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Messages - Cheflongpig

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: How would you like to be cooked?
« on: March 26, 2022, 06:14:04 PM »
I’d like to be whacked over the head with a meat tenderizer. Then as my body twitches, hoisted up by my feet on meat hooks. Then stripped naked. All my chest hair and body hair removed so I can be processed like a proper long pig. Then bled out. My chest meat buttered up with oil butter and Italian seasoning. Then either ground into burger meat or steaks for the grill. My arms and legs turned into kebabs for a gas station to customers. As an athletic, young professional, my meat displays all my masculinity. Full of salty man meat to serve. Once I’m limbless, put my torso that’s been gutted on a meat hook for the smoke house.

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