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Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 11
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Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent. Episode 11
Piggie Plumpkins encounters the Femcan Convent.

Episode 11

“Whaaaaahooooohoooo--ooooh--ooohooofff--aaugh--oofff--ooh--ooh--ooh…” Plumpkins mewled under the crushing weight of the Shriving Brick at one-half compression.

“Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished…” the gathered sisters’ insistent chants rang within his ears.

“Must the Shriving Brick’s compression be increased yet again?” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique asked impatiently.

Plumpkins could endure no more and at last surrendered. “I confess--I confess! Please-please stop it now--please-hease-hease-stooooppppp!”

The chanting ceased immediately and a satisfied smile crossed Grand Inquisitrix Dominique’s heavenly lips. “Excellent!” she exclaimed and turned toward the Inquisitrix Counsel. “Declare the sinner's sentence of punishment.”

Prioress Painette arose and approached an ornate lectern upon which the convent’s treasured copy of The Revelations of Saintress Severina rested in the most highly honored veneration. She reverentially opened the pages of the reposing tome and selected the appropriate passage. Clearing her throat she said “Per the teachings of Sister Severina, the most blessed…”

All the sisters in attendance clasped their hands together and voiced enthusiast agreement “Sister Severina, the most blessed…”

After a brief pause, the Prioress intoned:

“There is only one punishment sufficient for a righteous repentance--the sinner must endure an hour prolongation of the exact same torture that produced his confession.”

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique nodded confirmation “Ave Severina and her infinite wisdom, the Saintress speaks the most holiest of truth. An hour of the Shriving Brick at one-half compression it shall be!”
“Whaaaaat???Nooooooooohhh!!! NOOOOOOOOOHOOOHOOO!!!!!!” erupted Plumpkins with  frenzied squeals of panicked alarm!

Prioress Painette serenely purred “The Penectotine is making such sweet music with Mr. Plumpkins--let us further inspire his salvation by singing accompaniment from Saintress Severina’s Book of Confessional Carols and Hymns of Harassment.”

There was a vigorous rustling of leather habits as the captivating congregation members each rummaged to find their personal copy.

She pronounced her selection as “O Penectotine” and there was a pleased murmur of approval from the group. They all chimed together with lovely angelic voices:

O Penectotine, O Penectotine
How merciless are thy implements         
O Penectotine, O Penectotine
How merciless are thy implements         

Your cutting blade, so wicked sharp
Cleaves sinning flesh without least of heart
O Penectotine, O Penectotine
How merciless are thy implements         

As you deal salvation’s slice
With no pity or mercy slight
Let sinful skin feel cold steel’s bite   
How merciless are thy implements         

(And so forth…)   

Then after an hour and several songs later, Prioress Painette selected the final carol:

Deck the walls with roasted piggie heads
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
Sinful flesh toasted ‘til cooked bright red
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum

Impale yon sinner with rough-hewn roast spit   
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
Turn him slow o’er blazing cook pit
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
Sinful piggies so savorily sizzle
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
As their juices drip and drizzle
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum

Devour we now our repentant repast
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
His flavor savored right to the very last
Yummy yummy yum yum yum yummy yum
Grand Inquisitrix Dominique finally raised her elegantly leather gloved hand to call a halt to the dire discipline. The Confessional Coven reluctantly raised the Shriving Brick from off Plumpkins’ badly brutalized balls.     
A torrent of tears gushed from Plumpkins as pitiful shuddering whimpers of relief rolled from his lips. He could hardly believe that the unendurable suffering had at last come to an end…       

But then Grand Inquisitrix Dominique turned her attention once again toward the youngest bully girl and said grimly “Read the second charge.”

A cold chill of terror pierced Plumpkins as the bully girl glanced at him, gave a cruel snigger, then brandished her inventory of indictments and gleefully proclaimed “Plumpo used to secretly sneak peeks at all of us girls when we were undressed!”

Gasping indignation erupted from the astonished crowd, followed by a boiling brouhaha of outraged revulsion. Such leering voyeurism was a loathsome offence toward the targeted young ladies! And it would far exceed the harm done by his previous childish pantie raiding…

This too, was a blatant baldfaced lie on the part of the bully girls. Poor Plumpkins was the victim of a shameless smear campaign, calculated and conceived to dish him out a double helping of deep trouble!                     

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique gave Plumpkins a glare that could blister concrete--this sort of misdeed was far beyond mere mischief and demanded heavy handed consequences. “IS THIS TRUE???!!!” she seethed through cletched teeth.           

But before Plumpkins was able to stumble out a single word of desperate denial, she cut him off with a brisk order to the Confessional Coven “SUBJECT HIM TO THE WRINGER OF TRUTH!!!”

The High Torturess beamed a broad pleased smile. Her young apprentice gave a wicked prolonged  cackle and then enthusiastically scampered over to the Penectotine’s accessory storage rack. She eagerly began unclamping a cumbersome looking contraption of torment from it, almost before her mistress could even arrive to help with hefting it.

It appeared like old style laundry wringer with rollers fashioned from solid gold and encrusted completely by diamonds. The Torturesses lugged it over to the Penectotine’s mounting fixture and secured it in place of the Shriving Brick. With a careful series of adjustments it was precisely located so that the glans of Plumpkins’ penis rested perilously between the rollers with the sharp diamond points just beginning to poke in like the tips of nibbling teeth…

“Set the adjustment stop to one-quarter compression.” the Grand Inquisitrix once again instructed.

The High Torturess skillfully set the roller gap to just begin squeezing down on Plumpkins’ tender tip as the piercing gemstones began to bite.

Her young apprentice perkily grasped the crank handle and keenly awaited the command to turn it. She gave Plumpkins a cheeky smile as she peered closely into his terror stricken eyes.         
“Commence” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique uttered without the slightest lenity.

With a giggle of glee, the young apprentice began grinding away on the handle--with a rocking motion that sent Plumpkins’ cockhead continuously back and forth within the weeny wringer’s diamond studded rollers, producing the sensation of having powerful jaws vigorously gnawing upon it with needle sharp teeth!

The most utterly heartrendingly bloodcurdling scream ever produced by humankind spontaneously erupted out of Plumpkins--only stopping briefly for his occasional frantic gasping intakes of breath. He didn't cease the outburst until the hysterically cackling young apprentice had finally stopped her cranking, when the Grand Inquisitrix at last called the proceedings to a halt.

A thundering standing ovation broke out from all the attending ladies--this was top notch entertainment and they were enjoying it to the absolute hilt!

“Do you confess?” The Grand Inquisitrix demanded.

“Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished--Confess and be punished…” the gathered sisters’ insistent chants once again rang out.

“Nooooo--of course nooooo!” Plumpkins whined pathetically. 
Sister Ravenousetta stepped up close to the youngest bully girl and spoke just loud enough to be within earshot of Plumpkins. “Your friend isn’t very smart is he?” She shook her head “A real slow learner…”

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique scowled at Plumpkins and commanded “Adjust the Wringer of Truth to one-half compression…”

“See what I mean?” Sister Ravenousetta quietly continued. “You’d think this sinner would wise up that the quicker his confession the lesser the punishment…”

The High Torturess began to reset the roller gap to squeeze down even harder as her young apprentice enthusiastically rubbed her hands together in ecstatic anticipation.

“Whoa-hoa-hoa!” Plumpkins suddenly woke up to Sister Ravenousetta’s point and desperately declared “Wait--WAIT,WAIT,WAIT! I CONFESS-- I CONFESS!!!”

“Very well...” Grand Inquisitrix Dominique’s said, and turning once more to the Inquisitrix Counsel she instructed “Declare the sinner's sentence of punishment.”

“Per the teachings of Sister Severina, the most blessed…” Prioress Painette once again intoned
“There is only one punishment sufficient for a righteous repentance--the sinner must endure an hour prolongation of the exact same torture that produced his confession.”

Grand Inquisitrix Dominique nodded agreeably “Ave Severina and her infinite wisdom, the Saintress speaks the most holiest of truth. An hour of the Wringer of Truth at one-half compression it shall be!”
“WHAT???!!!” Plumpkins cried out and sputtered “But…but…I confessed before that torture level was even started!”

“You had your chance to confess at the lower level and declined…” Prioress Painette explained. “That ship has sailed.”

The Confessional Coven continued adjustments to the rollers as Plumpkins frantically begged and wailed for mercy. The apprentice torturess happily cooed and murmured sarcastic words of sympathy to him as she diligently helped make preparations for inflicting this even more ultimate of agonies upon him.   
Smiling indulgently at this charming scene, Prioress Painette directed her flock to Saintress Severina’s Book of Confessional Carols and Hymns of Harassment and said “As accompaniment for Mr. Plumpkins’ further punishment I select ‘The Salvation Song’…”

The sisters all merrily agreed and joined their lovely voices together:

A Sinner's nut’s roasting above a crackling fire
His buttocks harshly beaten with a rubber hose
Arms and legs pulled apart upon a stretching rack
Then skewered on spits and turned o’er glowing coals

Everybody knows the merciless Penectotine device
Helps to fill sinful hearts with fright
An imprisoned sinner with terrified eyes
Will find sleeping hard tonight

He knows that torments await him the next day   
The Confessional Coven is on the way
The air will fill with his wails and cries
As he begs for them to just let him die…

To be continued…
Fated to be Femcan fodder...

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