was a bit confused and worried. I couldn’t tell for sure. I am glad that you are just playing and pretending!”

Kara Cook said, “I am glad that you are relieved! See? You can still breathe a sigh of relief. You won’t be able to do that once you have been hanged and your neck breaks. You are safe right now from being hanged while you are wearing a white shirt and a tie, and then cooked and eaten while you are still wearing the same delicious white shirt and tie that you were wearing when you were hanged. But I’d like to continue to play The Game, to pretend to hang you while you are wearing a white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirt and a necktie, and then to cook you and eat you while you are still wearing the same delicious white shirt and tie that you were wearing when you were hanged as we have done for a very long time. You always seemed to like that before. Have you changed your mind? Do you want to give up enormous erections and magnificent splendiferous orgasms?

Chuck Roastt quickly replied, “Oh, no! I don’t ever want to give up those wonderful, explosive orgasms! They feel fantastic! Please, continue to pretend to hang me while I am wearing a white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirt and a necktie, and then to cook me and eat me while I am still wearing the same delicious white shirt and tie that I was wearing when I was hanged as we have done for a very long time. I need for you to pretend to hang me, cook me, and eat me! I’ll come like Niagara! And I’ll bet that you will, too!

Kara Cook responded, “Oh, I will! Maybe for slightly different reasons, but when I hang you—and I will hang you—I’ll most definitely have a spectacular orgasm, to be sure. And I can’t wait! But first, of course, I must hang you! Please let me hang you! Indeed, I am desperate to hang you! Now! So let’s begin! You know the drill! We’ve done this before! Stand up!

Chuck Roastt obeyed her order.

“Put your hands behind your back!”

Again, Chuck Roastt obeyed her order and put his hands behind his back. Kara Cook tied his wrists together with a 5-foot section of ¼ inch rope. He was so turned on by The Game, by knowing that he was going to be hanged, then cooked, then eaten that he came a little in his white cotton pinpoint oxford cloth boxer shorts as he felt her tie his wrists together. After a few seconds, she paused before she had finished. Noticing that she had stopped and slightly alarmed, Chuck Roastt asked, “Why are you stopping? Is something wrong? I need for you to tie my wrists together behind my back before you hang me! And I desperately need to be hanged

She sighed softly and said, “I was just thinking. Here we are, both at The Cook School, both at the same time, both in the same class. We see each other every day. More than that! We gaze longingly at each other every day while are both wearing white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down oxford cloth dress shirts and neckties. We have complementary paraphilias, you begging to be hanged, me begging to hang you. It’s perfect, don’t you think? Chuck Roastt responded, “I understand, but I beg you: Please continue to tie my hands behind my back so can proceed with my execution and hang me, and then cook me and eat me!

He came more than usual because she tied his wrists together a little tighter than she usually did. Chuck Roastt let out a little cry that was partly due to the pain that she had inflicted upon him, and partly because that pain was exquisite. He loved it when she caused him pain, and he knew that the pain of being hanged would be even more exquisite.

Kara Cook declared, “This is where we made a mistake the last time that I pretended to hang you. Expert dominatrix cannibal hangwoman and cook that I am, I commanded you to step up and stand on a crate. I put the noose around your neck, and I cinched it tightly around your neck with the hangman’s knot under the left angle of your jaw. Then, as I held onto the other end of the rope, I commanded you to jump off the crate and get hanged. You obeyed my command because you love it when I dominate you. But because I weighed so much less than you did, when you jumped off the crate to be hanged at my command, you were unfortunately not hanged as we both expected you to be, dangling from the noose around your neck, fighting strangulation, and kicking wildly. Rather, your feet just dropped to the floor with the noose still around your neck while I was hoisted in the air still holding onto the other end of the rope. We won’t make that mistake again. I have asked my cousin Julie Cook and our distant cousin Lance Baker to help me hang you while you are wearing a white cotton long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirt and a necktie . They’ll be here momentarily, and then we will quickly get on with your hanging. Together, we should weigh enough to be able to pull on the rope and hoist you into the air and hang you by suspension! Prepare yourself, for you are about to be hanged!
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.

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