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Started by chuckroastt
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Call me Chuck Roastt. That is the manly, muscular, meaty name of my alter ego, and the name that I use for fantasy stories and online role-play when I become dinner after I have been cleverly captured by very hungry, cruel, and conniving female cannibals who laugh at me, remind me of their dominance and my submission, and who torment me as they prepare me to be EXECUTED, COOKED, and EATEN. Both they and I know that after, they have EXECUTED ME, they are going to COOK ME AND EAT ME with triumphant, voracious, victorious, female cannibal satisfaction.

In my fantasies, I always wear a white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirt and a necktie reminiscent of a noose when the female cannibals EXECUTE ME AND COOK ME. It is well-known culinary wisdom among chefs whether they are cannibals or not that all meat must be well-dressed before it is COOKED. Because I wear a white shirt and tie when I am EXECUTED, then I will be well-dressed to be COOKED, too.

I eagerly fulfill the requirement to be well-dressed because I most definitely need to be EXECUTED, COOKED, and EATEN. I yearn to be EXECUTED, COOKED, and EATEN. It is my destiny to be EXECUTED, COOKED, and EATEN, and I will not be satisfied until I have been expertly EXECUTED, COOKED, and EATEN while wearing a white shirt and tie. Moreover, I want to be delicious when I am EATEN. I do not want to disappoint the female cannibals who have EXECUTED ME specifically so they can COOK ME, turn me into a delicious entrée, and EAT ME with triumphant, victorious femcan satisfaction when they EAT the hot, juicy, delicious meat that was me, smack their lips, lick their lips, and the juice dribbles down their chins.

In my fantasies, the female cannibals who EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME also wear white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirts and often neckties specifically to show that they are business-like, in charge, in command, and dominant over submissive, willing me, who eagerly yearns for them to EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME.

In my fantasies, the female cannibals who capture me because they are going to COOK ME AND EAT ME force me to wear a white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirt and a necktie while I am still meat-on-the-hoof as they carefully prepare me for my final, roasted role before they ultimately go on to EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME because it shows that they own me and that I am submissive to them. I follow their orders, and thus, I dress as they command me to dress. In their ultimate act of dominating of me, they force me to wear a white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirt and a necktie when they EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME.

Sometimes in my fantasies, I am CAPTURED, EXECUTED, COOKED, AND EATEN by male cannibals, and I love those fantasies just as much. Although my earliest and strongest fantasies of becoming meat for someone’s dinner involve female cannibals EXECUTING ME, COOKING ME, AND EATING ME, I have long enjoyed the fantasy of being EXECUTED, COOKED, AND EATEN by male cannibals, too, cute, handsome, young male cannibals who wear white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirts and neckties just as I do when I am EXECUTED, COOKED, AND EATEN. They treat me very roughly, taunt me, and laugh at me as they prepare me to be EXECUTED, COOKED, AND EATEN.

In my fantasies, I know that male cannibals would transform me from a cute, handsome, muscular young man into meat by EXECUTING ME, COOKING ME, AND EATING ME much the same way as female cannibals would. They would both PROPERLY PREPARE ME, PROFESSIONALLY EXECUTE ME, CAREFULLY COOK ME to a delicious doneness, AND EAT ME—HOT, JUICY, TASTY ME—and I am just as aroused when they do. I am equal opportunity meat. I want to be EXECUTED, COOKED, AND EATEN by cannibals, and it doesn’t matter to me what sex they are. I love the hungry, culinary attention that the cannibals pay to me; I love their desire to EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME; and I love the thought of being COOKED slowly and thoroughly in their lovely, warm, glowing, waiting oven. When the cannibals COOK ME in that oven while I am still wearing the same white shirt and tie that I was wearing when I was EXECUTED, I will contentedly COOK AWAY SLOWLY FOR MANY HOURS WHILE I AM STILL WEARING THE SAME WHITE SHIRT AND TIE THAT I WAS WEARING WHEN I WAS EXECUTED so that the cannibals can ultimately EAT THE HOT JUICY, TENDER, TASTY MEAT THAT WAS ME.

Both female cannibals and male cannibals want me for dinner, not as a guest but as the main course. They are very hungry, and I am cute, young, fit, trim, and muscular. I am perfectly well dressed in a white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirt and a necktie tied tightly around my neck. After I have been EXECUTED, I will make a gorgeous and delicious piece of meat that both female and male cannibals will want to COOK AND EAT. Please EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME, female cannibal Hangwomen & Cooks and male cannibal Hangmen & Cooks. Now. Please. I am ready to be your delicious dinner.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2024, 03:45:06 AM by chuckroastt »
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.

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