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;The Meat Sandwich (cannibal version)
Started by Longpig72
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;The Meat Sandwich (cannibal version)

   Heidi Von Stern was a tall, confident, and beautiful  woman in her early fifties who had a muscular body who was waiting for her new client to come to her.  She was terribly angry with this client who attacked and physical hurt in a drunken rage one of her friends, who Heidi taught to be a Dominatrix and then this client bragged about it online.  Apparently, his wife found out and left him and he blamed the Dominatrix.  After she found out about this, she decided to get payback on this piece of shit and then leaked it online.
   And so, after doing a bit of research on the client and found out that he had a fantasy not only in BD&SM but also in fantasy cannibalism where a woman would pretend to eat his cock but giving it a blowjob within a sandwich, pizza, or hotdog bun.  It wasn’t exactly her cup of tea as such, but it did intrigue her and after doing her research, she found the idea interesting and that gave her an idea for getting revenge of the client.
   She told the client that she would take him on and meet her at her address and they can talk about what he wanted to be done to him.  As she sipped her tea, a knock on the living room door and she said “Come.”  A sissy maid walked in, and the client followed.
   “Ah Mr Smith, isn’t it?”  The client nodded, “Please sit down, can I offer a coffee or tea?”
   “Erm, a coffee please with milk and 2 sugars.”
   “Of course,” she smiled almost wickedly, “Mary, please go to the kitchen and make some coffee for this fine gentleman.”
   Mary, the sissy maid curtsy in front of her mistress and left and made the coffee before returning and placed in front of Mr Smith, curtsy again and left the room.
   Heidi smiled at Mary and thought of rewarding her for curtsying and hopefully put the sleeping tablets in the coffee.
   The client had sat down after Mary left the room to make the coffee and after she left, he sipped the coffee.  “Very nice.”
   “Thank you, Mary there does an excellent job of making coffee and tea for me and my friends and I’m thinking of making her my permanent house maid. But enough of that, let’s talk about you Mr Smith.”
   After about half an hour, the client started to shake his head and yawned.  He felt that something was not right as he felt very sleepy, and he didn’t know shy.  Couple of minutes later he toppled to one side of the sofa that he was sitting on, and Heide just smiled and then it became a big grin.  The first part of her plan worked. 
   She picked up a small remote like device and pressed a button.  A minute later, a knock on the door and Mary walked in.  Her mistress said, “Mary my dear, bring in those strapping lads downstairs, we will need to move this,” she waved at the body on the sofa opposite her, “to the butchering room.”
   “Yes Mistress.”  And with that Mary curtsy and left to inform those “strapping lads” that the second part of the plan needed to start.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

   The client woke up groggily and wondered what happened and where he was.  It took couple of minutes to realise that he was hanging by his arms naked in a darkish room of some kind, ball gag in his mouth and his legs being held behind him and wide open.  He was able to move his head, mostly up and down and saw chair and a table directly beneath his cock and testicles.  On the table was a plate with two slices of bread on it and a knife next to it.  Another plate which held what looked like tomato and lettuce and a bottle of some kind.  He also noticed that there was some light that bathed him, chair, and the table but otherwise the only thing he could see was blackness in front of him.
   Then he heard clicking noises and then he saw a face slowly appearing in the light as Heidi Von Stern walked in on her high heels with a cruel smile on her face and as she walked fully into the light, the smile turned into a cruel wide grin, and she showed her perfect pointed white teeth.  Her lips had what looked like bright blood red lipstick.
   “Hhhhmmpppphhhh.”  The client said but of course he couldn’t be understood.
   “Aaaahhhh the piggie has woken has it.”
   The client stopped trying to talk and looked at her with confusion.  She called him a piggie and it.  What the hell is going on?
   “Let me tell what has and will happen shall I.”  She walked to the chair and sat down it, looking up to what she had decided wasn’t a man but a longpig who will be butchered for her future meals, but first this longpig needed to be punished painfully…..very painfully.  “You hurt one of my friends and put her into the hospital and then bragged about it online.”  The grin faded from her face which now looked extremely evil.  “I have decided to get my revenge on you and your fantasy will be turned into reality.”
   The client looked on with shock.  At first he didn’t know what she was talking about until this crazy woman said bragging online and then he remembered about that young stupid bitch who ruined his marriage.  But then he looked at her pointed teeth and remembered what she said about fantasy turning into reality and just shook his head in disbelief.
   Heidi saw the look of recognition on his face and the shaking his head. “My friend never did anything to ruin your marriage but now I will ruin your life by eating you.”  And with that she just licked her lips.
   The client was angry now and “hhhhmmppped.” His anger towards this crazy woman and didn’t realise what she was going to do to him.  Then he stopped and saw that she was putting what looked like mayo on the two slices of bread, then some lettuce on one of the slices before putting two slices of tomato on top.
   “You know piggie, I am hungry and since it’s lunchtime, I fancy having a sausage and egg sandwich…..a very special kind of sausage and egg sandwich.”
   The client just looked down and saw what Heidi was doing and felt a small stab of fear.  He thought that she would use the knife she had to castrate him and eat the sandwich right in front of him.  But instead, she put the knife down, picked up a remote-control type of device and pressed the green button and the client found himself moving downwards until his small cock and testicles were lying on the bottom half of the sandwich. 
   Heidi was looking disgusting at the small cock and testicle that the client had and sighed and licked her lips.  This was going to be fun….at least for her.
   Heidi picked up the mayo bottle and squirted some mayo off the top half of his cock and testicles until they were covered fully.  Then Heidi started to place two slices of tomato delicately on top of the “meat” of the sandwich and then a leaf of lettuce was placed carefully on top.  Then spread more mayo on the other slice of bread and put that slice of bread on top and pressed down hard.
   The client just “hhhmmmppeeed.” But couldn’t move his body and legs but Heidi didn’t care but looked up at his face and saw the shock and horror of what he thought was going to happen.  She licked her lips one more time and then opened her mouth and bit into her sausage and egg sandwich.
   The client screamed at first but realise that Heidi didn’t bite into his cock yet and was just munching on the rest of the ingredients.  Heidi took her time and while she munched, was looking up at his face after each bite and was going “hhhhhmmmmm.”  She wanted him to see and hear all of this. 
   Very soon, only the middle bit of the sandwich was left and then it waws time for the real fun to begin.  Instead of the small bites that she had done, she just put the rest of the sandwich in her mouth with all of the sausage and all of the egg right up to nearly all of the ball sack and started to chew.
   The client screamed into his ball gag as he felt the teeth biting and scraping along his cock and testicles and the pain was intense.  Whenever he looked down, he saw the delight in her eyes as she chewed on the sandwich in her mouth and felt her swallowing the remains of the bread, tomato and lettuce down her throat and saw them going down her throat.  She still chewed and scraped her teeth into and around his cock and balls and even sucked and licked his cock to get all of the mayo off., but the pain was absolutely intense, and he nearly passed out.
   But Heidi didn’t stop there, her pointed teeth clamped down on his tiny cock and testicles and then pierced them.  The pain was not only unbearable, but he was sure that she would rip them off him.  She instead chewed into them and when the pain started to disappear, he looked down and saw some blood running down her cheeks.
   It might feel like ages with all the pain, but it was only half an hour before Heidi finished and as she moved her chair back and stood up and took a couple of steps back, he could still some pain but saw that she was still chewing with what looked like a small piece of meat hanging out of her mouth with blood running down her cheeks.  He saw her open her mouth and using couple of fingers push the meat in her mouth and saw her chewing the meat until she swallowed it and picked up a napkin and wiped the blood from her cheeks and lips.
He looked down and saw blood pouring out of where his penis and testicles were supposed to be.  He could still pain but couldn’t believe what just happed.
   “Hhhmmm that was delicious.”  She giggled.  She never knew that was fun, as she thought that she would hate it.  Now it was time to have this longpig to be butchered and she will have some of him for her dinner.
   The client was still hanging there, he was still screaming with pain.  She stood back and clapped her hands.  He looked up as the lights were turned on and he saw in horror that he was in a white room with hanging hooks like the ones that he was hanging on and couple of people who looked like butchers standing near a table with various butcher tools on it.
   Heidi turned to the butchers and ordered, “Okay you can start but please leave some meat and give it to the chef, I will have some long pork for dinner.”
   “Yes Ma’am.” Said one of the butchers, while the others went to the longpig and started to prepare it for butchering.  The chief butcher asked his Mistress, “Which part of it did you want for dinner?”
   Heidi looked and thought for a second and answere4d, “I think I will have some thigh.”
   “Very well Ma’am.”
   And with that Heide merely turned and walked out of the butchering room smiling in satisfaction and the double doors closed behind her.

Oink, oink.

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