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Messages - Oldestdawg

Pages: [1]
Excellent story but I have to ask if you are going to keep the saga of Piggie Plumpkins going with more episodes or make everyone always wonder whatever happened to Piggie Plumpkins and the Jaguar-azons and the rest of his ordeals.. either way I myself hope you keep the story going and let us know what happens with the rest of his ordeals and the Jaguar-azons mating ritual. Thank you for sharing.

Fiction / Re: Cannibal Pep Squad!
« on: July 24, 2018, 09:18:19 PM »
Great story and I hope that you will continue the story at some later date.

General Discussion / Re: i found i want be a pig
« on: July 24, 2018, 02:51:25 PM »
I'm glad you want to be a pig and hope you have a great deal of enjoyment out of being one... but if I have to choose an animal to be I would want to be a Wolf, they are intelligent, strong and are a blessed creature of the Native American religious beliefs. The wolf is a Spirit Guide and are always true to its pack and family. So I can say that I would rather be a Wolf and walk proud and strong. Besides I know that people eat Pigs i.e. Ham, Pork Chops etc but I have not heard of a Wolf Chop sandwich. So have fun being a Pig... myself I would love to be a Wolf. Be Safe and Peace Out ✌️

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