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Piggie Plumpkins in the Queendom of the Jaguar-azons episode 6
Started by morselman
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Piggie Plumpkins in the Queendom of the Jaguar-azons episode 6
By morselman

Plumpkins shuffled like a piteous cripple toward the site of his Final Ordeal. The stadium was still nearly empty, with only the very eagerest of spectators straying in early to get the best seats. He barely noticed the accompanying amazons at his side--Plumpkins was a broken shell of a piggie, numb to the world after under going the horrors he had recently experienced.

In the center of the playing field was a stone fire ring about 12 feet in diameter. A tall spiked metal pole with an attaching chain and internally spiked metal neck collar was at the center. Countless sharp metal spikes projected up from the ground within the ring, like a bed of nails encircling the pole. Only a thin path leading to the pole was clear of spikes, through which Plumpkins was forcefully lead. The collar was roughly secured around his neck, it’s internal spikes puncturing deeply into his flesh. The amazons then drove in additional spikes into the ground, filling the previously used pathway so that every inch of the fire ring bristled with piercing points.

There then appeared a line of gaily chattering coal tending girls heading toward the fire ring, each carrying a basket brimming with blazing coals. They cheerfully tossed them into the ring, making a game of trying to land them as close to Plumpkins' feet as possible. Soon the ring was filling to the rim with their cruel cargo. Yet Plumpkins was far too preoccupied to heed his growing peril.

The sound of Queen Carnivora's wicked laughter was still ringing in his ears, her cruel narrative continuously running through his mind in an endless loop of gleeful descriptions detailing each horrific phase of his being digested. Plumpkins vividly recalled his body being relentlessly dissolved into mush before his eyes as the Jaguar Goddess greedily absorbed the very essence of his flesh into her body. Queen Carnivora's magic ensured that Plumpkins’ nervous system remained fully intact allowing him to fully experience every unendurable sensation of the digestion process. 

Worst of all had been his agonizing transformation into excrement as he slowly travelled the entire length of the Goddesses' intestines. It seemed this was Queen Carnivora's favorite part of the entire ordeal, judging from her incessant peals of delighted laughter and endless remarks of ironic humor. And then, after the digestion of his body was finally complete there came the cruelest stoke of all--he awakened right back on the griddle slab, still being pulled in opposite directions by both fiercely competitive tug-of-war teams of amazons!

Plumpkins experience of being consumed by the Jaguar Goddess seemed to have taken countless hours, but in real time his vision of doom had elapsed in scant seconds! He looked up at Queen Carnivora, whose smirk spoke volumes--if he dared to try fainting again, he could expect more of the same. The Jaguar Goddess statue towered above it all, seeming to lick her chops in anticipation of Plumpkins making another journey down her gullet…

Standing on that slab Plumpkins felt as if the amazons were ripping him apart--just like in old time illustrations of public executions where convicts were drawn and quartered by teams of horses. His sinews and tendons were stretching inexorably to the snapping point--the sockets of his shoulders were near to popping apart! Add to this the pain of the hot griddle slab and the searing chain flails wailing on him without pause.

Finally he could stand no more and Plumpkins’ knees buckled beneath him, adding to the strain upon his outstretched arms as he tilted forward. At this crucial point, the youngest beauty saw the chance to snatch her victory--she whirled her flail so as to catch it around his lowered neck and stepping toward her team’s side pulled his head down, putting all her weight into it. Plumpkins’ opposite shoulder gave way with a sickening snap! His body twisted toward the youngest beauty from the resulting slack, allowing her to force him face first onto her side’s coals with a sizzle!     

Her team dropped the rope and once again swept the youngest beauty up and on their shoulders! The losing team’s momentum pulled Plumpkins clear through their side of the coals, out of the pit and onto the ground as they all flopped on their backs.

The first beauty strolled over to the writhing Plumpkins and unwrapped the still hot chain scourge from around his neck, cut the ropes from his wrists and pulled vigorously upon his limp arm to pop his dislocated shoulder back into place as he gave out an agonized howl. “One last Ordeal to go piggie--and then comes the Mating Ritual!” she said with a knowing smirk and shoved him toward the “Healing Spa” for Plumpkins’ next sojourn within it’s scalding cauldrons.   

Now that the fire ring had been completely filled with coals, the girls went to work once more with their bellows. Soon all the spikes projecting up from the ground became just as red hot as the coals surrounding them. Even the spiked metal post started to glow and transmit the excruciating heat to Plumpkins’ spiked collar through the connecting chain. The pain forced him from his reverie and he began to involuntarily shuffle over the hellscape beneath his feet. No matter where he stepped, the searing spikes poked up to penetrate through the heavily crusted soles of Plumpkin’s feet.

The stands were now full, the crowd cheering enthusiastically as the 25 maidens from the winning team strolled cockily onto the field, each sporting a pair of long branding irons leaned jauntily against her shoulders. The amazons gleamed at Plumpkins, savoring his  comically futile efforts to avoid discomfort. Each plunged her weapons deep into the coals, carefully twisting them as they heated, to ensure an even temperature.       
Queen Carnivora stepped onto her platform and paused with a soft chuckle to watch Plumpkins as he meandered desperately within the fire ring, held within it’s bounds by the collar and chain--unable to escape and unable to stand still. She patiently brought the crowd to silence with a raised hand.

“We come now to the Final Ordeal.” she said solemnly. “We now shall determine the 13 maidens best suited for the Mating Ritual and motherhood of our next generation of Jaguarazons.” The entire stadium roared with approval. “We all know the rules, but I shall explain them for the benefit of our honored guest.” An ironic titter swept among the crowd.

The Queen looked down at Plumpkins with a cruel grin. “This contest shall be every maiden for herself! Each is equipped with branding irons identified with her personal totem symbol.” A squad of amazon guards brought a litter onto the platform and set it beside the Queen. Upon it two Jaguar figures were raised up on their haunches and held an enormous hourglass suspended between them. Queen Carnivora gently caressed it, pausing with her hand atop it.

“When I flip this clock over,” she continued “Every maiden shall commence branding our guest piggie as many times as possible until the sands run out. The 13 maidens with the highest counts of their individual branding marks upon his flesh shall be declared eligible for the Mating Ritual!”

Plumpkins watched in horror as the Queen overturned the hourglass. All 25 maidens instantly lifted their glowing branding irons from the coals and thrust them towards his naked flesh…
Fated to be Femcan fodder...

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