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Started by chuckroastt
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As I said, I become dinner only after I have been EXECUTED BEFORE I AM COOKED. I like that scenario the best. In my fantasies, I am usually EXECUTED BY HANGING, though sometimes I am BEHEADED WITH AN AXE, sometimes I AM BEHEADED WITH A SWORD, sometimes I AM GUILLOTINED, sometimes I AM ELECTROCUTED, sometimes I AM MANUALLY STRANGLED, and sometimes I AM STRANGLED WITH A GAROTTE! Very rarely I am executed by lethal gas or lethal injection. BUT NO MATTER HOW I AM EXECUTED, I AM ALWAYS EXECUTED BEFORE I AM COOKED.

I love all these means of EXCUTION. They are so exciting and satisfying. Being EXECUTED brings me just one more blissful step closer to the oven where a hungry chef will cook me, and to becoming a ravenous cannibal’s dinner, which is nirvana for a man who truly and desperately wants to be COOKED AND EATEN but who is terrified of being COOKED ALIVE as the cannibals who are going to COOK ME AND EAT ME sometimes threaten to do because they love to figuratively play with me head. They will be able to literally play with my head after they have EXECUTED ME, COOKED ME, PROTECTED MY HEAD DURING THE COOKING PROCESS SO THAT IT CONTINUES TO LOOK LIFELIKE, AND PRESERVED MY HEAD SO THEY CAN MOUNT IT ON A WALL AS A TROPHY. After they have cooked me, of course they will eat me.

But usually in my fantasies, I am HANGED while I am wearing a white shirt and a necktie reminiscent of a noose before I am COOKED AND EATEN while I am still wearing the same white shirt and necktie that I was wearing when I was HANGED. And I love it. Being HANGED is so personal, so active, so hands-on, so sensual, so sensuous, so erotic, so romantic, so fatal, so final, and so theatrical, especially when I am dressed in my special hanging and cooking clothes consisting of a white cotton, long sleeved, button down, oxford cloth dress hanging shirt and a hanging necktie.

My HANGING would be a kind of miracle play with me playing the lead role of an ordinary young man who has been chosen by destiny, that is, by cannibals, to learn a life-changing lesson and be transported to a new meaty existence. I would stand on the gallows platform—a special stage erected just for me—with a noose around my neck while I am standing in front of an audience of cannibals eagerly waiting for me to perform my part and get HANGED so they can COOK ME AND EAT ME WHILE AM STILL WEARING THE SAME WHITE COTTON, LONG-SLEEVED, BUTTON-DOWN DRESS HANGING SHIRT AND HANGING NECKTIE THAT I WAS WEARING WHEN I WAS HANGED.

The play is short. The drop that I receive when I am HANGED is also short; it takes only about 0.7 seconds for me to drop 5’-6’ during the long-drop HANGING that the cannibals who are going to COOK ME AND EAT ME have given me.

At the bottom of the drop, I would be jerked swiftly into a new, fatal reality by the noose around my neck when I am HANGED. I would dangle from the noose at the end of the rope, and kick wildly as my neck breaks and I do a final noose dance as my nervous system overloads when I am HANGED before I am COOKED AND EATEN.

The audience for the play and my brutal demise—the cruel, hungry cannibals who have HANGED ME specifically so they can COOK ME AND EAT ME—will laugh, and clap, and cheer, and rejoice because they have successfully HANGED ME and they know that they will soon COOK ME AND EAT ME.

Out of their insatiable cannibal hunger, their need to eat man meat, their need to eat my meat, their need to eat ME, they have by HANGING ME roughly pushed me one step closer to the kitchen where they are going to COOK ME; one step closer to the beckoning, warm, glowing, oven in which they are going to COOK ME WITH AN APPLE IN MY MOUTH, which is how a man who has been HANGED specifically so he can be COOKED AND EATEN SHOULD BE COOKED; one step closer to the festive dining room where they are going to EAT ME; one step closer to the table on which they will display me after THEY HAVE COOKED ME; the table where they will carve me; the table where they will EAT ME AFTER THEY HAVE HANGED ME AND COOKED ME WITH AN APPLE IN MY MOUTH.

Their mouths water and they eagerly lick their lips at the thought of HANGING ME, COOKING ME WITH AN APPLE IN MY MOUTH, AND EATING ME. I have so far not disappointed them when they HANGED ME AND COOKED ME; I have given them a most satisfying show. And I most definitely do not want to disappoint them when they EAT ME. Rather, I want to more than satisfy them when they EAT ME. I desperately want them TO HANG ME AND COOK ME, and I want them to find me especially meaty and delicious WHEN THEY ULTIMATELY EAT ME. I am a thoughtful victim and a willing piece of meat.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2024, 08:27:43 PM by chuckroastt »
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.

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