This story is dedicated to several members of Muki’s Kitchen website, Agatha Delicious, Megh who has been cooked and eat…..I mean worked with Muki’s Kitchen and 2 other members of Pulptoon website. They have given me much pleasure of the years as a fan and given me all these ideas bouncing around for stories. I wanted to return the favour.
Agatha was a young beautiful lady who had a passion for cooking. Even at a young age she loved to cook. Another passion was cooking and eating other people which she first gained from reading Hansel and Gretel.
After leaving university Agatha got work at a restaurant and rose up the ranks until she left to open a very exclusive restaurant called Muki’s for a certain type of clientele. Months before the restaurant was about to open, Agatha needed to produce a video advert that would attract that special clientele she wanted to serve.
So she looked for the right type of model who was interested in cannibalism role play. It took her a short time to find the perfect model. Megh was just perfect. According to her stats, she wasn’t too thin, too fat and not too heavy.
So Agatha invited Megh to meet her for an interview. Megh was slightly puzzled but happy to do the video advert as Agatha strike her as knowing her stuff about cooking and cannibalism and thought it was some kind of joke being played on a friend of Agatha’s. During the interview Megh was asked if she had any body hair, which she replied no and was asked her weight which she replied. There were several questions, some were unusual like about family and if anyone knew where she was which she replied negative. Agatha was happy and nodded her head in approval.
They went into the kitchen and Megh was impressed at how big the kitchen was. There was also 2 other young ladies who were introduced as Rebecca and Veronica who were helping with the filming of the advert. Megh was slightly confused about this but shrugged.
Agatha told Megh to get undressed and stand at the large island near one of the big ovens which had a large roasting pan on it. After undressing, she didn’t notice that her clothing was put in a black plastic bag which would be given to a charity shop.
“Okay, let’s get cooking.” Agatha said smiling. “Okay Megh can you climb into the roasting plan please and we will make a start.”
Veronica switched on the video camera.
Megh climbed onto the roasting pan.
Rebecca said “Action.”
Agatha put on a chef’s hat and started to tie her hands together and then her legs so she was hogtied and then Agatha started to baste all over Megh while humming.
After basting Megh all over, various vegetables and salad were put on the roasting pan and cucumbers were put over Megh’s eyes. This surprised her but she didn’t comment on it as she thought it was probably one of these joke TV shows where someone would pop up and said it was all a joke.
“Open wide my dear, I need to put in an apple.”
Megh opened her mouth and felt an apple being put in her mouth very firmly. In fact a bit too firmly as she couldn’t move her mouth at all. She made a mental shrug thinking that it was still part of a joke. Then seconds later felt something going into her vagina and up her bum. It wasn’t painful but it wasn’t comfortable either.
She did hear Agatha quietly say in her ear, “Don’t worry I need it to be realistic.”
Then some more basting was done before she heard the oven door open and felt heat coming from it. What the…she thought, there’s no way they are actually going to cook me for real? Megh had always had a fantasy of being cooked and eaten by people but that was only a fantasy and since Agatha had a fantasy of cooking and eating people, then it would be fun to do this advert but still, the heat from the oven? She felt the pan moved towards the heat and then heard the door shut and laughter from the kitchen.
Megh was now getting a bit worried as she was left in the oven which wasn’t exactly hot but it was definitely too hot for her and she felt tired. She didn’t know how long she was there but then the oven door was heard being opened and felt the roasting pan move.
“Ah, there’s the lovely piglet. It’s time for more basting.”
What the hell?
The brush was felt going all over her body with the same stuff as was already over her body.
“You smell lovely, couple more bastings and you will be done. Hhhhmmm, can’t wait. Back you go.”
The roasting pan moved back into the oven and the door was shut again. And then she felt the heat getting a bit hotter. I know this is suppose to be realistic but come on I am really being cooked here.
The process was being repeated at least once more and finally Megh got so sleepy that she wasn’t awake when Agatha pulled out the roasting pan and put it back on the island table.
Agatha looked at the camera and smiled. “And here’s the darling cooked piglet, all nice and cooked for dinner.”
Couple of seconds later and Rebecca said “Cut.”
An hour later in the restaurant dining area, Veronica, Agatha and Rebecca patter their full stomachs, smiling and licking their lips.
Months later after the Muki’s restaurant opened, reviews on certain websites said that it was served outstanding food and service and would recommend it to anyone interested in a certain type of food, especially the pig roasts.