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Started by chuckroastt
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However, usually when I fantasize about men being involved in EXECUTING ME AND COOKING ME BEFORE I AM EATEN, they are the slaves of and devoted assistants to the femcans. As slaves, they are the property of the female cannibals just as I am, and they can become the victims of the femcans, too. They wear white cotton, long-sleeved, button-down, oxford cloth dress shirts and neckties just like I wear. Our white shirts and ties are a kind of a “brand” that shows that we are the property of the femcans and that they can EXECUTE US, COOK US, AND EAT US at any time that they wish.

To protect themselves from such a fate, to avoid execution, the oven, and the menu, the male slaves follow the orders of the female cannibals swiftly, without hesitation, without question, and without deviation including the order TO EXECUTE ME AND COOK ME. It is their job to obey the orders of the female cannibals, and as long as they do it well, they will live. That is how they look at the relationship between them and me, that I must be EXECUTED AND COOKED for them to continue to live. Accordingly, they will make sure that I get EXECUTED AND COOKED on schedule at the demand of the female cannibals who are going to EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME.

No matter what I say or do, I am going to be EXECUTED AND COOKED. Even if I complain and express fear about being EXECUTED AND COOKED, they will show no mercy. No matter how much I cry, scream, plead, and beg for mercy, they will follow the orders of the femcans, and go ahead and EXECUTE ME AND COOK ME. I am just meat to them. They know it, and I know it. I am meat, just meat.

But I don’t mind being meat. In fact, I love it. I have always been destined to be someone’s dinner, and I know it. They are just helping me to get EXECUTED AND COOKED so I can fulfill my inevitable and inescapable fate of being EATEN as someone’s delicious dinner.

Sometimes I become dinner willingly because I know that I cannot escape my fate of being EXECUTED, COOKED, AND EATEN, so I accept it, and I just want to get it over with. No need to prolong my anxiety. After I have been EXECUTED, I will have no more anxiety. I will be meat ready for CANNIBALS TO COOK AND EAT.

Sometimes I become dinner after I have been chased by the cannibals and their assistants, and then EXECUTED AND COOKED by them.

Sometimes I become dinner after I have struggled when I fight for my life against the cannibals and their assistants, and then EXECUTED AND COOKED by them.

Sometimes I become dinner after I have been deceived by the cannibals and their assistants, and then EXECUTED AND COOKED by them.

Sometimes I become dinner after some combination of being chased, having struggled, and having been deceived by the cannibals and their assistants, and then EXECUTED AND COOKED by them.

But ultimately, I always become dinner. That is my destiny because I have no choice, and it is my goal because it is what I want. The cannibals want to EXECUTE ME AND COOK ME BEFORE THEY EAT ME, AND I WANT THEM TO EXECUTE ME AND COOK ME BEFORE THEY EAT ME.

No matter how I become dinner, I am always EXECUTED BEFORE I AM COOKED AND EATEN.

As you see, I am not the only one who has the goal of wanting me to become dinner. It is also the goal of the ferocious, unforgiving, manipulative, demanding, hungry, voracious cannibals who want to EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME.

Of course, we mutually benefit when they EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME. They satisfy my irresistible paraphilia, my fundamental perverse need to become meat, to be dominated, tied up, EXECUTED, COOKED, AND EATEN on the one hand; and on the other, I satisfy their literal hunger by filling their stomachs in a primal, hot, juicy, tender, meaty way when they COOK ME AND EAT ME AFTER THEY HAVE EXECUTED ME because it is my goal in life is to be EXECUTED, COOKED, AND EATEN by ferocious, hungry, dominating female or male cannibals and it is their goal to EXECUTE ME, COOK ME, AND EAT ME. YUM!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2024, 01:36:14 AM by chuckroastt »
I am dressed for dinner, not to be your guest but to be your dinner. I wear a white shirt & tie. Rope binds my ankles together, my hands behind my back. I am ready for the gallows, the noose, the drop, the oven. I am already on the menu & the dinner bell will soon ring. Hang me, cook me, & eat me.

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