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Piggie Plumpkins in the Queendom of the Jaguar-azons episode 2
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Piggie Plumpkins in the Queendom of the Jaguar-azons
Episode 2

Plumpkins had never known such agony--his feet were like charbroiled steaks with a crispy crust where the soles used to be. And every inch of him had welts upon welts piled up like cord wood from the storm of bull whip strokes delivered with such unbelievably savage cruelty

The first beauty chuckled as she watched the exhausted Plumpkins writhing about as he tried to get comfortable on the hard stone floor of his cell. "Congratulations, piggie--you are now welcomed as an honored guest of Queen Carnivora..."

Plumpkins gave her a sulking glare. "You lied to me--you said I was to be brought here for mating. You never said anything about being tortured!"

"The Queen found you highly amusing!" the beauty continued. "I have never seen her laugh so hard as when watching you hop and stumble across the coals--tears of mirth were positively pouring down her cheeks! And she found the sight of your tender pink flesh being whipped into a bright crimson rash particularly delightful. She is eagerly looking forward to your undergoing the ‘Ordeals’..."

"Ordeals?" Plumpkins said with horror. "You never told me anything about 'Ordeals' when you invited me!"

The beauty's face became stern. "I said the Queen found you amusing!" She leaned down and glared at Plumpkins through the bars. "Do you disdain our Queen?"

"But--but the ad said..." Plumpkins stammered.

"Don't you realize what an honor it is for a piggie to be able to amuse our Queen?" She became absolutely furious. "If a piggie fails at 'Running the Gauntlet’ or disappoints  Queen Carnivora by being dull--the punishment is being fed alive to the Sacred Jaguars! No mating, no feasting--just a sentence of merciless death in the jaws of ravenous jaguars" Her eyes became hard as obsidian. "Shall I inform the Queen that you scorn her hospitality?"

"No...no...I accept with gratitude..." Plumpkins said weakly, not really sure if the coming "Ordeals" would be any better than execution by jaguar.

The beauty then became all smiles. "That's much better!" She straightened up and opened his cell. "The Queen commands your presence--she is giving you an audience..." She leveled a spear at Plumpkins and prodded him into standing up, delighting at his every wince of pain.

He was greeted outside his cell by the original band of beauties from the airport hotel, all armed with spears. They formed a phalanx around Plumpkins to accompany him as he shambled and stumbled his way forward.

The youngest beauty gave his rump a sharp pinch. "I just knew you were going to be a fun piggie the moment I saw you!" she said with a giggle. "Watching you dancing on the coals was an absolute scream--I nearly died!" Her companions all joined in the laughter.

As the group approached the palace Plumpkins observed several training grounds where young amazons were practicing such martial arts as archery, javelin throwing and hand to hand combat. Others were engaged in another kind of training--with bull whips, floggers, crops and all manner of torture implements. 

The first beauty called a halt and directed Plumpkins' attention to the proceedings. "This is our Cruelty Academy, where our daughters are taught the fine art of torturing piggies. " Each training station had a dummy piggie as target for their blows. Adult amazons were critiquing and coaching each trainee on on bettering her technique.

The beauty continued "Most cultures discourage the innate cruelty that children are born with, but we encourage and cultivate it within our daughters. Tribes such as the Comanche and Apache did something similar--they allowed their offspring to observe and actively participate in the torturing of captives."

Plumpkins shuddered as he thought of it--an entire city of amazons schooled from childhood to be cruel toward piggies!

They arrived at the palace steps and Plumpkins was prodded up them at spear point each painful step at a time. At the entrance of the audience chamber he was strapped into a harness and hung from an overhead trolley line. He was winched up from the floor and dangled helplessly upside down. The beauties him rolled to a pair of Jaguar skin curtains. They parted to reveal a pit filled with enormous female jaguars!

They snarled and swatted up at him as he was hung over them as a tantalizingly plump and tasty morsel. Queen Carnivora sat upon her throne just across the pit beaming at him. "Do you like my pets? Displease me even for an instant and you shall be personally introduced to them!" Her finger gently caressed the lever that would drop him to the eagerly waiting predators.

She was even more regal looking than before. Her throne was in the form of a giant roaring jaguar head of solid gold. Her seat was centered within it, where the tongue would be. A full retinue of amazon guards flanked each side. 

 "The Jaguar Goddess is pleased by you piggie--I know this because I am also the High Priestess of piggie Sacrifice, in addition to being Queen." She turned her attention to the accompanying group of beauties, kneeling before her on the far side of the jaguar pit. "You have done well--this is certainly a most excellent piggie! Plump and pathetic…" She leaned her head back and gave out a long evil cackle.

They all bowed deeply at the compliment.

The Queen continued "His shock and dismay at learning he was not in for the fun time he was expecting was absolutely priceless!" She returned her smoldering gaze to Plumpkins. "Having a foolish piggie blunder into our clutches of his own free will is a vital part of Jaguar Goddess magic--as is our feeding upon the piggie’s flesh during the sacrificial feast in honor of our Goddess after the mating ritual!”

All the amazons in the audience chamber chuckled with delight at Plumpkins’ quailing in alarm at this news.

 “It is her powers that have protected and hidden our city over the centuries.” She said matter-of-factly. “We are grateful that you have graciously submitted your flesh as mate and meal to further the existence of Jaguarazonkind."

Plumpkins was about to politely decline, but then remembered the ravenous jaguars directly below him. "Don't mention it..." he meekly whispered.

Queen Carnivora erupted into raucous laughter at this and was joined in gails of guffaws by the others. "Such an amusing piggie!" she said shaking her head in wonder. When the merriment finally died down she looked at Plumpkins with a smirk and pronounced "Prepare this piggie for commencement of the First Ordeal..."

End of Episode 2...
Fated to be Femcan fodder...

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